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Tenants die when landlords don't listen
Tenant groups are horrified and scared after the devastating fire at Grenfell Tower in west London last night. The fire has killed and injured many, and is devastating the lives of hundreds.
In sorrow we send our sympathy and offers of practical support. And in anger we demand an end to the murderous disregard and contempt for tenants, by the landlord in Kensington: see Grenfell Action Group warning.
Across the country other landlords are ignoring safety warnings from tenants and others - Fire safety report on 4,000 blocks ignored. Government cuts funding for major repairs and maintenance, promotes demolition and describes our homes, estates and communities as 'brownfield sites'. This is the context of the disastrous failure to act on tenants' warnings.
Across the country landlords ignore tenants' warnings, in order to cut costs or avoid works.
We need a full, immediate safety enquiry into Grenfell and every other block. We need full funding for any improvements including sprinkler systems, recommended by fire services. And we need to listen to tenants views on redevelopment and warnings about the risks to homes and lives.
14 June 2017
Write to MPs and Lords - 3 May
Contact MPs and Lords to oppose the Housing Bill and attend the Kill the Housing Bill meeting in parliament on 3rd May. Find MPs and Lords email addresses here or use this link .
MPs who oppose the Bill can be invited to join the lobby, and will be able to use letters from constituents as proof of widespread opposition. You can add personal information about how the Bill will affect you and others, which MPs can use in the debate.
Download the model letter/email below.

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Support Housing Bill motion
Add your support to Kill the Housing Bill. This is an issue for union members across Britain, trapped in private renting or under threat of attacks on council and housing association housing in the Bill.
Put this model motion here to your union and join resistance to the Housing Bill. Download more...
Council writes to all tenants
Campaigners against the Housing Bill are calling on local councils to speak out and organise public meetings.
A letter sent to all tenants by Islington Council, led to a meeting attended by 600 people.

All councils and housing associations can and should write to all residents. See Islington letter here.

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Organise to beat the Housing Bill
1. Contact tenant reps, unions and community organisations, with poster , petition and leaflets

2. Write to local papers, use facebook, hold local meetings

3. Do street stalls and knock doors with petition and leaflets

4.Get in touch for speakers and help:

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Housing Bill Briefing and leaflets
Order copies of Kill the Housing Bill leaflet and Briefing now. Leaflets 100=£2.50; 500 = £6; Briefing 50=£2.50; 100 = £5; or get price for more from

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Affiliate and Donate
Unlike local authorities we can't dip into the Housing Revenue Account and use tenants rents to campaign. DCH relies on affiliation fees, donations and sale of publications to get the arguments across. Raise support in your tenants association, union branch, Trades Council and political party. Download more...
Organise on safety - meet 9 September
Tenant reps and campaigners are invited to this organising meeting to step up pressure for Government action on housing.
Bringing together council and housing association tenants, private renters, trade unions and campaigners.
For action on fire safety and security, rent controls, secure homes for all, and repeal the Housing and Planning Act.

September 9th 2017 11am at: Blemundsbury Tenants Hall, Dombey St London WC1N 3PF

15 Aug 2017
DCH on terms of Grenfell Inquiry
The Grenfell Inquiry is consulting on what issues it should look at. They say: 'The Inquiry will need to examine all relevant circumstances leading up to and surrounding the fire at Grenfell Tower, its spread to the whole of the building, and its effect on residents'.
Defend Council Housing has sent a submission, saying 'We strongly submit that national and local government policies relating to the funding, management, maintenance and supervision of council housing in England, is a central issue which must be addressed by the Inquiry, if it is to make a meaningful contribution to avoiding further disasters.'

We are that 'to change the context in which the Grenfell Fire happened, the government should:
" Fully fund all fire safety reviews and implementation of recommendations
" Cancel the inflated and fictitious debt loaded onto council tenants via the HRA
" Fund the backlog of major repairs to achieve decent safe home standards in all council homes.'

The former leader of Kensington and Chelsea council has said Grenfell tenants were offered a choice, of a sprinkler system or modernised kitchens and bathrooms. This is an example of the unacceptable choices presented to council tenants and leaseholders, and described as consultation, over three decades. Read the full submission from DCH to the Grenfell Inquiry here.

02 Aug 2017
Tower safety - residents organise to get action
About 150 residents from three tower blocks on Ranwell West estate in Tower Hamlets met to discuss safety after the dreadful deaths in the Grenfell fire. The meeting voted to demand smoke alarms, new fire doors and sprinklers, as well as insisting on access to the fire safety assessment in progress following Grenfell.

But the discussion also raised other issues including the potential chimney effects through the old rubbish chutes and warm air heating systems as well as problems with rubbish collection and waste disposal points round the blocks being used for fly tipping. Slow response times when problems are reported are part of everyones experience on the estate.

The Housing director for the Clarion group, the housing association which now runs the estate, promised to look into all the issues raised but seemed to have no answers other than what the residents could do themselves to keep communal areas clear of rubbish. She did pledge to implement any of the recommendations from the enquiry into the Grenfell fire.
Pellings, the contractors responsible for overseeing the current refurbishment works, were not able to say anything about the fire safety status of the new cladding being put on the roofs of the blocks.

Everyone is aware of the consequences of the bonfire of regulations, the effects of privatisation and the taking away of any accountability to residents, and how that led to Grenfell. Housing has become about making profits not providing safe homes for working class people.

The meeting was also supported by local mayor, John Biggs and the two local councillors, who said they would support the residents.

But the residents at the meeting are determined to get organised and take back control. Over 30 people left details for a contact group and residents agreed to meet again to hold Clarion, the new landlord to account.

Sheila McGregor 30th June

03 Jul 2017
After Grenfell - London meeting
Anger is mounting at the injustice to the dead and the survivors of Grenfell, and the fire risk for MORE >>
30 Jun 2017
Landlords must listen on fire safety
Following the terrible Grenfell fire, tenants everywhere are fearful.
Everyone living in high-r MORE >>
19 Jun 2017
Protest demands justice for Grenfell
Grenfell neighbourhood residents have called a protest 6pm Friday 16 June at Department for Commun MORE >>
15 Jun 2017
Protests follow terrible fire
Tenants will protest tomorrow, 15 June from 8am outside a Developers' fo MORE >>
14 Jun 2017
Save Central Hill estate
Save the Central Hill Estate (Lambeth SE19)protesting outside a Lambeth Council meeting 6.30pm Wed MORE >>
19 Apr 2017
Council Housing Reforms Must Guarantee Funding
The long-delayed detailed proposals put some new money on the table BUT MORE >>
28 Mar 2010
Conference launches Manifesto for Council Housing
250 delegates from 59 areas at the biggest and broadest DCH conference so far MORE >>
19 Mar 2010
Tenants Vote NO To Partial Transfer
Tenants on the Ferguslie estate in Renfrewshire, Scotland, have voted NO to privatisation. MORE >>
17 Nov 2009
Campaigners vow to continue work of DCH
The first national meeting since the sad death of Alan Walter agreed to step up the work of DCH MORE >>
09 May 2009
Brown orders thousands of new council houses
DCH welcomes Brown's commitment to council housing MORE >>
30 Jan 2009
Southwark march 25 March
London Mayor's Consultation
Labour Conference meeting

Housing Act Summit 22 October

Action and events - Axe Housing Act
Axe Housing Act postcard
Right to Buy2: Stop sell-offs
Council Housing: Time To Invest
Explore DCH Site...
Stop Privatisation
Transfer, ALMOs, PFI, NO Votes

Invest In Council Housing
Housing Finance, Responses to Self-Financing Consultation
Ready Reckoner, Your Rents and Allowances

Build New
Housing crisis - the case for building new council housing

Defend Security Of Tenure
Defending principles of lifetime tenancies and affordable rents, Housing Emergency, Responses to consultation on tenancy reform

Fair Debate
Fair and Balanced Debate
DCH Publications
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Stock Options
Questions to ask on options appraisals, Find out which councils are doing what
What You Can Do
The campaign needs your help - what you can do

Wales, Scotland

Tenants Movement
History of the Tenants Movement

About Us
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Lobby of Parliament 2006
Hills and Cave reports 2007
Housing and Regeneration Bill 2007/08
Labour Conference 2008
Alan Walter Memorial
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