Meet Triple J's Tom Tilley: you're sure to be hearing more from him in future

Young people face an uncertain future, but are told to follow their dreams. Triple J's Tom Tilley managed to make it work, he explains over lunch with the AFR.

Hack's listeners are highly engaged, but not always as informed as they think they are.
Hack's listeners are highly engaged, but not always as informed as they think they are. Louie Douvis

I'm surprised I haven't met Tom Tilley before. 

We both work in the cliquey world of media, he as the host of Triple J's daily current affairs show Hack, we both live in Sydney's Redfern and a quick check on Facebook before our lunch on a bright but blustery Spring day reveals we have 18 mutual friends. I'd even been for dinner at the apartment he owns, when some friends of mine rented it off him. 

As it turns out, after just a few minutes' conversation, in the airy dining room of Redfern Continental, we have much more in common. We both grew up in the country, finishing Year 12 at our local high schools (he Mudgee, me Moruya), before being drawn to the big smoke on the promise that a high-profile alma mater (he Macquarie, me Sydney Uni) would boost our resume. And both of us, despite harbouring ambitions to be journalists, were swayed initially by familial fretting to pursue a more financially stable career (he banking, me medical science). 

"I was always going to be a journalist," Tilley says as we pore over menus. "At high school I did work experience for a newspaper and two radio stations. And then my Dad kind of put the fear of financial insecurity in me."

"Every so often some baby boomer journalist will throw a cat amongst the pigeons," Triple J's Hack host Tom Tilley says.
"Every so often some baby boomer journalist will throw a cat amongst the pigeons," Triple J's Hack host Tom Tilley says. Louie Douvis

It's fitting that our conversation so quickly falls to questions of career satisfaction, and salary versus lifestyle, because we are meeting on the Thursday after a column published the prior weekend had set off a social media storm by claiming young people were not prepared to make financial sacrifices. Instead of saving up to enter the housing market, millennials were, shock horror, splashing cash on expensive weekend brunches of smashed avocado.

"Every so often some baby boomer journalist will throw a cat amongst the pigeons," Tilley says of Hack's initial instinct to ignore #avogate on the basis that for their youthful audience the show is continually discussing questions such as "How can you get ahead?" "We did a whole TV and radio special about 'the war on young people'."

Tilley says the debate symbolises more than just house prices and how hard it is to save for a deposit. For young people, their inability to get into the housing market in areas of major cities that make sense to their lives is one of many grievances with the economy and broader society. 

"When you join the dots on some of those issues from a young person's perspective, it does feel like they're being cornered," he says of his peak demographic who listen in for half an hour every week day to Hack's lively mix of the interviews and news that matter to teenagers and twentysomethings. "Having a stable job is harder to find. Getting a job when you get out of uni is harder. The cost of living seems ridiculous. Even social policies like lock outs in Brisbane and Sydney make them feel like things are stacked against them."

The lure of taking Tom Tilley to lunch is the direct line to youth – 500,000 capital city listeners and many more from the country tune in to his show every day. Hack's success stems not just from using youthful reporters to discuss issues that matter for young people, but also because the half-hour show makes its dedicated listeners part of the story. Tilley will often have a caller talk about their own experience of a change in government policy or an interesting social trend before launching into a news story, or live interview. 

Scratching the creative itch

To illustrate, Tilley goes into his upbeat hosting voice, one of many times throughout lunch; it's full of emphasis and enunciation. "John has said what Barnaby Joyce said yesterday was bullshit – and then you get right into the story," he explains. "I love bringing people in all the time. I've tried to up the engagement big time and make it central to what we do."

But I'm also keen to know more about Tilley himself. If names like Robbie Buck, Steve Cannane, Wil Anderson and Sophie McNeill are anything to go by, graduates of the Triple J nursery who are now foreign correspondents and radio and television personalities, his household name status could be cemented beyond the 18-29 year bracket in the not too distant future.

Redfern Continental is well known to both of us but Tilley is clearly the better customer. Upon arriving the waitress remarks "oh Tom comes in all the time". Tilley feigns embarrassment at his local celebrity status, but later, when he's more relaxed, admits that it's proved an ideal location more than once to bring women he's pursuing. As such I'm sure he'd know his way around the wine list but ABC's strict workplace rules forbid him from drinking (an edict provided to us both on email from the broadcaster's publicity department … along with the stipulation that Tilley will have to pay for his own lunch, in contravention of the traditional AFR Lunch style).

Despite needing to be on air at 5:30pm, Tilley has chosen a late 1:30pm start time. He arrives in a crisp dark blue shirt, buttoned all the way up and sunglasses peeking out of the top pocket, black jeans and black Reebok trainers. He's shaken off the stubble and shaggy hair of early publicity shots in favour of a clean shave and a well managed coiff.

We introduce each other to our "go-to" entrees. He chooses some warm, slightly crunchy arancini balls and I opt for the chicken liver pate, with pickled vegetables and sourdough. 

Tilley describes growing up in the country as a "ripcord" that pulls him out of his bubble, allowing him to consider the broader experiences of his audience, especially the large proportion who live regionally.

His family lived on a little acreage out of town, his dad running a fencing business and his mum looking after four rowdy boys who loved rugby, motocross and outdoor adventure. At uni, despite it being his less preferred career choice, he aced a Bachelor of Commerce and at the end of his degree weighed up graduate offers from Macquarie Group and Deutsche Bank.

He chose Deutsche, but after two years realised it wouldn't scratch the creative itch. Tilley says he initially thought if he had two lives he may have left one at the bank to earn the money, but then laughs. "And then I thought I wouldn't even leave my second life doing that. I reckon I'd need nine lives before one of them stayed in that situation."

'The coolest medium'

He took a year off starting with three months of travel through Africa with his brother. In the following nine months while living in Amsterdam "doing not much" apart from some part-time modelling he taught himself to edit the video footage they'd taken. The storytelling seed began to germinate.

Back home in 2005 he spent some time as a builder's labourer and on the dole (great for his surfing technique) before cracking some casual work in the ABC newsroom later that year and being plucked to join the Hack team in 2007. Within four years, he would get his first go at hosting. 

For Tilley, the early days of Hack involved answering 50-100 calls a day from listeners. "I reckon that's why I've been able to do reasonably well in the job, just having those years picking up the phones to those people and getting a really visceral sense of who they are."

Hack competes with the biggest talking heads when it comes to getting politicians on air. He regales me with "some epic stoushes" with Malcolm Turnbull as Communications Minister on broadband. "In trying to destroy Labor's fibre to the home broadband policy, he told me 'look Tom I'm sorry to break it to you but Santa Claus isn't real'. I was like 'What do you say to that?' It kind of stunned me."

Our pasta mains arrive. Tilley has ordered a seafood linguine and my prawn orecchiette is warm, comfort food with just a nice chilli kick.

The rise of podcasts has reinvigorated the art of audio storytelling, but Tilley loves the immediacy of a daily show. "I love radio, it's not just a stepping stone for TV for me. I think it's the coolest medium."

Tilley says his listeners are highly engaged, but admits they're not always as informed as they think they are. "Often they are shooting from the hip with very little information and they're just reflecting the echo chamber of their Facebook friends, which can lead to really angry, sometimes stupid debate."

He wants to differentiate Hack from the "polemic online environment" of feelpinions and hot takes. "We try and play it straight down the middle, give them really sensible analysis and information about what's going on and then let them debate it."

'So intimate and personal'

His ideal show is one where Hack can spend time really unpacking an issue and allow for lots of listener interaction either through social media, text message ("it's revolutionised radio"), or calling in. Episodes relating to mental health always spark huge levels of engagement, he says. 

"People can call in and tell you they feel like shit and they want to kill themselves and somehow feel okay about doing that with a stranger because of the anonymity. It's just so intimate and personal."

The cut and thrust, not to mention the drama, of the political interview sits nicely with Tilley. It's clear he's an adrenalin junkie. His recent foray into live television, hosting the hour-long panel show Hack Live, quarterly specials on ABC2 canvassing issues such as the rise of patriotism, drugs and body image, must hit the same adrenergic receptors, as would his recent skiing addiction and place on stage playing bass with flamboyant indie pop band Client Liaison. "That pressure is intense," he admits.

But Tilley is clearly a social animal too. Although he squirrelled away a deposit to buy his two bedroom ground floor apartment in Redfern in 2012, he prefers to live in a big share house. That will probably stay the case until his relationship status changes. From? "Single." And loving it? "Yeah."

Despite feeling brave enough to probe questions of dating I still stumble over the question to which I really want to know the answer. How old is too old to host Hack? I cringe listening back to the tape at the less than a second I give him to answer before buckling with a follow-up of what he'd like to do next. (I know, I'm pathetic, but Tilley is 35 and it's like asking Peter Pan when he's going to grow up.)

The answer is he'd like to pursue documentaries, and he's interested in the formats hosted by the likes of John Safran, Louis Theroux and Todd Sampson.

I reckon Tilley is likely to succeed after Hack, and I can imagine that his already high profile gives him a running start to make the kind of stories told through self discovery that those documentary makers are famous for. His career trajectory still points up, despite the false start.

Tilley rightly points out that for many young people, quite apart from feeling cornered by financial pressure and uncertain employment prospects, thanks to less full time work, the disruptive effects of technology and globalisation, the added degree of difficulty comes from being the generation that has also been pushed to follow their dreams, do something they love.

"It's like 'well how can I take risks or creative decisions with my own career when I know that I'm going to have to sign up to a ridiculous mortgage and slave away to it'."

It's not an easy balance to strike, but Tilley seems to have made it work. "But if I thought about the true financial opportunity cost of that decision … If I'd earned an average of $300,000 since 2003, that's 13 years …" He fades away, before laughing. "I'd be having lots of smashed avocado."


Redfern Continental, 180 Redfern Street, Redfern, Sydney

1 mushroom arancini $8

1 chicken pate $18

1 prawn orecchiette $23

1 seafood linguine $26

Sparkling water free

Total: $75 (split $40:$40 each)