Drilling Down: Market unfazed by tough talk on power prices

Investors are betting that political moves to rein in power prices won't make much difference.
Investors are betting that political moves to rein in power prices won't make much difference. Jacklyn Wagner

If governments and regulators are serious about tackling the margins of the major power and gas retailers, investors don't seem to believe it.

It's hard otherwise to explain the nonchalance of the sharemarket to the threats supposed to be hanging over Origin Energy and arch rival AGL Energy, the two biggest in the game.

In a market often keen to pounce on an excuse to sell off a stock during earnings season, the risk of government intervention on energy prices could have expected to come into play.

Instead, it has barely registered.

It's not as if there haven't been opportunities.

But the sticker shock of Origin's $2.2 billion impairment-afflicted full-year loss and the absence of a dividend was overlooked as the market zeroed in on a forecast 14-21 per cent gain in earnings from power and gas retailing this coming year, and progress on cutting debt.

Meanwhile, AGL last week foreshadowed core profit would jump as much as 29 per cent in 2017-18, taking the market aback with both the figure and the early timing ahead of the normal guidance at the AGM in September.

Both AGL boss Andy Vesey and Origin's Frank Calabria were careful to predicate their outlook on the absence of any drastic policy change . Yet neither sounded particularly worried, despite the likelihood the bullish outlooks would only intensify the heat around soaring power bills.

Murky practices

That's even after last week's grilling of retailers by Prime Minister Turnbull over murky practices on customer discounting, which supposedly would result in millions of households shifting on to lower tariffs; and then the recommendation to the Victorian government for a de facto re-regulation of electricity prices.

Still to come are the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission findings, with chairman Rod Sims on the warpath over market concentration and vertical integration and an interim report due by September 27.

Mr Calabria pointed out that there's a long way to go before any definite move by Victoria. The government is due to respond by November 15 after a period of consultation, which is expected to attract a strong response from industry about the risks to innovation from any partial re-regulation.

But it looks a tough task to defend the Thwaites inquiry's findings of retailer charges in Victoria that are higher not just than in any other Australian state but also any European nation. That follows the Grattan Institute's uncovering of "excessive" profits by retailers in Victoria, where the Australian Energy Market Commission has also found inexplicably high margins among the "Big 3".

Potential impact

Should the Victorian recommendations be acted upon, the potential impact is not insignificant, with RBC Capital Markets putting the hit to AGL earnings at $75 million, with the impacts on Origin and EnergyAustralia something similar. 

UBS analyst Nil Burns calculates that the proposals, which centre around the introduction of a "Basic Service Offer" that can be no costlier than a regulated price set by the Essential Services Commission, could cut AGL's earnings per share by 3.9 per cent and Origin's by 2.9 per cent in 2018-19.

Meanwhile, whether the agreement struck between the Turnbull government and seven retailers has got teeth is yet to be seen. The government has in its sights better deals for some 4.1 million customers sitting on expired discounts or standing tariffs, and smaller retailers are lining up to swoop on those that wake up to the fact they have been asleep at the wheel. 

At least in theory, the impact should be significant on the three majors. But again the market is signalling that the reality won't reflect the tough talk from Canberra.


Twitter: @angelamacd
