Sonnen freezes plans for Australian battery plant amid standards row

Sonnen's chief sales officer Philipp Schroeder (right), with CEO Christoph Ostermann, isn't happy about the draft standards.
Sonnen's chief sales officer Philipp Schroeder (right), with CEO Christoph Ostermann, isn't happy about the draft standards. Christopher Pearce

Europe's biggest home battery supplier Sonnen has put plans to set up a manufacturing plant in NSW or South Australia on the backburner amid worries that proposed strict installation standards in Australia will stagnate local sales.

Sonnen, from Germany, had been in talks with the NSW Department of Industry and with the South Australian government to identify potential locations for a battery assembly plant that would have employed about 150 workers directly and created an estimated 400 or so indirect jobs.

But chief sales officer Philipp Schroeder said Sonnen had been forced to "pull back for the time being" until it understands the final requirements on installation to be demanded by Standards Australia, which is concerned about fire risk.

The national standards organisation has been caught in the middle of a wrangle between state energy safety regulators, building construction regulators and the renewable energy sector over provisions for the installation of home batteries, where sales have been surging as householders seek to maximise gains from their rooftop solar system.

The draft installation standard for batteries, which would require lithium-ion systems to be housed in concrete bunkers separate from the home, has caused consternation among some battery suppliers worried the extra cost will make the systems uneconomic.

Mr Schroeder described the proposal as "a knee-jerk, ill-informed over-reaction attacking one small segment of the battery industry". The company argues that the board has slumped together eight different battery technologies - most of which are safe - and based its installation requirements on more volatile battery chemistries used to power hoverboards and e-bikes.

"If Standards Australia is determined to enforce a rule forcing households to encase lithium-based storage batteries in concrete bunkers, then where do they stop?," he said.

"Surely they would be obliged to do the same for all laptops and mobile phones which also have lithium batteries."

The public comment period on the controversial proposed standard, which closed on August 15, is understood to have attracted an extraordinary 3000 or so submissions.

Given Standards Australia requires a consensus to proceed with finalising a standard, it is now set to persuade government policymakers and regulators to enter into a discussion with the renewables and construction sectors to land on an agreement on handling of the electrical safety risks involved with batteries.

"There are clearly issues for battery producers, the construction sector and governments to work through regarding acceptable levels of community risk," a Standards Australia representative said.

"No standard will be published until there is agreement from government and industry on how best to manage these issues."

Sonnen's head in Australia, Chris Parratt, said he expected a final standard to be delayed for at least a year, meaning an investment in a local battery plant couldn't proceed.

"We have to put this on hold because we don't know what's going to happen with the market in Australia," Mr Parratt said.

Meanwhile, local battery developer Redflow has chosen Thailand for the location of an Asian production plant plant as it shifts manufacturing from North America to be closer to its key markets.

Redflow's batteries, which use zinc-bromine "flow" technology, are not affected by the row over lithium-ion battery installation standards, and an Australian plant was not being considered at this time.