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World's most liveable city (again): how we ranked Melbourne

Cities aren't simple things. When The Age decided to rank Melbourne's suburbs, it quickly became apparent how complex and subjective it was to compare even one street from another.

So imagine doing it with cities, that insanely complicated tool for magnifying humanity's strengths (according to best-selling author and Harvard economics professor Edward Glaeser) that can also quickly descend into a dystopia when things go wrong.

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Melbourne's growth comes at a cost

Melbourne is growing faster than any capital city in Australia, but at what cost?

The Economist does it each year and, each time it does so, people wonder how such a complex task could be done, and if the results have any real meaning.

How do they rank cities?

To rank the world's top cities, The Economist assigns each a rating of relative comfort across five broad categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. Each factor in a city is rated as acceptable, tolerable, uncomfortable, undesirable or intolerable. For qualitative indicators, a rating is awarded based on the judgment of in-house analysts and contributors in each city.

So how does Melbourne really perform across The Economist's five categories?


We asked our reporters to give their own verdicts on Melbourne's strengths and weaknesses, using the categories  chosen by The Economist


The Age's rating: 17/20

Cladding of the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre, and Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne. June 23rd 2017. Photo: Daniel Pockett Daniel Pockett

 Photo: Daniel Pockett

Melbourne is the place to be if you are sick. Former federal health adviser Terry Barnes said Melbourne had some of the best public and private hospitals in the world, such as the Royal Children's Hospital and the Royal Melbourne Hospital. "We are also blessed with top-quality GPs and specialists," he said.

Medicare statistics show that where a patient is billed, Victorians consistently pay slightly less for out of hospital services than people from other states. More broadly, Australia has the second-best health care system of 11 high-income countries, despite spending the least as a percentage of GDP. The reason? Australia's "single-payer insurance program" – Medicare.

Stephen Duckett of the Grattan Institute think tank said Melbourne "has been a pre-eminent centre for medical research for about 50 years, and I think that rubs off on people's perceptions". Madeleine Heffernan, city reporter


The Age's rating: 8/10

NSW's highly competitive selective school entry test is under review.

 Photo: Tamara Voninski

It's perhaps the most Melbourne questions – where did you go to school?

Our obsession with education has pushed up property prices in sought-after school zones, and parents agonise over which state, independent or Catholic school they send their children to. But many inner-city and growth corridor schools are struggling to accommodate a student boom, and are rolling out portables and staggered start times.

Victorian students perform consistently well in NAPLAN tests, with year 3 students topping the country in all areas of the test except for spelling. Victorian students also topped the country in year 5 and 7 writing and numeracy. In the OECD's latest Programme for International Student Assessment, an international test of student achievement, Victoria bucked the national trend by not going backward. The performance of other states declined. Henrietta Cook, education editor 


The Age's rating: 21/25

The library's young researcher fellowships support gifted children from rural areas.

 Photo: Jason South

Melbourne loves to call itself the "cultural capital" of Australia, and a recent Boston Consulting Group report appears to back that up.

The city is internationally famous for its street art, is the country's only UNESCO designated city of literature, boasts Australia's largest ticketed cultural event (the comedy festival), has the largest number of songwriters and is home to the National Gallery of Victoria, the nation's most popular and among the world's 20 most visited.

On more than one occasion Melbourne has been ranked the world's sporting capital, playing host to the Grand Prix, the Australian Open and the race that stops the nation, the Melbourne Cup.

But while our coffee culture is the envy of other Australian cities, we are the butt of their jokes when it comes to the city's erratic weather. Melbourne also has a notoriously high pollen count and has been named the worst city in the world for hay fever, thunderstorm asthma and food allergiesHannah Francis, arts editor 


The Age's rating: 20/25

A high speed chase in Melbourne's CBD has ended when a white Commodore allegedly smashed into parked cars in Southbank.

 Photo: Paul Harris

Melbourne seems as if it were so overrun with crime in the past year that you could be forgiven for thinking it was Lagos or Port Moresby – cities at the opposite end of the liveability rankings.

It is, of course, a sign of how safe Melbourne is that an increase in carjackings and home invasions is viewed as tantamount to the city becoming dangerous.

In The Economist's analysis, crime fits into the "stability" category, one of five used to calculate liveability.

But there are five other indicators within the stability category: petty crime, violent crime, the threat of terror, the threat of military conflict, and the threat of civil unrest. Yacqub Khayre's murderous attack in Brighton in June (and the foiled Christmas Day plot) make the the threat of terror attacks feel very real, but it is not what citizens face in karachi, or indeed London. And thankfully, Melbourne faces no military conflict or civil unrest.

​"It may be argued that violent crime is on an upward trend in the top tier of cities," The Economist report found. "But these observations are not always correct. Although crime rates are perceived as rising in Australia and Europe, cities in these regions continue to boast lower violent and petty crime rates than the rest of the world." Nino Bucci, crime reporter 


The Age's rating: 13/20

Outbound traffic on the Tullamarine Freeway.

 Photo: Penny Stephens

Roads. Glorious roads. Melbourne has some of the world's best – unsurprising considering the huge amount the Victorian government has historically invested in them.

The public transport, on the other hand, is far from world beating. It's certainly not world's worst though, not by a long shot (that award likely goes to Lagos, which as this 2015 story points out has no rail system despite a population topping 15 million). And given the highest rating available in The Economist's study is "acceptable"– not brilliant, amazing or excellent – we get perfect marks in this category.

Ditto our airport links – a curfew-free airport has meant 29 international airlines fly here. And while Melburnians are savage about our lack of an airport railway line, at most times of day Tullamarine is 25 minutes from the city centre by car or bus.

Housing too is much discussed, and while family homes are unaffordable, apartments are cheap by international standards. And besides, affordability isn't part of the equation for The Economist's rankings. Clay Lucas, city editor