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Same-sex marriage postal plebiscite doesn't pass the pub test

 Research has been at the centre of my life for 40 years. Polling has been important for many years in advertising and marketing, but unless you have intelligent creative people who are attuned to what people really want, it's mostly useless.

"You mean like this stupid postal vote on the same-sex marriage?" asks Louise.

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Our most successful Olympian appeared at the City2Surf run encouraging all australians who aren't already enrolled to vote in the postal plebiscite on same sex marriage to do so.

Of course. Just look at the great success of Apple, one of the world's outstanding companies and valued at more than $US800 billion. And it's doubled in value in the past year. Someone once asked Steve Jobs, the star of Apple, what sort of research he did before he brought out the iPad. "None" was the reply. He just thought it was what people wanted.

And consider Henry Ford, who made a fortune by making a curiosity called the automobile into a car for the middle classes.

Ford was fond of saying that if he had researched the views of everyday horse and buggy users about what they really wished for, they would have said "faster horses".

Public behaviour and attitude research can't tell you everything, but it can give you a clue to a trend of the past.


Our forecaster Charlie has produced a set of charts that show a sudden disconnect between business confidence and future economic performance. You see, all the way back to 2000 his numbers showed that business confidence reflected in advance where the economy might be in a year's time. But for the first time in nearly two decades, the numbers no longer work. More about this in a future column.

I lived and worked in an era of great advertising creatives. Take the problem of humble old margarine, possibly a healthier spread than butter. "But it doesn't taste as good," says Louise.

Exactly. So how do you make it desirable?

Mo and Jo, the great advertising duo of the '80s, relied on their creative chemistry, plus a beer or two – not research – to come up with, "You ought to be congratulated."

Another gem of theirs, "I feel like a Toohey's". No research.

And for those who follow AFL, my good mate Mike Brady, an immigrant from the old dart, got to the heart of every Aussie Rules footy lover with his classic anthem Up there Cazaly. No research there either.

And the result is going to be research rubbish - very expensive rubbish.

Harold Mitchell

But hectares of research was done into one of our great international tourism marketing flops, "Where the bloody hell are you?"

That $180 million campaign not only caused consternation in a number of companies, it seems that some international tourism actually dropped as a result.

I remember a time when I had to sit in meetings with a paint company to assess the response from a range of advertising agencies to a marketing brief. The first company proposed the use of a high-profile product endorser. They had considered many options including the great celebrity of the day, Paul Hogan, who had become famous for the successful tourism ad, "throw another prawn on the barbie". However, this presenting agency's research showed that Hogan wasn't credible to the target audience.

"You mean they'd think he was 'going the raw prawn'," Louise guffaws.

The next agency rolled up and enthusiastically proposed Hogan, complete with all the research needed to reassure the client that he was the right bloke for the job.

So now we're heading for another $100 million-plus federal government research project to advise the government so that its warring internal factions can implicate the public in their inability to govern. The words of the late magnate Dick Pratt are booming in my ears: "paralysis by analysis".

And the result is going to be research rubbish – very expensive rubbish. It will not produce an accurate view of everybody because it's not compulsory. It will only be a sample drawn from those who are sufficiently interested.

The young people are going to give it a big miss, as will those in places like my far off East Kimberleys, where many live at least four hours from a post box and don't have one of their own. Most couldn't care less anyway.

According to eminent pollster Gary Morgan, it won't be "weighted", as they say, for those who don't vote in enough numbers.

Whatever the result, it will not be an accurate accounting of the views of all Australians and will be a less reliable sample than the years of professional polling which shows overwhelming support for marriage equality.

From all I talk to, more than two-thirds of Australians believe in same-sex marriage or whatever else you want to call it.

This deeply flawed poll seems more designed to trip up the public's attitude, rather than reflect it.

Mo and Jo got a lot of ideas at the pub, and this postal vote doesn't pass "the pub test".