
Charlottesville terror attack inspires collective action

Community expressed solidarity in Charlottesville day after attack

When white supremacists descended on Emancipation Park on the morning of August 12th it was immediately clear that the event had little to do with their stated interest in preserving the statue memorializing Confederate general Robert E. Lee.

Mass protests expected as Brazil rules on the fate of indigenous territories

2000 indigenous people protested in Brasilia in April of this year. Gregg Newton

Following a year of attacks on indigenous peoples in Brazil, protests are expected in Brasilia as the Supreme Court decides on the future of indigenous land rights.

Bure, France: march turns into riots at demonstration against nuclear waste landfill

Protesters clashing with police. Credit: les ZIRAdiees Twitter.

In the French eastern region of Meuse, three hundreds to a thousand people rallied this Tuesday against a Cigeo -short name for nuclear waste landfill facilities. After the march was quickly stopped by authorities, demonstrators clashed with police in the nearby village of Saudron.

Union claims victory as Birmingham bins strike suspended

Birmingham striking refuse workers

Birmingham's two-month long bin strike has been suspended following talks between the council and the Unite union via conciliation service, ACAS, with the union declaring a victory for its members.

2016: the hottest year on record

People walk through a heat mirage

A new report by a US government agency has found that temperatures in 2016 were the highest in 137 years of direct measurements, breaking the record for the third consecutive year.

Thousands demonstrate across the world in memory of anti-racist protester killed in Charlottesville and in solidarity with Antifa

In the past two days, several thousands people across the United States and beyond organised rallies and demonstrations in memory of Heather Heyer, the anti-racist activist killed while confronting white supremacists. Protesters in the USA, Europe and beyond also expressed solidarity with the Antifa actions.

Violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville ends in murder

Aftermath of Nazi attack

Charlottesville, VA – The “Unite The Right” rally took place as scheduled in Emancipation Park on Saturday afternoon. As expected, thousands of anti-racist protesters arrived to confront the neo-nazis, KKK members, and other self-identified racists and fascists who had gathered around the statue of Robert E Lee.

Thousands of junior doctors strike across Punjab

YDA strike

Members of the Young Doctors Association (YDA) are on strike across the Punjab province of Pakistan.

Bicycle couriers protest Deliveroo pay cut in France

On August 11th, around 50 delivery workers demonstrated at Republic square in Paris against Deliveroo’s planned rate decrease.

#UniteTheRight torch rally swarms student protest

Student protest surrounded by neo-Nazis

Several people received minor injuries after a far-right march attacked a student counter-protest in Charlottesville last night. The march was taking place ahead of today's “#UniteTheRight” rally, which is expected to be the largest neo-Nazi protest in the USA since 2002.