James Robertson

James Robertson is a Reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

MP Felicity Wilson says she always endeavoured to keep her electoral enrolments accurate.

Legal experts explain how a typo may not save Felicity Wilson after all

The NSW police and Liberal party are under fresh pressure to investigate Felicity Wilson, the MP who falsely swore to have lived in her electorate for a decade, following a new police complaint and after five other Liberal candidates were suspended for irregularities in statutory declarations.

Finance Minister Victor Dominello says proceeds from these sell-off transactions provide billions of dollars of funding ...

The $9 billion property sell-off revealed

The state government's privatisation push has extended to the sale of government land with more than $9 billion in government-owned property sold since the Coalition took power six years ago, a parliamentary inquiry was told on Monday.

Stitch Bar has taken advantage of the new licence.

More bars for the city, but still none are staying open late

As the state government hails a small bar revival following a recent liquor licensing overhaul, new statistics show almost none of the city's bars have taken advantage of provisions allowing them to trade past midnight and even as late as 5am.

NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley says he believes the Queen's Birthday holiday should be transformed.

Axe Queen's Birthday holiday: Labor

NSW Labor's Luke Foley has proposed axeing the Queen's Birthday holiday in June and replacing it with a day commemorating Indigenous culture and loss as an alternative to moving Australia Day, which critics say is synonymous with white invasion.

Ms Berejiklian says she has kept staffing bills lower than Labor despite the growth in well-paid employees in her own ...

Political staffers' $5.5m pay boost

The NSW coalition is spending up to $5 million a year more on political staffers since it took power, analysis of new figures shows, despite campaigning on a mantra of leaner government.

Ian Malouf denied asbestos would end up in the incinerator, planned for western Sydney.

Incinerator boss defends pollution record

The controversial waste management magnate behind plans to build a massive "energy from waste incinerator" near homes in western Sydney defended his environmental track record before a fiery parliamentary inquiry into the safety of the proposal on Thursday.