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Charlottesville: Race and Terror doco on SBS exposes neo-Nazi reaction: 'Points for us'

A white supremacist involved in the Charlottesville attacks that left three people dead over the weekend has called the murders "justified" and gloated that the extremist march will be "really tough to top".

"The fact that nobody on our side died, I'd go ahead and call that points for us," white nationalist Chris Cantwell grins at the end of Charlottesville: Race and Terror, a Vice documentary on the violent clashes in Virginia on Sunday.

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Failing to immediately condemn neo-Nazis in Charlottesville has once again made US President Donald Trump fodder for late-night talk show hosts.

The documentary, which airs on SBS Viceland on Thursday evening, sees reporter Elle Reeve trailing a group of white nationalists and neo-Nazis ahead of Sunday's Unite the Right rally.

The rally, which saw white supremacists protesting the planned removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, turned violent amid resistance from local residents and counter-protestors Antifa.

While many of its most affecting images have already been plastered across news sites, the doco exposes the bigoted ideals and commitment to violence that inflamed tensions in Charlottesville.

Early scenes show a string of alt-righters chanting "Jews will not replace us!" as they march on the University of Virginia with flaming torches in hand.


Cantwell, who shows off the arsenal of guns and weapons he took to Charlottesville, also charts his racist awakening to the police murders of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Tamar Rice, which launched the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

"Every single case it's some little black asshole behaving like a savage, and he gets himself in trouble," Cantwell tells Reeve. "You gotta take that into consideration when you're thinking about how to organise your society."

Besides the gross rhetoric, Reeve exposes the side's extremist buffoonery, with one scene showing Cantwell pouring milk into his eyes after being maced.

"What just happened?" Reeve asks Cantwell.

"They maced me... Communists! It's the second time in two f---ing days!" he replies, with comical frustration.

As he writhes on the grass, pouring a 2L bottle of milk over his skinhead, a voice off-screen yells, "Heil Cantwell!"    

But the tragedy of the weekend, weakly condemned by Donald Trump who repeatedly laid the blame for the violence "on both sides" – that is, Nazis and, uh, those there to oppose Nazis – soon comes into focus.

The documentary includes horrific footage of the moment a Nazi sympathiser's car sped into a group of protesters, leaving three people dead and countless injured.

In the film's most emotional moment, a Charlottesville resident condemns all who allowed the tragedy to occur under the cheap guise of "free speech" and First Amendment rights.

"There are bodies laying on the ground right now!" he tells Reeve, mere minutes after the attack.

"We told city council, the police, we did not want them here – they let them come! I've seen bodies flying, getting hit by that car.

"This is my town!" he adds, voice breaking. "We did not want them motherf---ers here."   

Charlottesville: Race and Terror airs on SBS Viceland at 8pm on Thursday.