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Term deposit interest rates dwindle to record lows

The Reserve Bank may have kept official interest rates unchanged for the past year, but it's a different story for people with savings in the bank.

Interest rates paid by banks on term deposits, a preferred way of saving for many, continue to fall to record lows. 

Banks often don't publicise this in the same way they announce other changes in interest rates, so if you have significant amounts stashed away in savings it is worth checking whether your bank is paying you a competitive rate on your money.

Figures from the Reserve Bank show the average interest rates on both three-month and six-month term deposits have dropped below 2 per cent for the first time in recent months, the lowest level since the figures began in 1982.

Things are only marginally better if you are willing to lock up your money for a year or more – one-year term deposit rates are also at record lows of 2.25 per cent.

This all gets far less attention than what the banks are doing with home loan interest rates, even though it affects many more people. 


However, it's an unfortunate fact of life for savers such as retirees that many term deposit interest rates being advertised today will leave customers going backwards after inflation and tax is taken into account.

Be particularly careful of some savings accounts which use "deeming" rates as part of their marketing. Deeming is the rate the government assumes pensioners earn on their financial assets to make their social security reporting easier. You could be paid a deeming rate of only 1.75 per cent on a savings account, but it's easy to earn more with a term deposit.

So, why are the banks still cutting deposit rates, and what can customers do to limit the damage?

The most likely reason banks are trimming these rates is pretty simple: because they can. 

Competition for this type of money has died off recently, so banks don't need to pay as much for your cash. Paying savers less is also a way of widening bank profit margins, without attracting as much negative publicity as increasing mortgage rates.

Andrew Murray, managing director of fixed interest broker Curve Securities, says there are anecdotal signs banks are not as hungry for term deposits as they were a few months ago.

This may be because there is less need for this type of funding, because lending growth in the property market is slowing under a regulatory crackdown.

"Across the board, there seems to be excess liquidity out there from banks' point of view, so there has not been competitive pressure out there pushing it up," Murray says.

There is only so much savers can do to shield themselves from the cuts. However, comparing how your rate stacks up compared to rivals may be worthwhile.

The government guarantees all deposits up to $250,000 – so there is no greater risk if you put your term deposit with a small building society or a big four bank.

Yet despite this, the rates can vary widely, making it worthwhile to shop around.

The rates on one and two-year term deposits offered by Westpac, ANZ Bank, National Australia Bank and Commonwealth Bank are typically about 0.5 percentage points lower than the market leader, data from Mozo shows.

"People should definitely be checking with some of the smaller guys that do have the better rates in the market," says Mozo's head of data Peter Marshall.

Marshall also points out term deposits over longer terms have not fallen as sharply. The most competitive three-year term deposit is paying 3.2 per cent, and the best two-year products are paying savers 3.1 per cent.

However, there's a clear cost to committing your money to a term deposit for two or three years, and that's why this option is fairly unpopular.