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Ten ways to save time and money

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Last week I joined my colleagues Jessica Irvine, Matt Wade, Ross Gittins and Anna Patty to record the last episode of the first season of It All Adds Up.

The podcast, which has cracked more than 100,000 downloads, is about everyday economics. In this eighth and final instalment, we took it right down to home economics and shared our best household savings tips.

As Money editor, this is my bailiwick so I had more tips than time to share them – I had to let my four talented colleagues get a word in edgewise, after all! So I thought I'd devote my column to it.

Like many working parents I'm time poor. I'm not going to tell you to collect vouchers, or only use public transport, or buy your clothes in op-shops. If that works for you, great, but my favourite tips are ones that save time as well as money.

1.       Don't pay the "vague tax". Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to do things – for example to feed the meter if you're paying for street parking so you don't get a fine. If you leave money on the ATM, call your bank straight away. The machine sucks it back in after a short time, as long as no one else picks it up in the mean time. If the ATM has a credit balance at the end of the day, the bank will refund your money.

2.       Tackle food waste. At the end of the week, cook up everything perishable left in your fridge before you go grocery shopping. Learn to love your leftovers. Add a few vegetarian recipes to your repertoire. Make a shopping list before you head to the store and stick to it – or buy online so you're less tempted. Don't follow the standard advice to buy in bulk if it would mean you need to run a second fridge or freezer.


3.       Clothing strategy. I love nice clothes but I never do "retail therapy" – it's a misnomer as it doesn't make you happy. The truth is fast fashion will drain your bank account, kill the planet, and you still won't have anything to wear. Instead, buy strategically. Learn your size in your favourite brands, then join the mailing list so you can buy online in the sales. You can also search for secondhand clothes in your favourite brands on eBay. I don't recommend buying clothes from overseas because it can be expensive if you need to return them, but it may be fine for shoes and other items with standard sizes. Post on Facebook that you're keen on hand-me-downs for your kids, and pass on the love.

4.       Laundry. Nearly everything can be washed in cold water, which saves energy. Anything that says "dry clean only" can be gently handwashed instead – or washed on "delicate" if you have a very good-quality front loading machine. I only dry clean if I want the items pressed as well, such as a suit jacket.

5.       Be gift-wise. Discuss expectations for Christmas (or the relevant gift-giving occasions in your life) with your loved ones. They may be thrilled to agree that you'll only buy presents for each other's children and not for adults, or that you'll do a Secret Santa. If you have children who are invited to a lot of birthday parties, buy a stack of gender-neutral gifts at a good price and keep them wrapped in the cupboard and ready to go. Also, don't go overboard with lavish gift-giving, especially in the early years where kids often invite the whole class. It's not a healthy precedent, and I'm pretty sure their parents don't really want the house over-run with plastic stuff. 

6.       Declutter. Clean up your house and find any unbanked cheques, unused gift cards and cash lying around. If there's anything you don't need, sell anything valuable and give away the rest. A report last year found the secondhand economy could be worth as much as $40 billion if you add up the value of unwanted items in Australian households. Find a place for everything and try to resist letting the mountain grow again. The KonMari method may inspire you.

7.       Save your spare change. Apps such as Acorns can help you save painlessly by sweeping any "virtual change" into an investment or superannuation account. For example, if you buy something for $3.70, you can elect to round up to $4 and have 30c deposited into the account. I've been using it for over a year and Noel Whittaker has described it as the "best thing he's seen in his career".

8.       Phoney finance. Buy your mobile phone handset outright – it's nearly always cheaper than funding it through a contract.  Shop around for the best deal with a fixed monthly cost and no lock-in contract – the best ones offer unlimited data – or use pay-as-you-go.

9.       Find a good mechanic. The mechanics at the big national chains are generally on incentive plans to upsell you. Find a self-employed mechanic or a franchise where the business model is about customer retention rather than trying to extract all possible value out of you at once. I have an old car and use a mobile mechanic (a great time saver since he comes to me). My safety check is usually $40 flat as he doesn't hold me hostage to a laundry list of "urgent problems". If there's an issue on the horizon, he'll let me know and I can work out when to fit it into my schedule and budget.

10.   Tips for home buyers and owners (sorry, renters). When making an offer on a house, don't bid against yourself. That is, if the vendor rejects your offer, ask for a counter-offer in writing rather than just increasing your offer. Look outside the Big Four banks for a mortgage – if you're an owner-occupier and your home loan rate doesn't start with a '3', you're paying too much. If you're refinancing, make sure the 30 years doesn't start over, or you'll end up paying more in interest over time. Instead, if you have, say, 22 years on your mortgage, take a new mortgage that's also 22 years – unless you know you'll be super-disciplined about saving the extra into an offset account. If you're consolidating credit card debt or other personal debt into the mortgage, figure out a repayment plan for the additional debt. Your home loan rate might be lower than a personal loan, but you'll pay more in actual dollars if it's over 30 years instead of 10.  

Share your savings tips in the comments!

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the editor of Money. Find her on Facebook or Twitter.

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