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Back-to-back wins for Ellis in fantasy shares game

Angie Ellis of 80 20 Investments scores yet another win in the Shares Race. After taking the lead at the outset of the four-week race she maintained her lead all the way through.  

Her latest victory follows her win in the race's previous round. She was also leading last month in the year-long Shares Race that finishes at the end of the year.

That's not bad for the qualified accountant who has been seriously investing in the sharemarket for only three years.

Her picks of Big Un and Topbetta secured her win. Topbetta, the online betting provider, grew her original $10,000 to $14,533 over the four weeks.

Big Un, which provides video marketing services to businesses, grew Ellis' original $10,000 in the stock to $14,915.

She finishes the race with her original $100,000 worth $111,130. 


The market ended flat, at just more than  5750 points at the end of the week which, for the Shares Race, is the close of Thursday.

Richard Pritchard, who plays as the Chartist, almost caught Ellis in the final week. He closed the $6000 gap between himself and Ellis during the final week, to end just behind Ellis with a portfolio worth $110,101.

His big improver during the final week was medical cannabis company Cann Group,  which will soon harvest its first crop. Cann Group finishes the race as the best-performing share tip of all.

Next week we'll report on progress of the year-long Shares Race.

The Shares Race is a fantasy shares game. Contestants start with $100,000 across 10 stocks.