- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 735702
Emissions trading or cap and trade is a government-mandated, market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants. Various countries, states and groups of companies have adopted such trading systems, notably for mitigating climate change.
A central authority (usually a governmental body) allocates or sells a limited number of permits to discharge specific quantities of a specific pollutant per time period. Polluters are required to hold permits in amount equal to their emissions. Polluters that want to increase their emissions must buy permits from others willing to sell them.Financial derivatives of permits can also be traded on secondary markets.
In theory, polluters who can reduce emissions most cheaply will do so, achieving the emission reduction at the lowest cost to society. Cap and trade is meant to provide the private sector with the flexibility required to reduce emissions while stimulating technological innovation and economic growth.
The Story of Cap & Trade (2009)
Cap and Trade: What is It?
Cap and trade system in 60 seconds | FT World
How does the emission trading scheme work?
Cap and Trade Part 1
Cap and Trade in Ontario
What is cap and trade? A tax hike with no impact on climate
Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade
How Cap and Trade Works
http://storyofcapandtrade.org - The Story of Cap & Trade is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and Wall Street financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the "devils in the details" in current cap and trade proposals: free permits to big polluters, fake offsets and distraction from whats really required to tackle the climate crisis. If youve heard about Cap & Trade, but arent sure how it works (or who benefits), this is the movie is for you. And, for all you fact checkers out there, http://www.storyofstuff.org/2011/02/14/story-of-cap-trade/
Apparently most Americans don't know what Cap and Trade is (or they forgot somewhere along the way.) So this is EcoGeek's intro to cap and trade, what it means for the country, for global warming, for the environment and for green technology. Yes, It's Complicated, the EDAF offered $10,000 to the person who could best briefly illustrate and explain cap and trade http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/2157/75/ And Maybe We Can Start Selling CO2 EBay! http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/786/85/
► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs With President Barack Obama this month proposing the historic step of regulating carbon dioxide emissions from US power plants for the first time, FT US industry editor Ed Crooks explains what you need to know about the cap and trade - in 60 seconds. ► FT World News: http://bit.ly/1Exp0iJ ► FT Business: http://bit.ly/1KUK08s For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes
Emission trading scheme? Cap and trade? What do these words mean? Like us https://www.facebook.com/CarbonControl Follow us https://twitter.com/CarbonControl Author: Norwegian Ministry of Environment
This video is the first in a 3 part series that goes through an example of cap and trade and discusses 3 different policy options on the grounds of efficiency and fairness. For more information and a complete listing of videos and online articles by topic or textbook chapter, see http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com/economics-classroom/ For t-shirts and other EDIWM items, see http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com/merch/ By Jodi Beggs - Economists Do It With Models http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/economistsdoitwithmodels Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jodiecongirl Tumblr: http://economistsdoitwithmodels.tumblr.com
Cap and Trade in Ontario | Ontario is joining other jurisdictions, including Québec and California, by imposing a hard ceiling on the pollution allowed in each sector of the economy. Known as cap and trade, this system effectively reduces the amount of greenhouse gas pollution in our atmosphere by setting a limit on emissions, rewarding innovative companies, providing certainty for industries and creating more opportunities for investment in Ontario. http://www.ontario.ca/climatechange A descriptive transcript for this video is available by visiting the following link: http://media.ontarionewsroom.com/desctxt/ministry-of-environment---climate-change-video.html
Ezra Levant reports for TheRebel.media: The Ontario Liberal government announced a cap and trade plan this week (although they didn't go into details.) What is cap and trade? Ezra calls it "a war on industry." Carbon dioxide is harmless and natural. There hasn't been any global warming in almost 20 years. So while cap and trade schemes pretend to be about reducing pollution and climate change, they're really an anti-capitalist, anti-progress tax grab. JOIN TheRebel.media for more news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else. http://www.TheRebel.media READ Ezra Levant's bestselling books debunking environmentalist propaganda against the energy industry: Groundswell: The Case for Fracking https://tinyurl.com/LevantGroundswell Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oil Sands https:...
Call Assemblyman Chad Mayes office before they vote on this treason. 916-319-2042
http://storyofcapandtrade.org - The Story of Cap & Trade is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and Wall Street financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the "devils in the details" in current cap and trade proposals: free permits to big polluters, fake offsets and distraction from whats really required to tackle the climate crisis. If youve heard about Cap & Trade, but arent sure how it works (or who benefits), this is the movie is for you. And, for all you fact checkers out there, http://www.storyofstuff.org/2011/02/14/story-of-cap-trade/
Apparently most Americans don't know what Cap and Trade is (or they forgot somewhere along the way.) So this is EcoGeek's intro to cap and trade, what it means for the country, for global warming, for the environment and for green technology. Yes, It's Complicated, the EDAF offered $10,000 to the person who could best briefly illustrate and explain cap and trade http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/2157/75/ And Maybe We Can Start Selling CO2 EBay! http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/786/85/
► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs With President Barack Obama this month proposing the historic step of regulating carbon dioxide emissions from US power plants for the first time, FT US industry editor Ed Crooks explains what you need to know about the cap and trade - in 60 seconds. ► FT World News: http://bit.ly/1Exp0iJ ► FT Business: http://bit.ly/1KUK08s For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes
Emission trading scheme? Cap and trade? What do these words mean? Like us https://www.facebook.com/CarbonControl Follow us https://twitter.com/CarbonControl Author: Norwegian Ministry of Environment
This video is the first in a 3 part series that goes through an example of cap and trade and discusses 3 different policy options on the grounds of efficiency and fairness. For more information and a complete listing of videos and online articles by topic or textbook chapter, see http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com/economics-classroom/ For t-shirts and other EDIWM items, see http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com/merch/ By Jodi Beggs - Economists Do It With Models http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/economistsdoitwithmodels Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jodiecongirl Tumblr: http://economistsdoitwithmodels.tumblr.com
Cap and Trade in Ontario | Ontario is joining other jurisdictions, including Québec and California, by imposing a hard ceiling on the pollution allowed in each sector of the economy. Known as cap and trade, this system effectively reduces the amount of greenhouse gas pollution in our atmosphere by setting a limit on emissions, rewarding innovative companies, providing certainty for industries and creating more opportunities for investment in Ontario. http://www.ontario.ca/climatechange A descriptive transcript for this video is available by visiting the following link: http://media.ontarionewsroom.com/desctxt/ministry-of-environment---climate-change-video.html
Ezra Levant reports for TheRebel.media: The Ontario Liberal government announced a cap and trade plan this week (although they didn't go into details.) What is cap and trade? Ezra calls it "a war on industry." Carbon dioxide is harmless and natural. There hasn't been any global warming in almost 20 years. So while cap and trade schemes pretend to be about reducing pollution and climate change, they're really an anti-capitalist, anti-progress tax grab. JOIN TheRebel.media for more news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else. http://www.TheRebel.media READ Ezra Levant's bestselling books debunking environmentalist propaganda against the energy industry: Groundswell: The Case for Fracking https://tinyurl.com/LevantGroundswell Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oil Sands https:...
Call Assemblyman Chad Mayes office before they vote on this treason. 916-319-2042
John Doggett and Jim Nolen square off on this important economic issue. This debate was co-hosted by Net Impact's UT Undergraduate Chapter and Professional Chapter. A big thank you to Net Impact, Senior Lecturer of Management John Doggett and Distinguished Senior Lecturer of Finance Jim Nolen for letting us film and share their insights.
Osler's Regulatory, Environmental, Aboriginal and Land Group (REAL) discuss the implications of Ontario's new Cap-and-Trade regime that came into effect on January 1, 2017. This session will provide: - A practical primer on the mechanics of the cap-and-trade regime - Guidance on how to comply with program requirements and processes - Insight into participation in the auction process and in the carbon market Our speakers include: - Richard King - Partner, Regulatory, Environmental, Aboriginal and Land Group (REAL), Osler - Sean Capstick - Principal, Golder Associates
January 24, 2011 - Michael Wara, Assistant Professor of Law at Stanford, discusses legal and political aspects of the cap-and-trade approach to greenhouse gas emission reduction recently enacted under Proposition 26 and the implications this may have for California's future role as a leader in legislating climate change action. Stanford University http://www.stanford.edu Stanford Energy Seminar http://energyseminar.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/stanford
Ontario’s cap-and-trade system will come into effect January 1, 2017. The system will be linked with California and Quebec’s under the Western Climate Initiative, and is expected to raise $1.9 billion in its first year. How this revenue is recycled back into the economy can affect both economic and environmental objectives. Join us for a panel discussion to discuss the trade-offs of different revenue recycling options, including how to address household fairness and business competitiveness. Live panel discussion with Mark Cameron, Mike Moffat, Vicky Sharpe and Rick Smith.
The carbon tax and cap and trade policies have a decade of experience in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and British Columbia's carbon tax. The features and performance are analyzed and a comparative evaluation presented by Robert Archer at the Citizens' Climate Lobby Northern California Conference on February 20, 2016.
This is a debate arguing the pros and cons of a carbon emission cap and trade program. The views or opinions expressed by the participants may not be their own.
The Cap and Trade System is a controversial approach to dealing with green house gas and carbon emissions. Although the EU has embraced this approach through the Kyoto Protocol, the U.S. is wavering on whether or not to adopt the trading system. A. Denny Ellerman discusses if the Cap and Trade is still the way to an effective global climate policy, or if it's reached a dead end. [10/2011] [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 22764]
This video goes through the logic of a tradable permits system for pollution reduction (as compared to a command-and-control policy) and shows how tradable permits (also known as cap and trade) can lower the cost to society of pollution reduction. The problem is taken from Principles of Microeconomics by Dirk Mateer and Lee Coppock, and is Ch. 7 problem #8. See the "Practice Problems" playlist for an archive of daily practice problems. For more information and a complete listing of videos and online articles by topic or textbook chapter, see http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com/economics-classroom/ For t-shirts and other EDIWM items, see http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com/merch/ By Jodi Beggs - Economists Do It With Models http://www.economistsdoitwithmodels.com Facebook: http...
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Nature Network. NRDC on cap and trade. Charles Komanoff on Carbon tax. www.abovethefoldproductions.com