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#Charlottesville and the Rise of Fascism: What We Need to Do from CrimethInc.

#DefendCville #NoNewKKK #CharlottesvilleKKK

On Friday, August 11, a wide range of far-right groups from around the US gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia for a march the night before their “Unite the Right” rally. Hundreds of them carrying lit torches paraded across the town with very little visible police presence. The streets were largely...|By CrimethInc.

#Charlottesville: Community responds to Alt-Right violence. #DefendCville. Check out our liveblog on the mobilization to confront the neo-Nazi rally in #Virginia.

11: 33 AM: Police declare an unlawful assembly. 11: 30 AM: Clashes have already broken out in the streets of Charlottesville and riot police are staged across town but seem totally absent from the clashes. Instead, militia groups are providing security for a growing crowd of neo-Nazis. Clery groups…|By It's Going Down
Local organizers in Charlottesville have now received word from an anonymous source that Unite The Right can’t wait for Saturday – they are planning a repeat surprise torchlit rally on University of Virginia (UVA) campus tonight. Sounds like Richard Spencer wants back on his old stomping grounds, ri...
It's Going Down shared Mic's video.
21 hrs

Nice video and break down on current Right myth being promoted by the Trump administration and the media that "Left wing violence" is rising, while in reality far-Right acts of terror keep taking place.

Posted by Mic

There's a new conspiracy theory popping up in right-wing media right now — and the claim is huge.

#UnitetheRight Organizers in #Charlottesville Encourage neo-Nazis to Bring Guns. "We Want a War."

#DefendCville #CharlottesvilleKKK #NoNewKKK

In a recent podcast on The Right Stuff neo-Nazi podcast network, Mike Peinovich, a white supremacist organizer and also a featured speaker at the upcoming ‘Unite the Right’ rally, joined with another guest, encouraged his followers to bring firearms to the upcoming protest on Saturday, August 12th,…|By It's Going Down

"Beyond the smokescreen of the Alt-Left, lurking behind their embittered loyalists, the Democratic Party has undergone an inevitable metamorphosis. Realizing that they cannot compete with Trump and the far-right, the Democrats have done what liberals have done dozens of times in the past: they have moved rightward, and copied their rivals' notes verbatim."

Over the past six months, the facade of the American Empire has frayed significantly. The mythology of this nation, purported to be a grand temple of personal liberty, even-handed government, and financial opportunity, has been wholly exposed as a complete fabrication. As of this writing, a scant 20...

"Posters on the /pol/ spin-off hosted on 8chan have generally dismissed the rally as a phony effort to make money from gullible right-wingers. Others on the board have argued that taking white nationalist activism public before it has become more popular would attract dangerous attention from federal law enforcement and from liberals.

“The whole premise behind the ‘Unite the Right’ rally is fucking idiotic. You know what happens when you ‘Unite the Right?’ You give the left a clear enemy to rally themselves with,” an 8chan /pol/ poster wrote on Tuesday.

“Since much of the pro-white memes have come from /pol/, be it [4chan] or this /pol/, leftists have not been able to fight back since we are anonymous. There was no clear enemy for them.”'

A racist "Kumbaya"? Tribes of the alt-right hope to unite for big rally this weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia

Check out our brand new podcast with former neo-Nazi Christian Picciolini from the group Life After Hate about Trump, the Alt-Right, the growing threat of far-Right terror, the violent neo-Nazi movement of the late 1980s and 90s, and his own personal journey out of white nationalism.

#DefendCville #CharlottesvilleKKK #NoNewKKK

We talk with former neo-Nazi Christian Picciolini who is involved in the group “Life After Hate” which helps to transition former white nationalists across the US out of the movement and also educate the public about the growing threat of far-Right violence. In this interview we talk about how the g...|By It's Going Down

Beyond bringing in a horde of neo-Nazis, the Alt-Right is also attracting its fair share of FBI informants, child molesters, wife beaters, and all around scum fucks.
#DefendCville #Charlottesville #NoNewKKK #CharlottesvilleKKK

The Alt-Right is on track to catch up with liberals and Donald Trump by developing the capacity to organize stale rallies with multiple speakers you saw last month saying all the same things you heard at the last protest. Hail boredom! But with the Unite the Neo-Nazis protest happening in Charlottes...

National Call to Action. "August 12th, Facing the Alt-Right, and Everything After."

#BlackLivesMatter #DefendCville #NoNewKKK #Charlottesville #Virginia

“August 12th, Facing the Alt-Right, and Everything After”

"The left is organizing in response to the rally, although not nearly on the same national scale. This will be a mistake, however, if a thousand Nazis take the streets and proceed to make Charlottesville a new base. If there is one thing that I learned from witnessing the Nazi and Klan boom in the 1980s and '90s, it was that Nazis hate opposition. If you give a Nazi organizer an inch, they will be thrilled by the lack of resistance and proceed to take a mile. Floyd Cochran, an Aryan Nations organizer during this period, revealed that if his group encountered resistance in towns they targeted for recruitment, they moved on."

#Charlottesville #DefendCville #NoNewKKK #CharlottesvilleKKK

The Largest Fascist Rally in Recent Memory Is Expected This Week -- Can the Left Unite Against It?

Members of the Milwaukee IWW took action against a landlord that refused to fix an elevator, impacting the lives of several disabled tenants - and they won! Find how here with this awesome video.


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'Unite the Right' Organizers Say: "Next Stop: #Charlottesville. Final Stop, Auschwitz."

#DefendCville #NoNewKKK

In the face of mounting community opposition to the Unite the Right neo-Nazi protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, Alt-Right organizers online have doubled-down in their support for the demonstration and it’s pro-genocide, racist, and anti-Semitic message. The protest, which despite a recent attempt...|By It's Going Down
“You can’t avoid the class war; workers need to make it clear to the bosses that they can’t either.” By Marianne Garneau The defeat of a UAW election bid at a Nissan plant in Mississippi got a tremendous amount of attention this week, particularly from the left. People seemed especially disheartened...