As a small gesture of solidarity, people in Portland, OR painted graffiti reading “Solidarity with Cville” and hung a banner over I-5 during rush hour traffic reading, “Destroy White Supremacy – Fight Fascists w/ Fists – Rest in Power Heather.”

Heather Heyer became a martyr this past weekend while fighting a particularly fascist manifestation of white supremacy. While the non-state forces of white supremacy are currently prominent and gaining power, we must not forget that they are only stepping in to fill the gaps that neoliberal democracy was unable to fill. Let us deny fascists any platform. Let us avenge Heather Heyer. Let’s also attack the more widely accepted forms of white supremacy like the police, borders, and prisons.


White supremacists don’t need to don the hood and robes of the KKK anymore when they can get away with the same racist murder if they put on a police uniform. Mark Kreuger of the Portland Police erected nazi memorials only a few short years ago and his colleagues accomplish the same genocidal end goal just by doing their jobs.

Rest in power Heather Heyer! Rest in power Keaton Otis! Rest in power John T Williams! Free Andre and Bryson! Rest in power Aaron Campbell! Rest in power Mulugeta Seraw!


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