The Grouch

Based Stickman Punched Someone For Calling Him a White Supremacist, Then Rallied with Nazis...

Kyle "Based Scotchguard" Chapman has been having a bad couple of months. His 'Back the Right' campaign is going south faster than Donald Trump's approval ratings and even though he gets that sweet sweet globalist...

Terrorist Threats: New Jersey, Antifa, the Far-Right, & Robert W. Kerekes

On June 12th, the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security declared anarchists and antifa, along with a hodge-podge of far-Right, Alt-Right, and neo-Nazi groups, to be a 'domestic terrorist' threat. However, in the one page...

The Alt-Right Agrees: It’s Members Are Pizzagating Young Boys

Things don't really seem to be going well for the Alt-Right. The entire "united front" that Alt-Right leaders have been pushing for the past two months has more or less collapsed, as the Oath Keepers...

The Grouch: Portland ISO, Baked Alaska, and the ‘Summer of Rage’

The hang wringy whine-whines at IGD have pushed me to compile my thoughts into a column, as to not pollute their precious website with curse words and aggressive language. Maybe when their Patreon really takes...