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103 POSTS 0 COMMENTS is a video production ensemble, which aims to promote anarchist and anti-capitalist ideas, and aid social struggles through the dissemination of radical films and videos. Founded in 1994, has produced hundreds of videos on everything from anti-globalization protests to films about shoplifting. Our films have been screened around the world in social centers and movie theaters and have been watched by millions on the internet.

Trouble #4: Movement Defense Against State Repression

The struggle for a new, better world is not for the faint of heart. Movements of collective liberation, if they are effective, will inevitably face repression. The institutional pillars of domination and exploitation are...

Parkdale, ON: Residents on Rent Strike Occupy Landlord & Tenant Board

On Wednesday June 7th, tenants from the Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale occupied the Landlord & Tenant Board to shut down a hearing for an above guideline rent increase at an apartment building at 87...

Anti-Fascism in the USA

We are living in troubling times. The election of Donald Trump not only speaks to the current state of US politics, but to an ongoing shift across the Western world. In Europe far-right and...

Trouble #3: Refugees Welcome: Solidarity Across Borders

Watch Here In our current age of resurgent nationalism, anti-migrant xenophobia and increasing border militarization, it can be easy to lose track of the central role that migration has played in shaping the spaces we inhabit....

#SiMeMatan – If They Kill Me

Following the murder of Lesvy, a 22 year old woman, strangled to death on a Mexican University campus, women fight back. Using the hashtag #SiMeMatan- If They Kill Me they show via social media...

Montreal: ‘Week of Occupations’ Kicks Off As Vacant Hospital Is Taken

Montreal radicals began a “week of occupations” by squatting an abandoned hospital that they hope to turn into a housing complex. When the police attacked, they barricaded themselves inside. More actions are planned through...

Montreal: Logging Company Office Occupied

This morning, a group of autonomous environmentalists in Montreal occupied the offices of EACOM Timber, in opposition to the company’s plan to log forest in the habitat of endangered caribou in Northern Quebec. In order...

Trouble #2: “Bash the Fash”

Reactionary right-wing politics are on the rise in the west, and events are moving at a dangerous pace. In the wake of Trump’s ascendency to the US presidency, a toxic mix of white nationalism,...

SubMedia: Trouble #2 Trailer of ‘Bash the Fash: Counter the Rise of the New...

Reactionary right-wing politics are on the rise in the west, and events are moving at a dangerous pace. In the wake of Trump’s ascendency to the US presidency, a toxic mix of white nationalism,...

Montreal: Police Protect Far-Right Demo From Antifascists

Today the far right in Montreal was able to take the streets, with the supposed aim to protest against the Liberal government. They left out their affiliations out of their call-out, and successfully attracted...