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Annual 'liveability' self-congratulation disguises Melbourne's problems

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Of the media stories published in response to The Economist's liveable cities index – and there are surprisingly few stories written, despite what many who benefit from the marketing of Victoria would have you believe – one from a couple of years ago, from a resident of Lagos, in Nigeria, is my favourite.

There, a developer who had laid a road made of paving stones in front of existing houses simply removed them when a soon-to-be-signed property deal collapsed.

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"The private developer who had laid the stones months earlier," the story's author Tolu Ogunlesi wrote, "decided there was no point leaving his road for others to enjoy."

Lagos had finished almost last in the 2015 rankings, and Ogunlesi marvelled that many who lived in Lagos wore "its many dysfunctions as a badge of honour, proudly swapping real-life stories that elsewhere in the world would belong in the realms of sci-fi or satire".

This is Melbourne's competition in the rankings of the globe's top 140 cities – the war-torn, the dysfunctional, the corrupt. Curiously, the United Nations notes there are 512 cities in the world with more than 1 million residents, and The Economist chooses to rank less than a third of them. But let's not quibble with that.

On Tuesday, The Economist released this year's index and Melbourne was, for the seventh consecutive year, on top of the rankings.


It was met with predictable glee by politicians, led by lord mayor Robert Doyle who proclaimed it "an amazing feat". Doyle dismissed as "naysayers and whingers" anyone who doubted the title's glory.

Premier Daniel Andrews was more subdued, saying the ranking was "a win for all Victorians", in a media release titled Seventh Heaven for the World's Most Liveable City – giving away the relief the state government felt at not tumbling down the rankings.

This annual round of self-congratulation comes at a more serious cost to the city's progress, though: a focus on doing something about the appalling problems of homelessness and housing affordability that beset Melbourne.

In 2011, the year Melbourne was first named most liveable city, the median house price hovered around $600,000. In 2017, it's closing in on $900,000. Roughly a 50 per cent jump. Since then, average wages have grown only 12 per cent, from about $1050 a week to about $1170.

While that not insignificant problem could arguably be dismissed as a bit of middle-class hand-wringing for those lucky enough to be able to buy instead of rent, what can't be is the full-blown crisis in housing among the city's most disadvantaged.

The only answer to this problem? Build more affordable housing. What is the Andrews government doing about it? Very little of real consequence such as inclusionary zoning – a means of forcing developers to provide a percentage of affordable housing when they are allowed to make mega-profits.

Among the strategies the state government does have is redeveloping nine public housing estates, but aiming at a dismally low target of just 10 per cent more apartments for the poor. Meanwhile, it's flogging off the land the estates sit on – some of the city's most desirable – to developers to offset the cost.

It is doing far more than its predecessors in the Napthine government to help those in public housing, but like thumping Lagos for most liveable city, that's not much of a benchmark.

Meanwhile, the city council, which could be pushing the government hard to do something meaningful about housing, is instead providing it with cover to do less.

At a council meeting on Tuesday night, the lord mayor argued against affordable housing being built on the site of the former Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in East Melbourne, which the government wants to sell on the private market.

Why? Because the location was too good, Cr Doyle said, arguing it would be best to look elsewhere to cheaper land to build affordable housing.

Economists I spoke with this week while preparing a story about Melbourne winning the rankings again warned against being too negative about The Economist's data lacking a focus on housing affordability.

They're right, and there do have to be subjective choices made if you want to rank the world's cities. And Melbourne is an excellent place to live, there can be no argument.

But Emma King from the Victorian Council of Social Services gets it right when she says the study paints a distorted picture of life in Melbourne by ranking us in comparison to cities that face media censorship, civil war or terrorism. These blunt measures glossed over the realities of life in Melbourne for many, she said.

"If you're struggling for money, sick, living with a disability or facing any kind of vulnerability, then life in Melbourne is bloody tough."

Clay Lucas is The Age's city editor.