job losses

The 1946 general strike of Rochester, New York

Strike demonstration

A short history of the general strike in May 1946 in Rochester against the sacking of hundreds of municipal workers, written by Jon Garlock.

Spanish dockworkers prepare for strikes against job losses and casualisation

Dock workers vote to strike

Dockworkers' unions in Spain have suspended a series of one day strikes until March 17, the day after a planned parliamentary vote on opening up port employment to competition, with the threat of an end to job security and reasonable pay.

#CUB55 My part in their victory

Latest blog post from from The Word From Struggle Street a collaborative anti-capitalist blog from Brisbane. Here I make some personal reflections on my very marginal participation in the #CUB55 struggle and then some more general observations about the state of the trade unions and class struggle.

The Stepney schoolchildren's strike, 1971

Stepney schoolchildren on strike, 1971

A short account of a strike of 800 pupils in Stepney, east London on May 27, 1971, which successfully won reinstatement of a teacher who was sacked for publishing a book of pupils' poetry.

The Burston Strike School, 1914-1939

Striking pupils and their parents, Burston, 1914

A short history of the longest schoolchildren's strike in UK history, when nearly all pupils at Burston school in Norfolk, England walked out in support of two unfairly sacked teachers who then started their own school with funds from the workers' movement.

The Hollywood blacklist - Dan Georgakas

Brought in front of HUAC: Lucille Ball, star of I Love Lucy

A short account of the blacklisting of dozens of writers and actors from the movie industry in Hollywood amidst the anti-communist hysteria of the late 1940s and 1950s.

Workers win strike at Belchatow Hospital

Workers who recently lost their jobs may be back to work soon as boss promises to re-establish pre-cut employment levels.

Finance Ministry cleaners protest mass firings

Several hundred cleaners previously employed by Greece's Finance Ministry have been protesting their mass firing.

Victory against wage stealing language school!

After a short but intense campaign, Marta, a receptionist at the Speak Up London language school, has won a week’s unpaid wages and a glowing reference.

Marta: 2, Speak Up: 0

A successful action and a short Twitter callout regarding wage theft at the Speak Up School of English in London.