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Behind Pauline Hanson's burqa stunt is an ugly reality

Pauline Hanson has always been a race baiter, always liked the attention - and the cash money - that her ugly rhetoric has brought her. But over the years we were becoming inured to it all as the racist goods she's been peddling became more commonplace.

The Australian media and political landscape is now awash with goons seeking to exploit the sort of far-right tone the Donald Trump presidency has helped legitimise across the West, all of them dedicated to the defence of free speech and the hurt feelings of white men.

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Pauline Hanson's stunt

The One Nation leader has gone to great lengths to make her point, turning up to question time in a burqa.

Hanson's is not even the only fringe party in parliament obsessed with burqas and halal certification. At the next election she will be competing with Cory Bernardi's Australian Conservatives for the explicitly anti-Islam vote.

While the Attorney-General George Brandis should be congratulated for his quick condemnation of Hanson - as should those senators who sought to ignore her display and get on with their work - the rest of us might use this as an opportunity to reflect on what it is that Hanson actually represents.

A good place to start is on one of her Facebook fan pages, Pauline Hanson's One Nation. There, underneath a post celebrating Hanson's burqa stunt, is a link to a story about the first policewoman in Victoria to wear a hijab with her uniform.

"I'd tell her to f--- off," says the first comment. "Kill the c---," says the second. "Scum," says the third. On it goes, page after page of murderous racist rage.


These are the people than Hanson represents, and hers is the party that the government now relies upon to pass its legislation, in exchange for legislative favours.

There were those who wrote off the return of One Nation after it failed to secure the lower house seats it hoped for in the Western Australian election in March, but they missed the point.

Despite fielding several laughably unqualified candidates and spending the last week of the campaign in public civil war, One Nation managed to take three upper house seats and around 8.5 per cent of the first preference votes in the seats in which it fielded candidates

The party can expect to do even better in the Queensland election and use that showing as the basis for its campaign for a federal election that will likely be decided in Queensland.

So this week, as we consider a US president's reticence to condemn a neo-Nazi rally in Virginia, it is probably worth considering just who Pauline Hanson is speaking to when she dons a burqa in our parliament.