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international / economics and finance / press release Déardaoin Meán Fómhair 14, 2017 17:14 byAbby Wilhelm
On behalf of Caribbean Catholic Bishops, Bishop Gabriel Malzaire called for islands dealing with Hurricane Irma to receive debt relief. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Dé Domhnaigh Meán Fómhair 10, 2017 13:43 byAKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party)   text 1 comment (last - dé céadaoin meán fómhair 13, 2017 00:28)   image 5 images
Akbayan Partylist condemns President Rodrigo Duterte’s denial of his policy to kill under the War on Drugs.
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international / economics and finance / press release Déardaoin Meán Fómhair 07, 2017 16:16 byAbby Wilhelm
As Hurricane Irma heads to the US coast, a religious development group is calling for debt payments to be suspended until Antigua and Barbuda and other severely impacted Caribbean nations recover from the storm. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Dé Céadaoin Meán Fómhair 06, 2017 22:47 bysp   image 1 image
On the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War and the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, Cillian Gillespie looks at how the occupation of Palestine can be ended and how a just and democratic solution, upholding the national rights of both Palestinians and Israeli Jews, can be brought into existence. [The following article was written before the Israeli government attempted to drastically restrict Palestinian Muslims for entering the Al -Asqa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem. read full story / add a comment
If they come for us tonight, you can be sure they will come for you in the morning
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Dé Domhnaigh Lúnasa 27, 2017 02:20 by1 of indy   text 3 comments (last - dé domhnaigh meán fómhair 03, 2017 02:35)   image 1 image
The German minister of the Interior announced today (Fri 25th Aug) early in the morning that Indymedia Linksunten, a local German IMC, was declared illegal.

This seems partially as a result of the media coverage the site gave to the recent G20 protests in Hamburg that embarrassed the government on the world stage and for the crime of airing the grievance of the populace that they don't like predatory capitalism.

It comes also as the government faces into an election and that the entire political system shifts further to the right and all things Left are to be discredited such as free health or education, equality etc. Instead fear is the new norm these days and at the very same time when it is plain to see that practically all European governments are now simply vassals of the USA as evident in the way their foreign policies match in lockstep the dictates of the US war machine and the financial policies imposing austerity, privatisation and the stripping away of the social gains of the last century match those of the "Washington Neo-Liberal & Banking Parasitic" class.

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our collective grief's symbol was fresh then
international / crime and justice / feature Dé Domhnaigh Lúnasa 20, 2017 21:56 byiosaf mac diarmada   text 3 comments (last - dé haoine lúnasa 18, 2017 21:57)   image 3 images
These are my initial published thoughts on the terrorist attack I and my partner survived and endured 17th August 2017.
Fadó Fadó, long time ago, when many more readers came to this corner of the internet, I published a series of articles in reaction to a terrorist attack on Madrid, the 11th of March 2004. I promoted a simple design back then, to my surprise the idea found traction and was accepted by countless people. i had thought my suggestion was easy to reproduce and helped people express collective mourning, to show publicly their fellowship with a community in shock. My design was a black ribbon, one which was easy to knock up variations upon and print out. I admit the ribbon idea was based on my much younger years when I had worn a green ribbon in support of a complex idea back then : the inclusion of political prisoners in a tentative British Irish peace process. Am I turning some off the provenance? OH talk to me about my youth why not? The idea of a black ribbon took off the weekend of March 11th, 2004, whilst the then government of Spain falsely attributed an attack by Salafists in the ambit of Al Qaeda on Madrid by blaming the Basque armed seperatist group ETA. IT was a few days before a general election. An estimated 80,000 people took to the streets of Spain and the Spanish state and camped out in front of government offices and the offices of the ruling party demanding the truth... I was one... the ribbon was a moment in my life... I never wanted to see it used again In the last hours the city of my home where I have lived almost 20 years has been victim of a long anticipated terrorist attack. Even google now puts a black ribbon. I return to indymedia ireland to indulge POV reflections. read full story / add a comment
international / history and heritage / opinion/analysis Dé Sathairn Lúnasa 19, 2017 14:43 bySergey Smelyakov
My dear Irish friends,
Let me introduce the English version of my e-book The Stone Portals devoted to the study of prehistoric Stone artefacts, the first two Chapters (http://www.astrotheos.com/EPage_Portal_HOME.htm) of which I have just posted at my site www.astrotheos.com.
I appeal to you in connection with the fact that much of the material presented in Chapter 2 is devoted to the reconstruction of the prehistoric solar calendar of the Celts, the key days of which are reflected in the festivals (Samhain et al.), and in correlation with the astronomical alignments of the Passage Mounds, and before all – of the Mound of the Hostages, which I analyzed numerically for all the data that I had.
I would not be distracting your attention if the results obtained in relation to precise determining the exact days of these festivals on the alignments of the mounds would not coincide with the same values determined by the astronomical alignment of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, and a number of other stone artefacts as well.
From my point of view, the results obtained could contribute not only to a more complete disclosure of the properties of these passage mounds and the ancient culture of the Celts in general, but also to that that in scientific, administrative, and esoteric circles, much more attention was paid to preserving and study of these remarkable objects.

Good luck,
Prof. Sergey Smelyakov, Doctor of math, PhD
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I honestly never ever want to see it again - i know it works - but every time i see it again - i cry
international / crime and justice / news report Dé hAoine Lúnasa 18, 2017 20:25 byiosaf mac diarmada   text 2 comments (last - dé sathairn lúnasa 19, 2017 21:55)   image 3 images
Yesterday the city where I live was victim to terrorist attack which has long been anticipated and it would seem prepared for. The attack happened within 600 metres of my home. I pass on foot every day the street which yesterday became a trail of human blood dragged out by a young man turned mass murderer, to be claimed and vaunted later by so-called DAESH/ISIS and then it seems to be a trigger for another simliar attack on a tourist town. You will understand if I come to this text with attitude. I have pointed out many times the soft points in the city where I live & yesterday my wife and another our closest friend were both caught up in on ordeal which lasted hours. There are lessons to learn. These are thus my initial published thoughts on the terrorist attack I and my partner survived and endured 17th August 2017 & are party to the words I am writing and publishing now in various languages. There are lessons to learn & I feel it my duty to point out a few. Especially since a meme idea I promoted lots perhaps thought up if i can remember correctly is the go to for societal collective fetishized memorial glyph. I never wanted to see black ribbons again. But they do come back & they will. read full story / add a comment
international / elections / politics / press release Déardaoin Lúnasa 03, 2017 21:22 byAbby Wilhelm
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced the Corporate Transparency Act. read full story / add a comment
international / elections / politics / news report Dé Céadaoin Lúnasa 02, 2017 17:42 byAbby Wilhelm
Puerto Rico religious leaders are urging Congress to reduce child poverty on the island by granting equal access to US health care funding and child tax benefits.‎
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international / elections / politics / news report Dé Céadaoin Iúil 05, 2017 22:22 byAbby Wilhelm
Ahead of President Trump's first G20 meeting in Germany this weekend, Mozambique released an audit exposing violations of the country's laws to secure now-defaulted loans. read full story / add a comment
international / eu / news report Dé Luain Iúil 03, 2017 16:15 byAbby Wilhelm
The European Parliament is set to vote on landmark corporate transparency rules known as "country-by-country" reporting. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Dé hAoine Meitheamh 30, 2017 11:17 byséamas carraher
Two recent studies have once again drawn attention to the unprecedented crackdown – even by Turkish standards based on previous episodes of severe State repression – on academics and intellectual freedom in post coup Turkey. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / press release Dé Céadaoin Meitheamh 28, 2017 16:55 byAbby Wilhelm
Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Peter King (R-NY) heralded the House introduction of the Corporate Transparency Act at a press conference at the House Triangle. The bill aims to prevent shell companies from hiding corrupt and criminal activity. ‎ read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Dé Domhnaigh Meitheamh 25, 2017 23:22 bySocialist Party Reporter   image 1 image
Reproduced from the editorial of “The Socialist”, newspaper of the Socialist Party in England and Wales

As more details emerge and the death toll rises, it becomes clearer and clearer what a terrible disaster this is. The fire spread with horrifying speed and witnesses describe heart-breaking scenes as people desperately tried to escape.

It is a huge tragedy for the immediate community. Children have died; three generations of the same family have died. But rather than being torn apart, the community has come together in a remarkable display of human solidarity, supporting each other, collecting donations of goods and money, organising emergency accommodation, coordinating relief.

The heroism, the courage, the self-sacrifice of the emergency services and of local residents is incredible. Who can fail to be moved by the scenes of the firefighters being applauded as they drove away from the scene?

And there has naturally been a much wider outpouring of sympathy with the residents and families affected, with overwhelming donations of money, clothes, bedding, toys, nappies, etc. The true face of humanity has been shown in this solidarity. read full story / add a comment
international / eu / press release Dé hAoine Meitheamh 23, 2017 17:28 bypn   image 1 image   1 attached file
This issue of People’s News This issue of People’s News has an unusual number of articles on military matters, and regular readers will have noticed that over the past few months these types of articles have steadily increased in number. This reflects the alarmingly rapid development of an EU army and its support mechanisms. It is a development about which there is very little awareness in Ireland, and one that may have serious implications for us all. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Dé hAoine Meitheamh 16, 2017 19:46 byséamas carraher
June, 2017: Firat News Agency (Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê) covered one of the first legal cases to result from the Turkish military’s sieges of Kurdish Cizre in September 2015 and December 2015-February 2016. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Déardaoin Meitheamh 15, 2017 12:47 byséamas carraher
Figen Yüksekdağ, recently replaced co-chairperson of the Turkish HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party), whose 10 month prison sentence for “spreading terror propaganda” was approved by the Supreme Court of Appeals on September 22, 2016 has now (6 June 2017) been given another 14 months in prison for a 2015 interview with German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle where she made the statement that the “PKK is a people’s liberation movement." read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Dé Máirt Meitheamh 13, 2017 12:38 byséamas carraher
A number of voices, it appears, are now attempting to navigate the stormy and dangerous waters of ‘public opinion’ in Turkey in an attempt to invest energy in a renewed peace initiative since the collapse of the original Solution Process in July 2015, followed by the war that has displaced over half a million Kurds from their towns and cities... read full story / add a comment
international / elections / politics / opinion/analysis Dé Luain Meitheamh 12, 2017 23:56 byT
The large vote for Corbyn's Labour socialist type policies shows that moving to the Left rather than the centre resonates with the masses and shows that things like issues of health, education and jobs are core issues and perhaps shows a sign that a certain section of the population is beginning to notice that practically every political party is infested with banking and corporate favoured policies and shrills and technocrats working on their behalf while the population is being relentlessly screwed by austerity. read full story / add a comment
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