Nordic Resistance Movement

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Nordic Resistance Movement
Swedish: Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen; NMR
Spokesperson Pär Öberg
Leader (Sweden) Simon Lindberg
Leader (Norway) Haakon Forwald
Leader (Finland) Antti Niemi
Founder Klas Lund (Sweden)
Haakon Forwald (Norway)
Henrik Esa Holappa (Finland)
Founded 1997 (Sweden)
1997 or 1998 (Norway)
2006 or 2007 (Finland)
2013 (Denmark)
Legalised 2016
Dissolved 2016 (Denmark)
Preceded by White Aryan Resistance
National Youth
Headquarters Stockholm, Sweden
Ideology Neo-Nazism
Social conservatism
Hard Euroscepticism
Political position Far-right
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The Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish: Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen; NMR, Norwegian: Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB, Finnish: Pohjoismainen vastarintaliike; PVL, Danish: Nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB) is a Nordic Neo-Nazi movement that exists in Sweden, Finland, and Norway. It had a branch in Denmark before it was disbanded for inactivity in 2016.

Formation and structure[edit]

In the mid-1990s, a number of former members of the former White Aryan Resistance (Swedish: Vitt Ariskt Motstånd, also known as VAM,), having been released from prison, formed the Svenska motståndsrörelsen (SMR) or the Swedish Resistance Movement.

In 2016, a Nordic Resistance Movement was formed with separate departments in Swede, Finland, and Norway. A Danish affiliate was disbanded. The Nordic Resistance Movement advocates an immediate stop to what they call mass immigration to the Scandinavian countries, and repatriation of people that are not of North European descent. It also advocates Nordic self-sufficiency and withdrawal from the European Union.[1]


The Swedish branch of Nordic Resistance Movement was known earlier as Svenska motståndsrörelsen (or Swedish Resistance Movement) (SMR)[2][3] and was founded by Klas Lund. Its present leader is Simon Lindberg, whereas the political wing in Sweden is managed by Pär Öberg. It is known for its opposition to non-white immigration to Sweden.[4] Svenska motståndsrörelsen is considered a central actor in Sweden's white power movement.[5]

In the mid-1990s, former members of White Aryan Resistance (VAM) were released from prison and formed the core of Svenska motståndsrörelsen.[6] The organisation was founded in December 1997 by individuals working with Folktribunen, the neo-National Socialist magazine, and members of National Youth and VAM, the now discontinued far-right organisation.[7]

It was founded by Klas Lund as the Swedish neo-Nazi grouping. The present leader of the organisation is Simon Lindberg whereas the political party formed as part of it is managed by Pär Öberg.[citation needed]

The aim of Nordic Resistance Movement is to establish a Nordic National Socialist government by revolution or elections.[8] The organization says its fight will require bloodshed.[9] SMR praise Adolf Hitler[10] and Corneliu Codreanu in their publications.

Their main tactics are distributing leaflets and making public speeches in inner-city areas about National Socialism and immigration. They also publish the Nationellt Motstånd magazine.[citation needed]

Their camps in the Swedish woods have led some people to believe that they are training for a civil war or a revolution, although all such claims have been publicly rejected by the organisation. In November 2003 the Swedish Security Service raided homes of leading members, among them Klas Lund, who was later sentenced to prison for illegal possession of firearms.[11]

Three men with ties to Swedish NRM were sentenced to prison for respectively eight and a half years, five years, and one and a half years on 7 July 2017 for three bombings in Göteborg which took place in November 2016 and January 2017. One person received life-threatening injuries at the bombing of a refugee centre in Västra Frölunda.[12] The men have appealed the verdict.[13]

National Youth[edit]

Nationell Ungdom (in English National Youth) was a Swedish neofascist and openly racist organisation closely linked with the Swedish Resistance Movement. In May 2006, the Swedish Resistance Movement announced the youth organization and all its activities and members as merged with the main organization.


Suomen vastarintaliike (in English Finnish Resistance Movement) is a Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement.One of the main tactics has been the planting of propaganda stickers and posters. The members are also participating in combat training arranged by the organization.[14] The organisation is also increasingly violent, among other actions attacking anti-racism and gay pride.[15] Members of the group have promoted the commission of violent attacks on Finns in an attempt to silence criticism.[16]


Den Norske Motstandsbevegelsen (in English the Norwegian Resistance Movement) is the Norwegian branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement. One of its main tactics has been the planting of propaganda stickers and posters.
