Business hit hard as severe flu season strikes

Professor Dominic Dwyer says by the end of the season about 20 per cent of the population would have been infected.
Professor Dominic Dwyer says by the end of the season about 20 per cent of the population would have been infected. Supplied

Australia's record flu season has hit employers hard, with businesses reporting more workers are taking sick leave than ever before and temp agencies experiencing large spikes in demand.

The Flutracking system's weekly survey of 22,000 people on "influenza-like illness", defined as fever and coughing, recorded that in the first week of August, 2.5 per cent of participants stayed home because of a fever and cough.

This was higher than the 1.9 per cent reported in the peak of last year's season.

The NSW Chamber of Commerce told The Australian Financial Review its members were telling it that employees were taking sick leave more than any other year and for longer periods.

"It certainly seems to have hit the community hard this year, and business is no exception," chief executive Stephen Cartwright said.

"There's lots of cases where staff are unable to shake it, and are taking extended periods of sick leave."

Chief executive of recruitment firm Randstad, Frank Ribuot, said the agency had seen a 10 per cent increase in demand for temporary workers over the last four weeks as a result of employees falling sick.

"There's definitely been a spike for all roles that are serving customers, so roles such as receptionists doing customer service, teachers or those working as bank tellers," he said. "That's directly related to the flu."

He noted there were many employees who continued to work even if they were sick, depending on their flexibility to work from home and whether they were replaceable.

Corporate health insurer GU Health wellness manager Gretchen Masters said national health studies showed the flu accounted for about 10 per cent of all workplace absenteeism and argued it cost more than $2 billion a year.

However, she said the impact on employers went beyond absenteeism.

"Companies also need to consider the cost of 'presenteeism' (being at work but not productive), the risk of infecting other employees and the likelihood that people who continue working when they're sick will take longer to recover."

Over the next few weeks, as the season peaks, many more people will fall ill and absenteeism will rise.

It's never too late to be vaccinated
It's never too late to be vaccinated AP

This year, the season started a month early, driven by four flu strains, and has been particularly nasty.

"By the end of the season, I would predict that around 20 per cent of the Australian population would have been infected with influenza," says Professor Dominic Dwyer, NSW Health Pathology's flu expert at Westmead Hospital.

He says the number of notified cases will be dramatically lower because most people don't have a flu test, which is the only way cases are officially notified. They stay home and ride out the illness.

Dwyer says that every year flu specialists are accused of beating up the season. "It's repetitive but it's not a beat-up. Flu is a serious illness and kills about 2000 Australians a year. It also puts tremendous strain on hospitals."

Most people with 'flu are not tested for it
Most people with 'flu are not tested for it John Woudstra

The elderly are being hit hard too. To protect residents, earlier this month two nursing homes in Goulburn, NSW, closed their doors to visitors.

On Tuesday,The Age reported three people died and 35 were infected after a flu outbreak swept through a nursing home in Melbourne's south-east.

The Immunisation Coalition, which aims to protect Australians against communicable diseases, says there have been 71,256 laboratory confirmed cases of flu, so far this year.

It expects the confirmed numbers to go beyond the 100,000 cases reached in the bad season two years ago when B strain flu hit the country.

But it won't go beyond the pandemic of 2009, when a kind of swine flu hit Australia for the first time. After that event, it became clear 23 per cent of the population had been infected.

Nasty strain dominates

This season is severe because the nastiest of the four strains is predominating, Dwyer says.

There are two A strains; the predominant H2N3, which tends to affect infants and people over 60, and the H1N1, which is the same as the swine flu from 2009.

There are also two B lineages, which tend to be less severe but can cause very serious illness.

According to the Federal Department of Health, more that 300,000 people visit their GP each year fearing flu and 18,000 are hospitalised.

This alone costs the government $85 million which doesn't include treatment or time off work.

Rapid testing

Raina MacIntyre, Professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of NSW, says that every two to three years we generally see a bad season.

"When H3N2 is circulating, that's when we see previously healthy children dying of flu and a lot more older people dying too.

Many people are often unsure whether they just have an awful cold or URTI (upper respiratory infection) or if they've contracted flu.

While the symptoms can be similar, MacIntyre says they can be caused by more than 90 different viruses, of which flu is just one.

Typically 'flu brings on a sudden fever, with muscle aches and pains, shivers and shakes more dominant than upper respiratory symptoms such as coughing and congestion.

Some say the number of flu cases has been boosted by the flu season starting in mid-June, and by some states now having a quick test for flu.

New tests now used in NSW reduce diagnosis time from four days to four hours.

This saves time and resources, and means hospitals can make faster decisions about who should be admitted and who should be given anti-virals. For high-risk patients, faster diagnosis and treatment could be lifesaving.

Worst year since 2009

Influenza expert Professor Robert Booy, of the  National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, describes 2017 as a typical year for flu, not unlike two or three years that have been seen in the last decade.

While it is "not an outstanding" year, the new test is having an impact.

"People are collecting a lot more tests and we are proving a lot more cases than we used to. I'm not saying there are more cases than in other bad years, it is just that we are finding them more often.

"Every year we have had improved diagnosis or more testing. And each year there is frenzy about how we are getting more cases than the year before but we are just measuring more of the mild cases.

"At the severe level – which really tells us how bad it is – it hasn't changed. We are not seeing more admissions to intensive care than in other bad years in the past decade."

Professor Booy, who heads the clinical research team at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, says most relatively healthy people can be managed at home.

"I spend all year talking about vaccines but this is the one time of the year that I recommend taking the anti-viral drug because people can get a real benefit."

Never too late

Professor Paul van Buynder, chairman, Immunisation Coalition, is in no doubt we are heading for the biggest season, in terms of numbers, with the exception of the pandemic of 2009.

The second biggest was in 2015 and was mainly an influenza B season, which had lots of flu cases in the community but less in hospitals.

Van Buynder says another factor making this year worse is the combination of having a nasty predominant strain and vaccines that don't work that well in the elderly.

But antivirals do work in cases of severe disease and can stop people dying. In the average fit and healthy person, however, he says "they are not magic".

He recommends that people who are unwell stay home so they don't share their illness with others, cough into a tissue and wash their hands frequently.

He says the season may continue for another month and drag on after that, and emphasises that it is never too late to be vaccinated.

Surveillance is a complicated business. Although it is improving, reporting is not standard across the country and differs considerably between urban and rural and remote centres.

So far, the Federal Department of Health says, many surveillance systems are at levels consistent with the peak of the 2016 season.