• Oppressor and Oppressed Nations: Sketching a Taxonomy of Imperialism (by Gabriel Kuhn)


    In recent years, the left has shown a renewed interest in anti-imperialism. This is an encouraging development, since global economic injustice remains one of the most glaring contradictions of the capitalist order. After having been a central part of anti-capitalist struggles in the 1970s, anti-imperialism largely vanished from left radars. Among the reasons were the demise of socialist national liberation movements as well as the often disappointing record of them seizing power; the defeat of anti-imperialist armed groups in the metropolis; the fall of the Soviet Union and its consequences; the adaptation of anti-imperialist rhetoric by reactionary actors; the ...........READ MORE

  • DIVISIBLE: Breaking Up the US (by Bromma, 6-17)

    As US politics lurches rapidly to the right, worried residents wonder about getting out. Friends talk among themselves about moving to Canada, Europe, Mexico–anywhere to escape Trumpland. Taking a different angle, some activists propose separating the “blue states” from the “red states,” essentially redrawing the map of North America. One plan calls for the West Coast to secede. Others lobby for California to become an independent country. So far, most radicals don’t seem too serious about these exit strategies. But they do have a serious aspect. For one thing, if things keep getting worse, some of us might be forced ...........READ MORE

    not minority
  • Free Shipping at Leftwingbooks.NET

    Just to let people know, for the remainder of 2016, Kersplebedeb Leftwingbooks.Net is offering free shipping on orders of $50 or more, anywhere in the world. Please note that this special will get you the cheapest mail delivery available — i.e. surface mail if you are overseas. Orders placed after December 11th will definitely arrive after December 25th.

    Leftwingbooks.Net distributes all Kersplebedeb Publications, all books published by AK Press and PM Press, as well as publications from many other left, anarchist, and communist publishers and projects. We are especially happy to carry both the Certain Days Freedom for ...........READ MORE

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    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you subscribed to the Kersplebedeb mailing list prior to July 1, 2014, you must now ...........READ MORE


IGD: Guide to Charlottesville Solidarity Actions Around the World

In solidarity with our friends at CrimethInc.

On August 12, a fascist murdered one person and injured dozens more by driving a vehicle into a crowd of anti-racist protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia. Fascists had been calling for violence in advance; they made it very clear that this would happen. We are calling for solidarity actions to take place around the country in response—to support the bereaved, to encourage those who courageously stood up to fascist murderers, to reach out to our communities about this situation, and to show that we will not stand for this. Here, you can find a ...........READ MORE

Manifestation de soutien avec des réfugiés et contre les racistes // Refugees In, Racists Out! (Stade Olympique, dimanche 12h)

[Svp partagez dans vos réseaux] [Please share widely]

[facebook: www.facebook.com/events/1992379730787525/]

*Bienvenue aux réfugiés! Expulsons les racistes!
Manifestation en support aux migrants et aux réfugiés*
DIMANCHE LE 6 AOÛT, 12h pile.

Stade Olympique (Montréal)
4545 Avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin – allez à porte ‘D’ (Métro Pie-IX ou Métro Viau)

*SVP arrivez à l’heure! Nous allons manifester jusqu’a 15 heures au minimum.
Apportez vos affiches et banderoles en support aux migrants et aux frontières ouvertes*

Un appel lancé par le Comité de réponse anti-raciste/anti-fasciste et le Comité Cité sans frontières de Solidarité sans frontières et le Comité d’action des personnes sans-statut haïtiens, avec ...........READ MORE

A New Class Politics (repost)

Class is back on the agenda of the European left. That is good news. The reasons, however, are unfortunate. It is primarily the growing working-class support for right-wing parties and movements that troubles left-wing authors, activists, and organizers. Two poles have emerged in the debate.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at A New Class Politics ...........READ MORE

Islamophobia Is the Glue That Unites Diverse Factions of the Far Right (repost)

Women bradish US flags and shout at the “March Against Sharia” at Foley Square on June 10, 2017 in New York City. (Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez / Getty Images) The nationwide “March Against Sharia” rallies on June 10, 2017, brought an unholy alliance of far-right actors into the streets.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Islamophobia Is the Glue That Unites Diverse Factions of the Far Right ...........READ MORE


Oppressor and Oppressed Nations: Sketching a Taxonomy of Imperialism (by Gabriel Kuhn)


In recent years, the left has shown a renewed interest in anti-imperialism. This is an encouraging development, since global economic injustice remains one of the most glaring contradictions of the capitalist order. After having been a central part of anti-capitalist struggles in the 1970s, anti-imperialism largely vanished from left radars. Among the reasons were the demise of socialist national liberation movements as well as the often disappointing record of them seizing power; the defeat of anti-imperialist armed groups in the metropolis; the fall of the Soviet Union and its consequences; the adaptation of anti-imperialist rhetoric by reactionary actors; the ...........READ MORE

not minority

DIVISIBLE: Breaking Up the US (by Bromma, 6-17)

As US politics lurches rapidly to the right, worried residents wonder about getting out. Friends talk among themselves about moving to Canada, Europe, Mexico–anywhere to escape Trumpland. Taking a different angle, some activists propose separating the “blue states” from the “red states,” essentially redrawing the map of North America. One plan calls for the West Coast to secede. Others lobby for California to become an independent country. So far, most radicals don’t seem too serious about these exit strategies. But they do have a serious aspect. For one thing, if things keep getting worse, some of us might be forced ...........READ MORE