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Why Did A State Trooper Try To Stop Medics From Performing...

As a queer, non-binary, anarchist, critical care RN/street medic who was the first responder for Heather Heyer, initiating CPR and, with a team of...

Tampa, FL: “Because We Love, We Are Angry,” Radical Bloc in...

In solidarity with Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old paralegal who lost her life when cowardly, neo-Nazi terrorist James Alex Fields, Jr. ran his car into...

Milwaukee GDC Joins 6k Run in Remembrance of Temple Shooting

"The only solution is a working relationship with a community of self-defense and working-class power. Itā€™s clear we canā€™t look towards politicians to solve...

From the Streets of Seattle: Solidarity with Cville, Tactical Reflections, and...

This article discusses the demonstrations that took place in Seattle the day after the Charlottesville murder and details the actions of anarchists and antifascists...

Worcester, MA: Three Arrested in Charlottesville Solidarity March

On Sunday August 13th, a crowd of several hundred people turned out in front of Worcester City Hall to show solidarity with those in...

Charlottesville is Barely The Start

Our group of four stood at the crosswalk, flagpoles in hand and bandannas around our necks. Off in the distance, the park is teeming...

Valencia, Spain: Mural In Solidarity With Charlottesville

Solidarity mural in Valencia, Spain, for injured comrades in Charlottesville, North Carolina. Never forgive, never forget. Rest in power Heather Heyer.  

Lansing, MI: Emergency Vigil in Response to Charlottesville Attacks

In response to the August 12th neo-nazi attack in Charlottesville, VA, community organizers with Solidarity and Defense hosted an emergency solidarity vigil the following...

New Haven, CT: Solidarity with Charlottesville

This following submission from New Haven details action that took place in the town after the events in Charlottesville lead to the death of...

Atlanta, GA: Charlottesville, We Got Your Back

"The alt-right may have seized theĀ lime-light, but their nihilistic ideology is brittle, and can beĀ shattered by a real positive vision, by a real historical...

Asheville, NC: Action Report from Solidarity with Charlottesville, VA

On Sunday August 13th, a group of anarchists in Asheville organized a demonstration in honor of Heather Heyer and in solidarity with the anti-fascists...

Durham Tears Down Confederate Statue in Solidarity with Cville

UPDATE: One person has been arrested and is need of support. Please donate to the Durham Solidarity Center Bond Fund, and call the DA...

Demand CSU Stanislaus Expel Neo-Nazi & Central Unite the Right Organizer...

On Friday, August 11th, over 500 neo-Nazis savagely attacked and beat a group of young students and community members at the University of Virginia....

Murfreesboro, TN: Solidarity in Murfreesboro with Charlottesville Victims

Murfreesboro, Tennessee - In the wake of the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia where fascists brutalized antifascists in the streets and drove a car into...

New Orleans, LA: Tire Lit Vigil for C-Ville

With our hearts heavy with sorrow and also full of rage we offer a small act of solidarity to Heather Heyer and those injured...

Charlottesville, VA: Every Single One a Hero

"Antifascist demonstrators, outnumbered close to 4 to 1, literally fought an uphill battle through a single choke point against an army of assholes with...

A Statement of Support for the Gaspesie Land Defense

For more background on the blockade, read here.Ā  I, Madonna Bernard, as a Miā€™kmaq, of the Unamaki territory, and as a land / water protector,...

St. Cloud, MN: Solidarity Banner Drop

Banner drop over highway 23 in St. Cloud, MN.

Richmond, VA: Banner for Heather Heyer at Lee Statue

Banner put up in Richmond, Virginia at the Lee statue in honor of Heather Heyer who died yesterday in Charlottesville while resisting racism and...

From the Frontlines of Charlottesville: A Statement from DC Antifascists

ā€œFascists are not just marching in the streets. They hold the levers of power. It is our responsibility to protect ourselves. Who else will?ā€ Washington...

Charlottesville: Triumph & Tragedy in the Struggle Against Fascism

Download and Listen Here! On August 12th, 2017, a massive alt-right and neo-Nazi rally took place in Charlottesville, Virginia. While a large counter-demonstration successfully confronted...
As a queer, non-binary, anarchist, critical care RN/street medic who was the first responder for Heather Heyer, initiating CPR and, with a team of amazing bystanders, facilitating resuscitation until EMS arrived, I feel a compelling need to tell our story. When we heard the car crash into our march, I...
Our group of four stood at the crosswalk, flagpoles in hand and bandannas around our necks. Off in the distance, the park is teeming with black-clad people with clubs, shields, respirators, flags, banners, signs. Any form of message delivery, all with the same idea. Looking down the street to...
In solidarity with Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old paralegal who lost her life when cowardly, neo-Nazi terrorist James Alex Fields, Jr. ran his car into a coalition of antifascist and #BlackLivesMatter demonstrators in Charlottesville, VA following the Unite the Right Rally, the people of Tampa, FL carried out a vigil,...
"The only solution is a working relationship with a community of self-defense and working-class power. Itā€™s clear we canā€™t look towards politicians to solve societyā€™s woes." On August 5thĀ a 6k run was held in remembrance of the attack on the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek. Six victims were...
This article discusses the demonstrations that took place in Seattle the day after the Charlottesville murder and details the actions of anarchists and antifascists to confront the Alt-Right group the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, led by Joey Gibson.Ā  On Sunday, August 13th, hundreds of people converged in the streets...
Today, in Charlottesville, Virginia, participants inĀ a fascist rallyĀ did whatĀ they have been threatening to do for a long time, driving a car into a crowd and murdering at least one person. News coverage of Nazi driving a car into a crowd. We are not surprised. AtĀ Standing RockĀ in November,Ā police nearly blew off the arm...