- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 8203
Ivao Group (Russian: Группа Ивао) is a group of cinder cones located in the southern part of Urup Island, Kuril Islands, Russia.
IVAO may refer to:
British Airways, often shortened to BA, is the flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom and the largest airline in the United Kingdom based on fleet size. When measured by passengers carried, it is second-largest in United Kingdom (behind easyJet). The airline is based in Waterside near its main hub at London Heathrow Airport.
A British Airways Board was established by the United Kingdom government in 1972 to manage the two nationalized airline corporations, British Overseas Airways Corporation and British European Airways, and two smaller, regional airlines, Cambrian Airways, from Cardiff, and Northeast Airlines, from Newcastle upon Tyne. On 31 March 1974, all four companies were merged to form British Airways. After almost 13 years as a state company, British Airways was privatised in February 1987 as part of a wider privatisation plan by the Conservative government. The carrier soon expanded with the acquisition of British Caledonian in 1987, followed by Dan-Air in 1992 and British Midland International in 2012.
[Prepar3D v3/IVAO/BA Virtual] Full ATC | Vienna - Heathrow | BAW 701 | Airbus A320-232 IAE
Primeros pasos en IVAO
[LIVESTREAM] FSX | IVAO | Amsterdam - Frankfurt | Lufthansa Airbus A319 | Liongamer1
IVAO, der erste Flug
Flug-Vorbereitung und TakeOff EDDS - Stuttgart auf IVAO
Prepar3D | Flying With British Airways Virtual on IVAO | EGLL - GCLP
[Update] IVAO Copyright Strike - channel downtime
Torre SBGR - IVAO - Tutorial IVAC - Controlando Online
RFE München 2016
Today we are on a scheduled service BAW 701 from Vienna (LOWW) to London Heathrow (EGLL). We fly online on IVAO and for Virtual Airline "British Airways Virtual". Add-Ons: Aerosoft Airbus A320, OrbX FTX Global and OpenLC EU, REX Texture Direct with Soft Clouds, GSX, EZCA, ASN, PFPX, TOPCAT, Aivlasoft EFB, Navigraph Charts and AIRACs Add-On airports: Flytampa Vienna (http://www.flytampa.org/loww.html) Aerosoft Mega Airport London Heathrow Xtended (http://bit.ly/1lh2wzA) Prepar3D: http://www.prepar3d.com Royalty free music by © Circle of Alchemists: https://www.youtube.com/user/CircleOfAlchemists
Tower ATC at Amsterdam Schiphol on the IVAO network. UMAUTHORIZED LANDING on closed runway: 54:00 and ten minutes later he crashed 1:05:00 Most pilots know what they're doing... Indeed... most do. Watch the video and you'll see the biggest mistake a pilot can make while flying on-line.
La red IVAO permite a los usuarios de los simuladores de vuelo civiles (fs2004, fsx y xplane) ponerse en contacto con un grupo de aficionados al control de vuelo y así dotan a la simulación de un grado de realismo sin precedentes. En este vídeo doy mis primeros pasos en esta red con un breve vuelo en el aeropuerto de Asturias, controlado desde la torre. Más información en los enlaces siguientes: Red IVAO sección española: http://www.ivao.es/ El ojo de IVAO (Para ver quién está conectado) http://webeye.ivao.aero/
In diesem Stream fliegen wir im FSX auf IVAO. Wir werden mit einem Airbus A319 von Lufthansa fliegen. Wir starten in Amsterdam und fliegen nach Frankfurt am Main. Route: EDUPO UZ738 NAPRO T150 ROLIS ► Spenden ohne eigenes Geld auszugeben - Über loots hast du die Möglichkeit mich zu unterstützen ohne eigenes Geld auszugeben. Du kannst alle 15 Minuten auf den Link (https://loots.com/en/tip-jars/liongamer1) gehen, eine Nachricht eingeben und diese wird danach im Stream gezeigt. Durch die Werbung, die außen um deine Nachricht zu sehen ist, bekomme ich etwas Geld. Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung! :) ► ► Zu loots: https://loots.com/en/tip-jars/liongamer1 ► Airbus A320/A321 kaufen: https://de.gamesplanet.com/game/microsoft-flight-simulator-x-airbus-a320-a321-download--2904-3?ref=liongamer1 * ...
Hallo, anhand dieses Beispiel möchte ich euch das Online Netzwerk IVAO etwas näher bringen. Dieses Tutorial richtet sich vor allem an Einsteiger. Bitte beachtet, dass Ihr gewisse Grundkenntnisse haben sollte, bevor Ihr bei IVAO los legt. Das Kompendium zu studieren ist unabdingbar, wenn eure Flüge nicht in einer Katastrophe enden sollen. Tastet euch langsam heran, lernt als aller erstes die Phrasologie (Flugfunk), denn das ist schon fast die halbe Miete. Hier die Links: Kompenium https://www.ivao.de/kompendium/Hauptseite Webeye http://webeye.ivao.aero/ Sprechfunkverfahren (Achtung PDF Download) https://login.ivao.aero/index.php?url=https://ivao.de/scripts/php/cms/sprechfunkverfahren/
Time to escape wet and windy London and head for the Canaries! If you're interested in joining British Airways Virtual, check out the website here: http://www.bavirtual.co.uk/ Check out some of the other guys I fly with here: https://www.twitch.tv/team/globalsimalliance Suggestions for future flights, as well as general feedback are incredibly welcome. Where should I fly? What should I fly? How in-depth do you want these videos to be? Do you want eye-candy or nuts and bolts? Let me know in the comments below! :) I can provide a list of all my addons as well in future if required. ======================================================= For channel updates and new videos, consider following me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SorcererDave If you'd like to support these videos and keep ...
Need help/support? Want to support me? Become a Patron here: http://www.Patreon.com/Belynz ATTN: THIS HAS NOW BEEN RESOLVED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYIGdIRVjFo Chillblast PC's: http://goo.gl/v28uDh FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/MattDaviesHD REGULAR LIVESTREAMS: http://www.twitch.tv/belynz TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/MattDaviesHD
Visite nossa comunidade Site: https://aviationcourse.org Cadastre-se na rede que mais cresce e seja um grande piloto virtual, ideal para treinos e procedimentos reais de aviação Site IVAO : https://ivao.aero/ Programa Utilizados IVAC TeamSpeak Necessário: Uma conta ativa na IVAO Um sector file da TMA que deseja controlar.
Hit me like a hammer to my head
We thrashed in bed baby
Drove a truck right through my life
Struck me like a knife
There's a finger in my pie, someone else's guy
Caught you with your pants down, fingers in the till
Caught you stealing something, my last thrill
(1) Chorus:
At war with the world as this life unfurls
Ooh, better get ready
At war with the world, as this life unfurls
Better get ready
Living like a hound dog who's not fed
Life's one big bed baby
From the trash right on the street and anyone you meet
Trying to make the first glance and I doubt you will last
Caught you with your pants down fingers in the till
I guess I've swallowed life's hardest pill