WA's prisoners need more humane treatment: O'Callaghan

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This was published 7 years ago

WA's prisoners need more humane treatment: O'Callaghan


West Australian prisoners need to be managed and transported more humanely while in custody at remote locations, the state's outgoing police commissioner has told a parliamentary inquiry.

Karl O'Callaghan said people were often driven long distances in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions in police vans, which were unsuitable for that sort of journey.

Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan.

Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan.

"Often, people are detained in custody suites up there for long periods of time, some days. They're not suitable for that either," he told reporters on Monday.

"There are no chairs in those suites, there is no place to sit, people have to lie on the floor, and these are legacy issues."

The commissioner suggested other agencies may need to move prisoners out of remote watch houses quicker, but conceded flying them out was a costly option.

He also said there was currently no capacity for the Department of Corrective Services, or the contractor, to move them out within eight hours.

"There will be a significant cost to government if we move to make prisoners more comfortable and more safe," the outgoing commissioner added.

His comments came as he was questioned about 22-year-old Aboriginal woman Ms Dhu, who died in August 2014 during her third hospital visit in three days after being locked up at South Hedland Police Station for failing to pay fines.

He said people in custody should be transported to hospital by ambulance like everyone else.


"If someone is sick, unconscious or unwell, they should never be transported from a police watch house in the back of a police van," he said.

Mr O'Callaghan also told the inquiry he would like the police commissioner to have power to demote an officer without holding an internal hearing.

"It's a very complex, long process, sometimes it takes two or three years," he said.

"Then of course ... the moment's gone and it's not relevant anymore."

Mr O'Callaghan was giving evidence at the inquiry about the Corruption and Crime Commission, and said since former Supreme Court judge John McKechnie took over the watchdog in April 2015 he felt "comfortable".

He said he previously took issue with the CCC serving a section 42 notice, which prevented police internal investigators from doing their job, but that has not happened in two years.

"It causes more confusion than it solves most of the time," Mr O'Callaghan said.


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