Doreen Warburton, stalwart of Sydney theatre for more than three decades

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Doreen Warburton, stalwart of Sydney theatre for more than three decades


Actor, director and teacher, stalwart of Australian theatre from the 1960s to the '90s, Evelyn Warburton has died aged 87 in West Gosford.

Evelyn Doreen Warburton was born in London, England, and despite her father "hitting the roof" on hearing the news, joined Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshop at the age of 18. It was this company that was instrumental in her early training as an actress and instilled a love and dedication for ensemble and political theatre.

The Oldest Profession, 2001. Doreen in the blonde wig second from left, so it goes Noelene Brown, Doreen, Betty Lucas (seated), Lorraine Bayly, Carole Skinner (far right).

The Oldest Profession, 2001. Doreen in the blonde wig second from left, so it goes Noelene Brown, Doreen, Betty Lucas (seated), Lorraine Bayly, Carole Skinner (far right).

Doreen's parents and siblings moved to Australia in 1949 and insisted, under duress, that she follow. To placate her parents, Joan Littlewood "wrote a letter saying I could become a Sarah Bernhardt; they hadn't a clue who Sarah Bernhardt was. And if they'd known what Joan Littlewood was like they would never have left me". Doreen reluctantly agreed to come to Australia for a year in 1953, and stayed for the rest of her life.

She began working in radio and performed at the Independent Theatre but it wasn't until the Young Elizabethans company was formed in 1959 that she was able to work full time as an actress, playing Shakespeare to school children across Australia. She had been offered another production at the time but had decided on the school tour because she wanted "to get to know Australia". And so for three years and more than 110,000 kilometres, she discovered her new home.

Doreen Warburton as Lady Bracknell in The Q's production of "The Importance of Being Earnest" in September 1979.

Doreen Warburton as Lady Bracknell in The Q's production of "The Importance of Being Earnest" in September 1979.Credit: Trevor Connell

Doreen worked for all the major theatre companies in Sydney, appeared in many classic TV shows and iconic Australian films including They're A Weird Mob, Nickel Queen, Wendy Cracked a Walnut and Ned Kelly. She taught at NIDA, was a member of the Theatre Board of the Australia Council, a founding member of the Actors Forum, and a lifelong member of Actors Equity.

In 1963, she joined Ben Gabriel (whom she later married), Edward Hepple, Robert McDarra, Terry McDermott and Walter Sullivan to present one act plays at the AMP Theatrette at Circular Quay. This company became known as The Q Theatre Group's Lunch Hour Theatre and Doreen became its artistic director. It developed into a highly successful lunch hour theatre company and was a shop window for actors, directors and writers, providing affordable opportunities for audiences to experience theatre. Many of Australia's budding theatre practitioners who would go on to change the face of Sydney theatre worked at the company during this time.

"I believe that theatre opens doors and windows to people. I always wanted to reach people who didn't normally go to the theatre. If you make theatre accessible and reasonably priced, people will go. I don't like elitist theatre."

The Q took productions to building sites, bus and railway depots, factories, shopping centres, showrooms and even as far afield as Townsville, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek. They stayed in pubs or were billeted. "The great advantage of a billet was that it gave us, not only a breath of home life but also contact with the locality. Our hosts would say, 'Before you leave in the morning you must let us show you the new dam' or a bower's bird nest or twin calves or whatever."


The Q was the first company to perform at the unfinished Sydney Opera House to 500 workers in hard hats, eating their lunch and whistling for more.

In 1977, Warburton, along with Arthur Dicks, Richard Brooks, Kevin Jackson, Tony Ingersent, and Max Iffland took the very brave move of taking The Q to Penrith and with the encouragement of Penrith Council, set up shop in Penrith's Railway Institute building, converting it into a 120 seat theatre. On March 30, 1977, Lock Up Your Daughters opened The Q Theatre at Penrith and was the first of 81 successful productions during Warburton's stewardship. The Q serviced not only the immediate Penrith area but also took its shows to Parramatta, Bankstown, Orange and beyond.

In 1979, the Q was awarded the Sydney Critics Award for the Best Theatre Company of the year. The same year Warburton made history when she became the first woman director at the Sydney Opera House when the Q presented George Bernard Shaw's The Devil's Disciple in the Drama Theatre. During her 12 years as artistic director, the Q Theatre became recognised as the largest, most successful regional theatre in Australia and contributed significantly to the growth of theatre in Sydney.

Warburton believed strongly in community theatre and it was the links she established within the western suburbs of Sydney and in particular the young people of Penrith through the establishment of youth workshops of which she was most proud. She would constantly refer to the creative skills of the young workshop group who were involved in the development of the successful Aussie Rock Musicals, St Mary's Kid and Zilch.

In 1972 she received an OBE for her services to theatre.

Doreen Warburton is survived by her sister Jean, brother Brian, nieces Katrina, Lisa and Saskia, nephews Darren and Matthew, step-daughter Laura and granddaughters Hannah and Jessica.

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