Bernard Shepherd, public educator and analyst of My School data

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Bernard Shepherd, public educator and analyst of My School data


Bernie Shepherd was a public educator, school leader, scientist, researcher and writer like few others. Rising from humble beginnings he became widely known in recent years for his pioneering analysis of the data behind the My School website and telling the story of what it revealed about our schools, and in a real sense, about our nation.

In his early years he achieved against the odds, including the death of his mother and an anything-but-usual family life. Like so many of his generation he was able to get a start in his working life courtesy of a teachers' scholarship for tertiary study. He completed his initial teacher training at Sydney Teachers College and was then appointed to Liverpool Boys High School.

Bernie Shepherd, helped shape education in NSW.

Bernie Shepherd, helped shape education in NSW.

Garry Richards, his lifelong close friend and colleague, tells of their passion for the cinema and live theatre. They both worked with the Elizabethan Theatre Trust and walked away with a commitment not only to stagecraft and lighting design, but to the dedication, teamwork and professionalism needed for success. In Shepherd's case he also walked away with Meg, his future life's partner.

Like so many successful teachers and future school leaders, Shepherd was influenced by a significant mentor, Jim Rowe at Liverpool Boys High. This set him on the path of tertiary study in science and a very successful career.

Bernie Shepherd, a former principal with 41 years experience.

Bernie Shepherd, a former principal with 41 years experience. Credit: Lee Besford

He became science master at Drummoyne Boys High, then Colo High School, and deputy principal at Seven Hills High School. In 1989 he was selected to be the foundation principal of the newly created St Mary's Senior High School. His vision of what a senior school should be was accepted from the start, leaving him free to implement it on his own terms. He encouraged innovation, recognised success and provided leadership for teachers and students in an adult learning environment.

Around this time he also served as a curriculum consultant and became one of a band of key movers and shakers in the teaching profession who were to emerge as future leaders, leaving their mark on a generation of students and teachers. His command of the English language was especially well known and respected. When he eventually retired he was presented with a T-shirt, complete with the inscription: "I was edited by Bernie Shepherd". The people whose work he had reviewed over the years were required to wear it that night – he wore it as well because he constantly reviewed his own work. Small wonder that his research and writing has been unassailable.

Bernie Shepherd wasn't the first teacher to bring such a variety of talents into the classroom – but in his case the talents seemed never ending. On top of his interest and expertise in theatre he designed his first house and built much of it. He produced training and development media resources and was a very early adopter of computer hardware, a programmer and software designer. He was truly a Renaissance man in the digital age.

Shepherd's name became increasingly known in the education world. He led syllabus development in science, was a foundation member of the NSW Board of Studies and for years was an indispensable part of curriculum, assessment, scaling and standard setting in NSW. He worked to support the Higher School Certificate process each year, even as he began to lose his fight against cancer.


Tom Alegounarias, president of the NSW Education Standards Authority, tells how everyone walked away from an encounter with Shepherd, consciously or unconsciously committed to the educational mission of quality and fairness. Fellow principal Christine Cawsey says he was a kind, thoughtful and loyal colleague. Jim Harkin, NSW Secondary Principals (NSWSPC) president in the mid-1990s, recalls that Shepherd enormously lifted the overall profile and credibility of government secondary principals. In Harkin's words, "he is one of our lions!"

As a school principal he strongly supported secondary principals across New South Wales and even beyond, as deputy-president of the Australian Secondary Principals' Association. He served as a member of the NSWSPC executive, and briefly as deputy-president. He was an elder statesman among his colleagues long before he became elder. And as Mark Scott, Department of Education Secretary attests, he was "a pioneering principal, a thought leader in Australian education, respected and admired by teachers everywhere". Dr Ken Boston, one of Scott's predecessors, says Australia owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Shepherd for his objective and dispassionate analysis of national school performance data.

Bernie Shepherd's retirement was anything but – Ross Gittins referred to him as a not-so retiring principal. His pioneering analysis of My School data has been well reported and it thrust him into the national spotlight. The Centre for Policy Development published two of the reports he co-authored. CEO Travers McLeod regards Shepherd as one of Australia's most experienced public education experts, enormously influential. Shepherd's analysis showed that Australia wasn't effectively implementing the Gonski Review and that, as a consequence, we were accumulating formidable problems in our framework of schools.

His evidence helped demolished myths which have plagued the debate about schools and school funding for decades. He helped create a new conversation about schools and how they can work for everyone.

Shepherd made a difference at all levels. He didn't seek the limelight but it sought him out. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia and a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators as well as of the Centre for Policy Development. He seemed to gather life memberships, including from the NSW Secondary Principals Council, the New South Wales Parents and Citizens Federation and the Australian Education Union – remarkable recognition from such diverse organisations.

Ann McIntyre from the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) says he worked with a humility that was driven by a deep sense of moral purpose. Lila Mularczyk says his insight, support and love of family and friends was deep and genuine. To Jim McAlpine he was the epitome of calm and reason. To Judy King he radiated "wisdom" based on lots of experience and buckets of common sense.

Every profession has them: those people with an extraordinary range of interests and talents who change the lives of others and sometimes the profession itself. Bernie Shepherd was one of these. He was a science teacher with a command of English and the arts, a school principal who established a different type of school, a consultant who carried a new method of assessing students across NSW – and a retiree who pioneered a different analysis of our whole school system. Up until his final weeks he ensured that this work would continue.

As a scientist and researcher he might have had little time for legends, but in his own quiet way – among students, teachers, parents and principals and so many others – he became one.

Bernie Shepherd is survived by his wife Meg, children Timothy, David and Emma, their partners and 10 grandchildren.

Chris Bonnor

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