United NationsCuenta verificada


Official account of . Get latest information on the UN. Follow us on Instagram: unitednations.

New York, NY
Se unió en marzo de 2008
Nació el 24 de octubre de 1945


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  1. Tweet fijado
    5 ago.

    With highest levels of displacement on record, millions of ppl rely on the United Nations for life-saving assistance

  2. hace 18 minutos

    . works w/ countries to make water use in agriculture more productive, equitable & sustainable:

  3. retwitteó
    8 ago.

    Bolt from the Blue by Ivan Stulic is 1 of 50 finalists chosen for the WMO Photo Calendar Contest. See the rest here:

  4. hace 3 horas

    To ensure every child gets a healthy start in life, delivers right nutrition to mothers & children across the 🌍

  5. hace 6 horas

    . works to ensure that every child, everywhere, enjoys her/his fundamental human right to education:

  6. hace 9 horas

    The human trafficking business has allowed an economy of suffering to thrive. - :

  7. retwitteó
    8 ago.

    : "The early warning signs of a genocide are there. We must act now..." -

  8. hace 11 horas

    On , see how the Ainu preserve their traditions and culture in Japan ⬇️

  9. retwitteó
    hace 19 horas

    asks chief () to provide early warning when a conflict could lead to

  10. hace 13 horas

    People around the 🌍 celebrated . Here are some UN highlights:

  11. retwitteó
    hace 18 horas

    Indigenous tribe in Rio de Janeiro preserves the language. For more:

  12. hace 14 horas
  13. retwitteó
    hace 18 horas

    Indigenous peoples are key actors for achieving sustainable development &

  14. hace 16 horas

    Indigenous ppls face challenges to right to self-determination, traditional lands, education & more

  15. retwitteó
    9 ago.

    ? Indigenous peoples make up < 5% of the world's population, but account for 15% of the poorest.

  16. retwitteó

    . appoints of the UK as the new head of the UN Department of Public Information

  17. hace 18 horas

    See how works to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need & much more:

  18. retwitteó
    9 ago.

    Tsá Tué in Canada is the first indigenous-led biosphere reserve

  19. hace 20 horas

    On & everyday stand against exclusion of indigenous peoples!

  20. retwitteó
    8 ago.

    9 Aug is Indigenous Peoples’ Day! Learn how we are amplifying indigenous women's voices:

  21. hace 22 horas

    More than 300 million people deal with depression worldwide - a leading cause of ill health & disability.

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