Bigger is better as retail landlords face disruption: S&P

Retail landlords with fortress-style malls will fare better as the retail sector faces the challenge of online shopping.
Retail landlords with fortress-style malls will fare better as the retail sector faces the challenge of online shopping.
Chinese real estate agents are reporting a sharp drop-off in Australian sales over the past six weeks as new property taxes take effect.
City planners have called for affordable housing to be included in any development of old hospital site in central Melbourne.
The manager of Australia's only listed metropolitan office fund says yields in Sydney and Melbourne will continue firm for assets that are actively managed.
Mission Australia Housing, developers Frasers Property Australia and Citta Property Group win Ivanhoe social housing project.
Ardent's appointment of Randy Garfield is a clear rejection of shareholder Ariadne's plans to install two directors.
Ray White's rural business has recorded a strong year for farming property.
Hong Australia Corporation (HAC) buys the large distribution centre at has splashed out $23 million for a 20,236sq m freestanding facility a...
Investors in the Centuria Industrial REIT will receive a lower full-year payout in FY18 as the trust looks to fill an eight per cent vacancy...
Greenwood Early Education Centres will move into Goodman Group's Ferntree Business Park at Notting Hill in Melbourne.
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