Domino's Pizza short-sellers see 'ridiculously expensive' shares falling further

Domino's CEO Don Meij faces a changing market.
Domino's CEO Don Meij faces a changing market. Jorge Branco

Short-sellers are convinced there is further share price pain ahead for Domino's Pizza after the stock fell nearly 20 per cent on its earnings miss on Tuesday.

Campbell Neal from K2 Asset Management is not closing his short position just yet. The fund manager said there was no doubt Domino's is a "beautifully run business", but it was also "ridiculously expensive" because the market had ascribed to it a blistering multiple.

"That was my first warning signal," he recalls. "They essentially sell pizzas and they do it very well and they have an online strategy with great apps that suit the younger generation. I get all that. But at the end of the day it just delivers pizza."

Mr Neal observed that the market Domino's had comfortably dominated started changing with the introduction of Deliveroo, UberEats and other competitors that could deliver healthier or trendier affordable dining to the home.

"Everything's now at your fingertips," he said. "It's no longer 'let's get Domino's because they're the only one who delivers'."

The performance of Retail Food Group's Crust pizza franchise affirmed this, he added.

"Domino's cannot be sailing above the breeze here, it's not conceptually correct," he noted.

Mr Neal thinks the stock would be more appropriately priced at 18 times 2017-18 earnings. It is trading on 23 times, based on current consensus, and up to 28 times factoring in any estimates of downgrades.

"Unless they're going to do acquisitions or some other strategy, I'm still sticking with my short."

Domino's stock closed at $41.50 for a loss of 18.8 per cent; it was on a price-earnings multiple of 32 times before Tuesday's open.

Chris Garrard from Cadence Asset Management shorted the company at $70 in October 2016.

"It was expensive fundamentally and rolled over technically, those were the main drivers, not specific concerns related to the company," he said, while agreeing with Mr Neal that it was an exceptional business.

Still growing earnings

He said when stocks trading on high price to earnings multiples missed earnings "it has a big effect".

"This is a very rough proxy, but if it's growing at 20 per cent, it could move to a 20 P/E; then we'd see the stock coming down another $10."

At the peak of market interest in Domino's, the company was often touted as a technology stock because so much of its growth was linked to its mobile apps.

"Is it a technology company or a pizza company? It's a pizza company," Mr Garrard said.

Ben McGarry from Totus Capital named Domino's as one of his shorts for 2017 back in January.

"It's a great business, it's just very hard to maintain that P/E in the face of the well-documented challenges of franchisee profitability, rising wage costs, impediments to offshore growth, challenges in Japan and Europe. We think there's more to go on the de-rating," Mr McGarry said.

Morphic Asset Management's Jack Lowenstein closed a profitable in short in Domino's because even though the market was losing conviction in its rating, the company is still growing earnings at double-digit rates. Domino's has forecast net profit in 2017-18 "in the region of 20 per cent".

"The challenge for shorting this stock was whether the effects of earnings growth might outpace its de-rating? The reason we took profits fairly early was we couldn't be sure it wouldn't."