Is it too soon for the CBA board to start a CEO search?

 CBA chairman Catherine Livingston is seeking a new CEO to lead the bank by mid next year.
CBA chairman Catherine Livingston is seeking a new CEO to lead the bank by mid next year. David Rowe

Should Commonwealth Bank of Australia's board of directors be undertaking a search for a new chief executive before its annual meeting?

The question is being asked because of the risk that the bank could face a second strike on its remuneration report. If this were to happen then it could mean the entire board could be spilled and face re-election.

CBA's annual meeting is to be held on November 16.

Last year, CBA received its first strike when 49 per cent of votes and proxies cast by shareholders at the annual meeting rejected the remuneration report.

It was the first time an Australian bank had received a "first strike". The "two strikes" law introduced in 2011 is designed to hold directors accountable for executive salaries and bonuses and it means an entire board can face re-election if shareholders disagree with how much executives are being paid.

At last year's annual meeting the board was also forced to withdraw the approval of a generous bonus package for CEO Ian Narev.

Narev will depart CBA by mid next year after a money laundering scandal has rocked the bank. It's the latest in a series of scandals that have occurred during his time as head of the bank.

These include the slow response to the financial planning scandal, CommInsure scandal, IT bribery scandal and now a money-laundering fiasco.

The latter involves organised crime groups that may have used the proceeds laundered through the bank to fund drug syndicates and potentially terrorism.

Financial intelligence agency AUSTRAC has launched civil proceedings against CBA in the Federal Court.

After the money laundering scandal broke in the first week of August, CBA's chairman, Catherine Livingstone, cancelled the short-term remuneration incentives of the bank's top management team and said directors' fees would be cut by 20 per cent.

The release of the bank's annual report on Monday confirmed that Narev's pay for the 2016-17 financial year had fallen to $5.7 million from $8.8 million previously.

The action instigated by Livingstone may be enough to stave off any second strike against the board in November.

However, proxy advisers won't publish their recommendations on how shareholders should vote until two to three weeks before the annual meeting. In the interim, the bank's board will be looking to minimise any other negative news emerging.

Several of CBA's institutional shareholders have indicated privately a favourable response to how Livingstone and the board have managed to the money laundering allegations, saying appropriate steps have been taken. This includes the establishment of a board sub-committee to investigate the matter.

The desire among those shareholders is for the board to stay focused on this issue and not be distracted by speculation of second-strike vote 

Putting aside the risk of a second strike, the question remains which directors should be involved in the process of reviewing candidates to be the next CEO?

Some of CBA's directors have been been present through all the bank's scandals that Narev has had to manage.

Board renewal is on the agenda of Livingstone, who became chairman in January, and it's expected there may be retirements announced by some directors at the annual meeting.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has confirmed it is investigating what the board of directors knew and its response after it learnt of the allegations of money laundering through the bank.

AUSTRAC in its statement of claim said: "It's essential to the integrity of the Australian financial system that a major bank such as CommBank has compliant and appropriate risk-based systems and controls in place to deter money laundering and terrorism financing.

"The effect of CommBank's conduct in this matter has exposed the Australian community to serious and ongoing financial crime."