Hedge funds step up hunt for alternative data to detect emerging trends

Hedge funds are stepping up the hunt for more alternative data - such as foot traffic into stores - as a proxy for how ...
Hedge funds are stepping up the hunt for more alternative data - such as foot traffic into stores - as a proxy for how healthy a company's sales might be. Christopher Pearce

Hedge funds are increasingly using "alternative data" such as measures of daily foot traffic into retail stores and airports collected from millions of people's smartphones to pick up on shifting trends which may be an early signal about a company's profit growth.

ASX-listed real-time energy usage monitoring company Buddy Platform has experienced a fourfold rise in its share price to around 24¢ in the past two months after signing an agreement with Carribean telco Digicel as a re-seller of its Buddy Ohm devices.

But it is also building a second, smaller arm.

Buddy Platform chief executive David McLauchlan said on Tuesday the company had already conducted "a small handful of test sales" with New York hedge funds and other financial market traders who analyse metadata across a variety of industries collected from smartphones through the Parse on Buddy product.

It is separate to the core Buddy Ohm internet of things device, where increasingly energy-conscious corporate customers seek to make savings on their electricity, gas and water bills. Buddy Platform, which labels its device a "Fitbit for buildings" said it had signed contracts worth $23 million in the fourth quarter of 2016-2017.

But the data from Parse on Buddy was increasingly valuable and a third-party valuation had found it could be worth US$10 million to US$15 million on an annualised basis.

Customers such as hedge funds wanted to be able to analyse data which tracked foot traffic on both a year-on-year basis and quarter-on-quarter. A full annual set of "alternative data" being collected through Parse on Buddy would become available from January.

"The funds have told us they want a year of data," Mr McLauchlan said. "Once we get to January then we can turn the tap on," he said. This information was closely scrutinised by hedge funds and stockmarket traders to try to detect trends outside of the traditional release of sales and profit results by a company.

Although personal data isn't collected, hedge funds are trying to obtain an early read on significant developing trends by tracking the numbers of people were walking into particular stores, or airports, for example, and comparing that data against the previous year.

Buddy Platform, which has offices in Seattle in the United States and Adelaide, listed on the ASX in late 2015. The company had some high-profile backers in its early days including Microsoft and venture capital fund AF Square, which was set up by singer Lady Gaga and her former manager Troy Carter.

Mr McLauchlan said telco companies facing pressures on their traditional businesses were increasingly looking to offer new services such as the distribution of energy monitoring devices to help customers cut their power bills.

Buddy Platform was aiming to do similar deals in Australia and the United States as it had done in the Caribbean with Digicel, which is the re-seller and distributor in 26 countries across the Caribbean, where energy is very expensive.

"They generate electricity by literally burning oil," Mr McLauchlan said.

Digicel, which he described as a "Telstra-sized phone network" was making solid inroads in a market where large retailers, hotels, and companies were looking to slice into high power bills.
