Warning to Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC about 'vulnerable' consulting work

Institute of Internal Auditors CEO Richard Chambers says auditing provides a more stable source of income than ...
Institute of Internal Auditors CEO Richard Chambers says auditing provides a more stable source of income than consulting tasks. Louie Douvis

The big four accounting and consulting firms need to tread carefully as the proportion of audit work they carry out continues to fall away, while their consulting arms go from strength to strength.

That's because auditing provides a stable source of income, whereas consulting work is "very vulnerable to economic downturns", according to Richard Chambers, the president and CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors.

"The revenues that you can derive from non-audit services are very vulnerable to economic downturns. The revenues you derive from external audit work are more resilient. The mistake any firm would make, I think, would be to put all of their eggs in the basket of doing work that is very vulnerable to economic cycles," said Mr Chambers, who was in Sydney last month for the institute's annual 2017 international conference.

"When the economy gets soft and you end up in a recessionary environment, what's the first stuff that gets cut? It's usually discretionary spending and things like consulting. It's usually a leading indicator of economic activity."

While the absolute value of traditional audit work has grown over time at the local arms of the big four, the proportion of revenue it represents has been steadily falling. The percentage of audit work done by the big four has dropped to 16 per cent of revenue at Deloitte in 2015-16 financial year, 19 per cent at PwC, 22 per cent at KPMG and 24 per cent at EY.

The four firms are all aggressively chasing growth by moving into management and technology consulting work. They are also hedging their bets by branching out into other types of professional services ranging from law through to strategy work and even marketing advisory.

Mr Chambers added that when "companies start to think they're going to heat up, they start going out and securing [consulting] services again. So my thought is that it would would be incredibly shortsighted for firms to think that that's a reliable, sustainable source of revenue because it can be very vulnerable to economic cycles."

Managing risks

Mr Chambers, who is based in Florida and has previously worked at PwC, the US Postal Service and the US Army, said his association represents the people who work within an organisation to provide assurance to senior management that risks are being managed appropriately.

"I think the reason [companies] do have internal audit ultimately is to give assurance to your board and to management that risks are well managed and internal controls are well designed and implemented," he said.

"It's that assurance role that internal audit can provide that distinguishes it from any other source of assurance that management or the board can get. Because it's the one source of assurance within the company that is rendered by someone who isn't responsible for the area that they're giving you assurance for.

"Management is going to be naturally inclined to put the best spin on how effective controls are whether they are or aren't. So if the board is looking to someone for assurance about how well controlled the company is, if I were on a board, I'd be looking to someone who isn't responsible for that to give me an honest assessment."

The importance of internal audit, which looks at internal controls, can be seen in the ongoing scandal at Commonwealth Bank of Australia where financial intelligence agency AUSTRAC has accused the bank of allegedly breaching anti-money laundering laws. CEO Ian Narev has admitted that the bank's board was surprised by the details within AUSTRAC's statement of claim. This is despite the bank supposedly having a sophisticated system of risk management and internal controls.

The bank said in a statement its internal audit function sits within its group finance division but would not comment further on any role played by these employees in checking the bank's money laundering controls.

