AUSTRAC reveals frustration with Commonwealth Bank over terrorism financing

AUSTRAC's acting chief executive Peter Clark. It is not clear whether the decision to ambush CBA in the Federal Court ...
AUSTRAC's acting chief executive Peter Clark. It is not clear whether the decision to ambush CBA in the Federal Court was Clark's idea, or that of his predecessor, Paul Jevtovic. David Rowe

One of the ugly sleeper issues buried in the 580-page statement of claim issued by financial intelligence agency AUSTRAC against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia is the accusation the bank failed to report its suspicions that a customer had links to terrorism financing.

Under the law any suspicion of terrorism financing must be reported to AUSTRAC within 24 hours. The only proviso is the bank must have "reasonable grounds" to form the suspicion.

This disturbing allegation about links between CBA and terrorism goes to the heart of the gaping rift in the relationship between CBA and AUSTRAC. It is an accusation that was never the subject of discussion or negotiation between the regulator and the bank prior to the court action on August 3.

CBA chief executive Ian Narev and chairman Catherine Livingstone have emphasised the close co-ordination between the bank and AUSTRAC before and after the legal action was launched.

CBA chief executive Ian Narev and chairman Catherine Livingstone have emphasised the close co-ordination between the ...
CBA chief executive Ian Narev and chairman Catherine Livingstone have emphasised the close co-ordination between the bank and AUSTRAC before and after the legal action was launched. David Rowe

But these conciliatory comments are at odds with the damaging statements by AUSTRAC officials in confidential briefings about the CBA case in Canberra over the past week.

Disappointment at briefings

Chanticleer understands that during the briefings, AUSTRAC officials made clear their disappointment and frustration with CBA and its slack attitude to its obligations in relation to terrorism financing.

The officials met government ministers and the House Economics Committee. It is believed the AUSTRAC briefings included Treasurer Scott Morrison and the Justice Minister Michael Keenan.

AUSTRAC takes the view that CBA's failure to report suspicions about terrorism financing links is a fact. CBA has, in effect, been painted as being guilty of wilful neglect in relation to its obligations in an area critical to national security.

CBA is still working on its defence and refuses to say whether it agrees or disagrees with this statement.
CBA is still working on its defence and refuses to say whether it agrees or disagrees with this statement. Daniel Munoz

CBA is still working on its defence and refuses to say whether it agrees or disagrees with this statement.

But Chanticleer believes CBA would prefer to settle the matter out of court. By going down the path of preparing a statement of defence, the bank will inevitably highlight severe weaknesses in AUSTRAC's regulatory approach. For example, CBA staff trying to report matters to AUSTRAC for a second time were allegedly told by AUSTRAC that it could not cope with the volume of reporting it was receiving from the bank.

The truth or otherwise of that will have to be determined by the Federal Court, if the case ever gets that far.

Fractured relationship

The cracks in the relationship between CBA and AUSTRAC are partly due to the way the regulator handled the legal action.
The cracks in the relationship between CBA and AUSTRAC are partly due to the way the regulator handled the legal action. David Rowe

The cracks in the relationship between CBA and AUSTRAC are partly due to the way the regulator handled the legal action.

The CBA executives who were negotiating with AUSTRAC over the past two years thought they were working towards an agreement for an enforceable undertaking. CBA offered to settle the issues in that way. This would have involved a payment of money and a program of remediation.

The bank was not dissuaded from thinking that the matter would be resolved in an amicable manner.

The former CEO of AUSTRAC, Paul Jevtovic, had lunch with the CBA board of directors in June last year and never mentioned any of the issues included in the statement of claim.

Paul Jevtovic refuses to discuss the CBA case
Paul Jevtovic refuses to discuss the CBA case Janie Barrett

Jevtovic, who is now head of financial crime at HSBC in Hong Kong, refuses to discuss the CBA case. It is not clear whether the decision to ambush CBA in the Federal Court was Jevtovic's idea or the idea of acting CEO Peter Clark.

There was a misplaced idea within CBA that if AUSTRAC took the legal route it would not happen until after the appointment of a new CEO.

Those who want to form their own view about the AUSTRAC allegation that CBA never reported its suspicions about the terrorism financing links of a customer should read page 320 of the AUSTRAC statement of claim.

It is detailed and complex but it in a nutshell it says that a draft recommendation about the suspicious customer "did not take into account or refer to the intense pattern of structuring on this account or the investigations being conducted by NSW Police".
