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Photo by Martin Sorrondeguy

MRR Radio #1571 • 8/20/17

Fried Egg swung by to scramble our feeble minds.... Intro song: FRIED EGG - Teeth SAM RICHARDSON THE LANDLORDS - Stigmata LSD - Kill SHOTGUN SOLUTION ...

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Table Sugar (photo by Max Keyes)


“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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MRR Radio #1570 • 8/13/17

Layla devastates and dismays with new sounds for old people/old sounds for new people. Intro song: THEE HEADCOATEES - Gotta Get Inside ...

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“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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Period Bomb

MRR Radio #1569 • 8/6/17

The world is scary and shit is fucked but MRR Radio charges forth and continues to give you hope through ...

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August 18th, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:

Who is Table Sugar?
We’re 4 femmes making music! Pascal, Jenna, Aidan, and Ella. Our good friend Brynn Juniper has also played drums with us, and recorded/mastered our album.

How and when did you all meet?
We met in a art program at evergreen state college in 2014 and sought out each other disregading any technical music ability. We basically learned by playing together and trusting our initiation over theory.

How would you describe your sound?
Someone once said we sound like a car breaking down but in a good way. We thought was really funny but weirdly accurate.

What are your lyrics about?
Pascal: I want them to be open to interpretation. Theyre mainly a self therapeutic sort of channel.

What’s in the foreseeable future?
We’re self-releasing a bunch of music this year and touring touring touring!!!

Table Sugar (photo by Max Keyes)

Links and contact info:




Band name:


Date & location formed:
Very early 2016 in Copenhagen.

Reason for forming:
We’re friends, who at the time all had other bands that were coming to an end, but we wanted to play a certain style of music, so we made a band where we’d have the opportunity to play gothic punk.

What are your lyrics about?
Abstractions on despair, loneliness, anxiety, loss.

How would you describe your sound?
Loud, melodic post punk with deathrock elements.

Echo People (photo by Stina Broström)

What’s in the future for this band?
We just recorded a 4-track E.P. that’ll hopefully come out this fall. We have some shows lined up for the rest of the year, next year we want to do an album.

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Who is ZEK?
Alec Tullio ➽ drums
Jack Padurariu ✐ guitar
Oli Dunk ➳ vocals
Villi Koira ☞ bass

Where, when, and how did you all meet?
Jack: ZEK started pretty slowly in the summer of 2016, me and Oli are old friends and we were messing around, writing and scrapping songs and members until Oli asked two of his workmates at Black Cat to join, Alec and Villi. It’s a great vegan cafe in Hackney (London) that I now work at too, diy/ethical/punk to the max and massive portion sizes to boot, in a way we owe it to them for bringing us together. As people we’re from England, Romania, Czech Republic and Australia so we’ve all come to this band and this city with radically different punk past lives but we’re all keen as on ZEK.

What are your lyrics about?
Oli: Absolute disgust at the world and my place in it. Uneducated and angry digs at England and its imperial past. Being pissed off, poor and sick of having to work all the time. Not taking yourself too seriously. Kinda anything that pisses me off to be honest. Terminator: judgement day-style global extinction.

How would you describe your sound?
FX heavy huge bass, trebly frenzy guitar, blasting dense drums and lunatic vocals. Our current demo is a really weird take on fast hardcore punk, we’re just making it up as we go along and as long as it sounds different from the rest of what’s going on in the U.K. scene, we’re happy.

What’s in the future for this band?
We’ve got another release in the works that we’ll be recording very soon, and we’ll be putting that and the first demo on tape in the next month or so. The new material is more direct and tiring to play. We’ve also been putting on shows at New River Studios and will carry on doing that to play with as many of the incredible bands operating around the country as we can. There’s no lineup for the next one as of yet, it was booked yesterday but it will be on sept 30th. We also want to play waaay more shows so PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON PUT US ON.

ZEK (photo by Neil Anderson)

Links and contact info:




Band name:


Date & location formed:
Spring 2016, Montreal QC

Reason for forming:
We had an experimental synth-pop band together in the past, we listened to a lot of different music and one day decided we should start a project that was harsher and reflected a lot of our influences at the time. We were heavy into bands like The Birthday Party, Cranes, Swans and Godflesh.

What are your lyrics about?
Carving up your own personal heaven. We try to focus on setting a mood rather than telling any story with meaning. You can search for that on your own time.

How would you describe your sound?
Brutal and beautiful.

What’s in the future for this band?
We will be playing up north in Quebec this winter and hope to continue east, west and south in the coming years.

Security (photo by Tony)

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Date & location formed:
Salem, MA, early 2017.

Reason for forming:
We all wanted to be in a band with a little less bullshit than we were used to.

What are your lyrics about?
Fuckers that try to tell you how to live your life while they lie, cheat and steal their way to easy street, and leave everyone else to fuck off.

How would you describe your sound?
A Mark Arm fronted Born Against grooving on Necros and Crucifucks covers.

What’s in the future for this band?
Playing more shows, our demo is coming out on tape, do some more recording, go on a couple small tours.

Similar Items (photo by Riley Knispel)

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


August 11th, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:


Date & location formed:
June 2017. Singapore.

Reason for forming:
All of us in the band sort of wanted to play something different and pick up a different instrument from the ones we were playing in our other respective bands, so we decided to get together and make it happen. To put it simply haha!

What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics in the demo are essentially about being pissed at dealing with people who’re out manipulating others for their own wants. Being two faced and all that. Straight up in your face kind of stuff.

How would you describe your sound?
Hardcore punk. We draw inspiration from bands like Rival Mob, The Flex, 86 Mentality to name a few. A little bit of everything actually hahaha!

What’s in the future for this band?
We have yet to play our first show, which is in October? (Unless something pops up along the way) Other than that, we’ll be releasing tapes for the demo through Pissed Off Records (Malaysia) for the region, not that sure for the rest of the world. As of now, we’re hoping to get more shows to play!

Links and contact info:

Twitter: @unsubhc




Band name:

E.D.S. (Excited Delirium Syndrome)

Date & location formed:
January 2017, Philadelphia PA

Reason for forming:
Matt (vox) and Devin (guitar) played together in a few projects over the years, but had always wanted to play together in a fast, straightforward American hardcore-style punk band. Their longtime friend Colin (drums) was on board with the idea and with the addition of Erik (bass) the lineup was complete.

What are your lyrics about?
The pitfalls of hard drug abuse, the surreal Trump administration, Trump Supporters, cop supporters. EDS is anti-Trump and anti-cop.

How would you describe your sound?
Ripping fast USHC. We have been compared to H-100’s, Out Cold, and Cardiac Arrest. Check out our demo review in MRR #411, August 2017.

What’s in the future for this band?
We’ve already done two out of town weekend tours and sold out of our demo’s first press of 200 copies. We repressed the demo (200 copies) and are planning a string of dates in early October, heading south along the Eastern seaboard. We are also writing our follow up which should be out in early 2018.

EDS (photo by McHenry Orji)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Who is Cheap Surgery?
Cheap surgery is Leah, Josh, Will and Ben.

How did you all meet?
We met by going to gigs in Leeds at places like CHUNK, temple of boom and wharf chamber and Will and Ben were in a band together when they both lived in the south.

Who writes your lyrics?
Leah: I write the lyrics as I do the vocals but sometimes if I’m stuck I’ll get help from Ben, with him playing drums and having more rhythm than me, he helps a lot with fitting the lyrics to the music.

How would you describe your sound?
New style hardcore done a bit differently.

What’s in the future for all of you?
Just playing more shows, we’ve got quite a few planned for the rest of the year and to try get a 7″ recorded as soon as possible.

Links and contact info:




Band name:

Date & location formed:
Early stages of songs were hashed out in a Philadelphia basement around summer 2016, but the 4 of us got together in the same room in the winter of 2017 and continued as NEOPHOBE.

Reason for forming:
We hope to blur some lines between punk genres and scenes.

What are your lyrics about?
Heather: My anxiety has been my number one enemy for a while now, so I write a lot about the battles I have had with it as a way to cope and also let my friends and others who are struggling with it know they are not alone. Things have been pretty dark in my life the past few years and I think a lot of what I write really reflects that.

How would you describe your sound?
Twangy, upbeat punk with a dark tinge and a nod to Scandinavia.

What’s in the future for this band?
To keep writing and hopefully put something new out sometime in 2018 along with touring.

Neophobe (photo by Kevin Spaghetti)

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Date & location formed:
Päästö started in Umeå as a project just for fun by Rille and Kristian a few years ago, but in 2014 they asked Jorunn, Rebekka and Bea to join and Päästö became an actual band. We’ve done mainly local gigs a few times a year since. We all have other bands and busy lives, and Kristian doesn’t even live here anymore, so it can be kind of hard to organize rehearsals and get together on a regular basis.

Reason for forming:
Basically Kristian wanted to learn to play drums, and Rille wanted to try out doing vocals. The rest of us were just dying to play some sloppy d-beat.

What are your lyrics about?
You know, the usual. War. Classwar. Being a mess. Nothing special really.

How would you describe your sound?
Imagine Cal and Jakke Kaaos having a Finnish love child. That child is Päästö.

What’s in the future for this band?
We will do our first gig south of Umeå in September, and release a cassette demo on Spela Snabbare Records this autumn, and we’ll see what happens after that. Hopefully we will record some new songs and do some more gigs and bring the Päästö gospel around the world.

Päästö (photo by Frida Brännlund)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
We formed in April of this year in the small city of Charlottetown. It’s in the province of Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada, most notable for Anne of Green Gables.

Reason for forming:
This band actually formed as a joke. The original intention was to learn “Shut Down” by The Germs and play that for half an hour, but when we went to jam for the first time our guitar player, TJ, told us he had some riffs so we wrote a bunch of songs super quickly.

What are your lyrics about?
There’s no central theme to our lyrics, most of them are just inside jokes and ‘paranoid garbage’ as Ben put it. Some lyrics deal with really mundane and human issues and then make them seem complex and unmoveable, in a stream of consciousness type of manner.

How would you describe your sound?
I’ve never honestly heard much like it before personally. I hear it as a punk band with a touch of weird. Others have found it surfy or garagy, and there is definitely a little bit of old school hardcore influence in some of the songs. It’s definitely something I’ve never heard out of our town before.

What’s in the future for this band?
Well I literally just ordered the tapes for our demo while typing this up so we’ll likely have those up in the next couple of weeks. I think the next thing we’ll be doing is recording a couple of songs for a split, and then we’ll keep writing and record an EP or an LP or something soon. We’re just gonna pump out the jams.

Links and contact info:




Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


July 19th, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:


When and where did ICED come to be?
Elle: Jordan and myself started writing the demo in Spring/Summer 2016 on our own here in Eugene, OR. Rehearsed and recorded the demo in Jordan’s garage in winter and released it in February 2017.

Your lyrics aren’t just hardcore platitudes, there’s rich and sensitive content. If you don’t mind, Tell me about them:
Elle: I think our goal is to write personal lyrics that people can relate to. In specific, women and femme people. Our lyrics don’t necessarily pertain to only a single topic, but I think there’s always an underlying theme of overcoming obstacles and issues that people face on a day to day basis. Be it something simple and obvious like a shitty job, or something more personal like dealing with abuse, rape culture, or oppression. Writing these songs and expressing these emotions has helped me heal and feel empowered, and we hope to make others feel the same way.

How would you describe your sound?
Jordan: Energetic and intense hardcore punk with slammy mosh riffs. That pretty much sums us up musically. We wanted to create music that would be fun to see live. We want everyone at our shows to enjoy themselves and have fun. That’s definitely our goal as far as sound goes.

What’s in the foreseeable future?
Jordan: Currently working on new material. Our goal is to have another release by the end of the year. In the meantime we’re gonna continue playing shows everywhere we can, and we hope to hit the road again soon, perhaps next spring. Something bigger and better this time around.

ICED (photo by Robert Martin)

Links and contact info:






Artwork by Nicky Rat

Band name:

Tell me about yourselves, and how your band came to be:
Lee: We’re 4 punks living in London with a love for 80s UKHC.

How did you all come to form Farce?
Cal: I moved to London last year and wanted to start a new band there as a couple of my other bands were spread across a few cities. Myself and Ola (guitarist) played with the idea of starting a band that sounded like the UK hardcore classics e.g. Ripcord/Heresy/Extreme Noise Terror. When we’d wrote a couple of tunes we recruited Olly to drum who’d previously played in a crust metal band and fit the bill perfectly. We then got Jyoti on bass to complete the line up and finished the rest of the demo, recording it with Jonah Falco in May.

What are your lyrics about?
Cal: A few of the songs are about the cruelty of the meat industry and the abhorrent animal abuse caused everyday. All of us are vegan and its something we feel strongly about. A lot of the other lyrics deal with politics in terms of feeling hopeless as Tories defund our NHS, cut numerous benefits for vulnerable people and trade arms in secrecy. You know all the typical shit that continues to happen everyday.

How would you describe your sound?
Cal: I’d like to think we sound reminiscent of the 80s UK bands. We’ve taken influence from both the hardcore and crust/d beat bands of that era as we’re all massive fans and I hope our music is a mixture of those styles.

What’s in the near future?
Cal: Our demo tape is out via Quality Control Records and we’re doing a weekender in the UK at the end of July.

Farce (photo by Ben Woolf)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Logo by Fariq Hafiq


Tell me about yourselves:
We are Fuse. Just 5 people who love catchy and groovy tunes with a hint of heavy beats. Representing Singapore, the little red dot.

When and how did Fuse come about?
Fuse started out around October 2016. It started with just a random idea from our vocalist to gather girls in a band. Finding girls who love music and would commit to this idea was not an easy thing to accomplish here in this small community. It took awhile for me to get to know more females in the scene. Finding guitarist and bassist was still manageable. However, finding a drummer was a tough one. But lucky for us, we found Ikaa! As most of us do not have experience in or even picked up the particular instrument to play in the band, the start of the band was very rocky. But we are glad we took the time that we need to get to where we are now, also we would want to mention that it wouldn’t be possible without the help and guidance from our other friends.

How would you describe your sound?
We would like to describe our sound as catchy, groovy and slam-my. With a few influences from Freedom, The Rival Mob and Primitive Blast. These are just bands that first come to mind but there’s a few more. However, we still want to create that unique tinge of what Fuse is all about. Through the self-teaching, we were also focused on finding ourselves. We’ve also demo-ed songs that we decided not to use as we don’t feel like it is who we are and who we want to be.

What’s in the future for you?
We’ve got few plans that we are pretty excited about. First, we will be working on our Demo and also have some plans on releasing some merch which also includes tapes. We have some friends overseas who have requested for physical copies of our music and we would love to do that too! Which we are working on!

FUSE (photo by Alin)

Links and contact info:

Twitter: @fusenoise




Band name:

Date & location formed:
March 2017, Richmond VA.

Reason for forming:
3/4 of us are relatively new to Richmond and have been making sorta weirdo noise punk/post-punk for a while in other projects. We all knew each other in some way or another and our tastes overlap and we just sorta gave it a shot. We *think* it turned out well!

What are your lyrics about?
Emilie: Well they’re mostly about dying or social anxiety or wanting to shake someone who is making me mad until their head rolls off their neck and into some mud.

How would you describe your sound?
We’re not saying to use this, but people have been calling us gremlin punk, which is silly but accurate. I guess the best way to describe us is ‘weirdo noise punk’

What’s in the future for this band?
Playing a lot of shows in the hot hot Richmond swamp summer, and eventually doing some lil tours and putting out more recordings!

Gumming (photo by Kiki McDonald)

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


July 6th, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Artwork by Nick Welch

Band name:

Where did you start this project, and why?
Josh: 2016 in Los Angeles, CA. As an outlet in which to channel the various anxieties I experience as a result of living with OCD.

Would you mind sharing more on that? I deal with this myself:
Josh: I am not particularly comfortable with sharing the specifics of my OCD. I will say that when it first got bad, I thought I was losing my mind. It was like somebody had smashed a window in my brain and everything that I had previously taken for granted was suddenly turned upside down. It was pretty agonizing at first, especially before I received a proper diagnosis. But after going into treatment, I thankfully now have a much better handle on my OCD. Regardless, it is something I anticipate that I will struggle with for the remainder of my life.

What are your lyrics about?
Delusions, misanthropy, cosmic horror.

How would you describe Skull Clamp’s sound?
Josh: A garbage bag filled with bones being crushed with a baseball bat.

Who’s in the bag?
Josh: Me.

What are you up to outside of this?
Josh: Outside of Skull Clamp, I work as an animator. When I’m not drawing or making music, I spend most of my time working on the house that I share with my girlfriend and two dogs.

What’s in the future for you?
Josh: I’m currently working on another demo which will hopefully see release in the fall of 2017.

Skull Clamp (photo by Maggie Mclean)

Links and contact info:




Band name:


Date & location formed:
March-ish 2017 in Champaign, IL.

Reason for forming:
Vince (guitar) moved to Champaign from Chicago last year and asked two locals he didn’t really know (Olguie, bass/vocals, and Tyler, drums) if they’d wanna start a band. (This is Olguie’s first band ever!).

What are your lyrics about?
Dream Probe’s lyrics are influenced by Olguie’s experiences as a trans queer immigrant and their relationship with Puerto Rican diaspora.

How would you describe your sound?
Fast hardcore a la early Die Kreuzen/Poison Idea with vocals in Spanish. Mild D-beat adjacent riffs on the side.

What’s in the future for this band?
We are playing The Universe Is Lit fest in the Bay Area in early August and will have a 2nd demo out not long before then. After that some sporadic touring, 7″ next year?

Dream Probe (photo by Veronica Mullen)

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Date & location formed:
June 2016 in Chicago. We practiced for three weeks and played our first show the same month.

Reason for forming:
Two members are from Brazil (Fortaleza and Londrina), two members are from Chicago, and one is from Birmingham, AL. Every time we would run into each other we would talk about bands from our respective hometowns, as well as old international punk and Oi! other people we knew weren’t into. Most conversations ended with, “we should start a band!” We finally did.

What are your lyrics about?
Our guitarist Matheus writes most of the lyrics, and they’re about observing American politics as a Brazilian living in the US. He writes drafts in Portuguese and then works with Beto to translate them to Spanish.

How would you describe your sound?
We try to cover all of our interests, from the SUB comp of Brazilian HC, to Italian and Japanese Oi! to Basque punk.

What’s in the future for this band?
Releasing a 12” on Foreign Legion Records (run by Ian, who plays guitar), working on new material in the winter for whatever releases come up.

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
We formed last August in South San Francisco.

Reason for forming:
We had all gone to high school together and our bands were fizzling out, and it’s shitty to have nothing to put your energy into. The four of us had vaguely overlapping music tastes and we like hanging out together, we were going to community college, and our singer Alessio had a sick darkwave bass/drum machine solo project at one point, so we decided to build off of that.

What are your lyrics about?
Alienation, finding a sense of identity, social pressures and relationships.

How would you describe your sound?
Music for retail jobs and vacant suburban streets late at night. Post punk or deathrock or darkwave, not sure.

What’s in the future for this band?
Playing shows in San Fran and San Jose here and there, setting up outdoors shows in our area when we find a good outlet and an isolated location. Maybe making a bad music video. Fighting capitalistic tendencies of the music economy. We’re finishing writing our first full length, which we are going to hopefully record and release this summer. Overdubbing some recycled cassettes.

The Investment (photo by Kelsey Johe)

Links and contact info:




Band name:

Date & location formed:
Spring 2016, Montreal QC.

Reason for forming:
We wanted to learn to play new instruments collaboratively and be a part of the intensely vital scene here in Montreal.

What are your lyrics about?
The total collapse of humanity as mediated by cable TV, small dogs, jewellery, general uneasiness.

How would you describe your sound?
The dead zone between no wave and synth-punk.

What’s in the future for this band?
Life is easy at the start and gets progressively more difficult. We’d like to play in Hamilton, Ontario sometime.

Beep Test (photo by Sofia Shutenko)

Links and contact info:




Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.


June 29th, 2017 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:

PTSD (Paterson Thomas Stuart Developments)

Date & location formed:
Mid 2016 New York City

Reason for forming:
We wanted to start a band that satisfied our divergent tastes and landed on this.

What are your lyrics about?
Years of living dangerously.

How would you describe your sound?
Like Post-Punk detours of Punk bands.

What’s in the future for this band?
No Patience Records is releasing our demo and we are working on some new stuff. We will hopefully do an album within the year

PTSD (photo by James Stuart)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Artwork by Jack Sabbat


Date & location formed:
Formed 2016 in Copenhagen

Reason for forming:
Frustration and lust.

What are your lyrics about?
Life and death and everything in between.

How would you describe your sound?
Bleak, anxious, punk.

What’s in the future for this band?
Playing shows, touring, recording

Links and contact info:





artwork by Corona

Band name:

Date & location formed:
Around January 2016 in Portland, OR

Reason for forming:
Wanting 2 rock.

What are your lyrics about?
Feeling like you’re crazy, annoying people who don’t just shut up and listen, depression, internalized bullshit and trying to overcome it, fuckers who won’t let you just exist and be yourself, wondering why anyone doesn’t think it’s okay to fuck up a nazi.

How would you describe your sound?
pissed, fast, heavy or “90s fastcore with some 2010s neo-ignorance” – Mac Pogue

What’s in the future for this band?
Riffs riffs riffs…

Also some shows around the PNW in the summer and a two week tour in October 2017.

A demo tape + new 7″ or tape in October?


NAUX (photo by Corbin)

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Date & location formed:
Winter 2016 Chicago/Evanston IL.

Reason for forming:
The stars aligned and we like each other

What are your lyrics about?
Books, gentrification, the police, dark side of the farm, punk stuff.

How would you describe your sound?
Anti-capitalist funk.

What’s in the future for this band?
Recording a full length LP, doing a bunch of shows in Chicago, going on tour, 7 digits.

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
Sometime in 2016 between Oakland and San Luis Obispo, CA

Reason for forming:
We wanted to play music we would like to listen to and that would be fun to produce. Plus, what else are we going to do with our lives?

What are your lyrics about?
Mental health, the indifference to political injustices that seems to blanket the world, etc.

How would you describe your sound?
Little freaky ass punk

What’s in the future for this band?
The future is unknown!!! Just kidding, we’ll probably release new things and do band things soon.

Links and contact info:





Band name:


Date & location formed:
Will S. and Mike met early last year at the first meeting of a group called To the Front Music Alliance, a group designed to bring marginalized members of Raleigh NC’s punk scene together to make friends, start bands, and create art. Mike was a recent transplant from Buffalo and had played in a number of bands up there and wanted to form a group down here. Will B. joined later that summer, and KJ joined in November 2016, solidifying the lineup.

Reason for forming:
Raleigh’s scene is constantly waxing and waning and unfortunately at the moment most bands in the area with DIY ethics have broken up and most houses have disbanded so we are trying to fill the void. We also want to promote a less homogeneous scene.

What are your lyrics about?
Songs like Third Crack and Guillotine talk about specific problems like the School to Prison Pipeline as well as exploiting the status of undocumented immigrants for cheap labor. Other songs are more personal, such as the song Deconstruct where we talk about the idea of no longer respecting an individual after discovering they have mentally and physically harmed others, and the song Joey, which is a deeply personal song about the loss of a best friend.

How would you describe your sound?
There is a wide array of ages in the band and we all come from different backgrounds so our sound is quite varied. Generally we are attempting to hone the raw power of the early west coast powerviolence bands all while taking nods from early NY, DC, Boston, SoCal, and Midwest hardcore punk. Swedish, German, Japanese, Finnish, Dutch, and early Italian hardcore are also a crucial part of our sound.

What’s in the future for this band?
We are very excited and proud of our newly recorded EP, titled Deconstruct, which will be out on To Live A Lie Records before the end of the year. We have plans to play shows across NC and VA, and will possibly trek further up the east coast within a year.

OXIDENT (photo by Brett Bays)

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.