07 December 2012


I found out yesterday morning as I was walking into work, and even though hearing about the death of someone battling terminal illness is never a shock, the feeling of loss was instant. Sarah was more than a guitarist, was more than just a mere inspiration, and even though we didn't see each other often there was an instant void. I can see the absence on the faces of friends feeling the same thing. When Sarah did things, she did them right. No fanfare, no flag waving, no celebration - just quiet determination and pure conviction. That is her influence, and to me that is her legacy. The records are great (seriously, all of them), but the impact is so much more personal and so much more intense than a few good riffs...even when the riffs are as good as these. It's the genuine look in her eyes that tells you that everything matters, that you matter, and that what you do is important and to never stop fighting. And to never stop smiling, though I confess that one is pretty tough to pull of today. While her musical legacy is primarily associated with her life spent as Mike Kirsch, Sarah's personal legacy transcends both gender and sound. Few people in the world of DIY hardcore have been as influential, even as important as Sarah. It's an impact I honestly doubt she was fully aware of, and a level of genuine respect attained by only the most worthy...these are the things we should say to our friends while they are alive, but rarely do. Never stop fighting.

I've found myself deflated by the years defending this life led idle and we've seen the loss too many times. This life is bought and sold, the days I've dealt with blinded by the numbers piled up high beside me. They try and keep me pacified but I find you're happy and satisfied. No will or way will ever bind me to this burden to keep dissension at bay. And every day I fight myself, tried and tired but moving forward. Where do we go from here? Not down.
"Life Led Idle"


Sacramento Punk Shows said...

beautiful tribute.

yellow.eyes said...

Fitting and well done.

Mekka Gojira said...

so sad... i treasure my pitctiah and baader brains records.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. RIP my dear friend.

Dk said...

This is really sad news. In so many ways. Thanks for the post, Robert. Though she will be missed, her music will live on.


sorry for your loss it's never easy to lose a friend i've lost a few along the way myself best thing to do is remember all the good times we had with our friends and loved one's they live on is us.

Andrew TSKS said...

Thank you for this.


Powerful words man. Beautiful.

Charles Manson said...

Fucking great demo. This is some real post-hardcore