Occupy Oakland

libcom.org is looking for volunteers to help us rejuvenate our news reporting, making it a better resource for all of us trying to organise and fight for a better world.

On August 11th, around 50 delivery workers demonstrated at Republic square in Paris against Deliveroo’s planned rate decrease.

Aderonke Apata

Aderonke Apata was accused of faking her sexuality, but has now won her 13 year battle for asylum.

Anti-fascists hold off Nordic Youth activists

Two people have been hospitalised with burn injuries after a group of fascists armed with flares attacked a sit-in in central Stockholm


A person in mime makeup, black and white

Red Notes' pamphlet charting the repression of Italy's 1970s extraparliamentary communist movement, when thousands of radical workers and intellectuals were swept into the country'...


Maria Occhipinti

A short account by Meno Occhipinti of the Ragusa revolt, and the role Maria Occhipinti played in it.