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Category Archives: Syria

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March 24, 2017

Even if Isis is defeated in Syria and Iraq, its foreign reach has taken on a life of its own

This article originally appeared in the International Business Times 
Just after 2:30pm yesterday afternoon, a terrorist mowed down pedestrians with a car on Westminster Bridge before jumping out near Parliament and stabbing a police officer to death. Three people were murdered, …

Posted in Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, Opinion Editorial, Syria, Terrorism & Security
March 2, 2017

Event Summary: ‘Forbidden Aid: The Case of Israeli Humanitarian Diplomacy in Syria’

By Sam Freedman
On Wednesday 1st March the Henry Jackson Society welcomed Dr Nir Boms, Research Fellow at the International Centre for Counter Terrorism, and Issam Zeitoun, an Independent Syrian Opposition figure. Dr Nir Boms started by outlining the current state …

Posted in Event Summaries, Israel, Middle East, Syria
March 1, 2017

Event: ‘Forbidden Aid: The Case of Israeli Humanitarian Diplomacy in Syria’

TIME: 15:00 – 16:00, 1st March 2017
Dr Nir Boms
Research Fellow, International Centre for Counter Terrorism
Issam Zeitoun
Independent Syrian Oppositionist
For a transcript of this event click here
In the past five years, Israel has managed an extraordinary effort that has provided over 12,000 tons of humanitarian aid …

Posted in Event, Israel, Syria, Upcoming Event, Upcoming Events
December 23, 2016

Turkey and The West in Syria: Course Correction

A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Turkey and The West in Syria: Course Correction, argues that Western policy towards Turkey must change in light of the nature of Turkish involvement in Syria. Having initially attempted to improve relations with …

Posted in Syria, Turkey
December 18, 2016

‘5 YEARS of attacks on Britain’ as ISIS and al-Qaida fired up from Aleppo

Originally published by the Daily Express
Fighting has ended in the besieged city reclaimed by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and ISIS militants face catastrophic defeat in Mosul.
But ideas that the wave of terror striking fear across Europe is about to come …

Posted in ISIS, News Coverage, Syria
December 17, 2016

Civilians fleeing Aleppo are already being recruited to join gangs of local jihadi extremists linked to al-Qaeda

Originally published by Daily Mail
Men fleeing Aleppo risk recruitment by jihadi groups operating in northern Syria, where an al-Qaeda-linked group has its main hub.
Civilians fleeing Aleppo are moving to Idlib province, where there are more than 50,000 rebel troops, including …

Posted in News Coverage, Syria, Terrorism & Security
December 3, 2016

Syria rebels vow to adopt guerrilla tactics as Assad forces seize two thirds of east Aleppo

Originally published by the Telegraph.
Faced with almost certain defeat in the city of Aleppo, Syrian rebel groups have promised to continue their war by adopting the guerrilla tactics of assassinations, armed raids and roadside bombs.
The four-year battle for control of …

Posted in Middle East, News Coverage, Syria, Terrorism & Security
November 29, 2016

What can we expect after the fall of Aleppo?

Originally posted by TRT World
The pro-Assad coalition in Syria has conquered more than a third of the rebel-held enclave in eastern Aleppo City, the last urban stronghold of the mainstream armed opposition. Without significant external assistance, it is difficult to …

Posted in Middle East, Opinion Editorial, Russia, Syria
November 25, 2016

Foreign fighters for statelets: From Kurdistan to the ‘Caliphate’

Originally posted by the New Arab
Much is made of the foreign fighters who flock to join the “caliphate” Islamic State (IS) claims to have established in Iraq and Syria.
Although many foreign fighters are from Middle Eastern and North African countries, …

Posted in Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Syria
November 12, 2016

Russian warships arrive off Syrian coast ahead of ‘final’ assault on Aleppo

A flotilla of Russian warships arrived off the coast of Syria on Saturday, readying for a large-scale land and sea assault on the city of Aleppo.

“Moscow clearly intends this as a message to the West – …

Posted in Middle East, News Coverage, Russia, Syria
October 19, 2016

What happens if Islamic State flees Iraq?

Originally published by The Week
The EU’s security commissioner has warned of the threat to Europe posed by Islamic State militants fleeing Mosul.

Kyle Orton, a research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, believes the group is deliberately giving up its caliphate.

Read full …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Defence, Europe, European Union, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, Terrorism & Security, Turkey

Douglas Murray on Sky News debating Migrant Crisis

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT News Coverage, Defence, Europe, Extremism, ISIS, Syria, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom

Dr Alan Mendoza speaks to Wall Street Journal about no-fly zone over Syria

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Democracy & Development, Extremism, ISIS, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Russia, Syria, Terrorism & Security
October 18, 2016

After losses in Syria and Iraq, Islamic State moves goal posts

Orginally published by Boston Globe
BEIRUT — Islamic State leaders had long promised their followers an apocalyptic battle — foretold, some believe, by the Prophet Mohammed — in an otherwise nondescript village they controlled in northern Syria.

Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, the senior Islamic …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, Iraq, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, Terrorism & Security
October 17, 2016

Kyle Orton on Symbolic Importance of Dabiq to Islaimc State on BBC World Service

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, CRT News Coverage, Extremism, ISIS, Middle East, Religious Fundamentalism, Syria, Terrorism & Security, Turkey
October 14, 2016

Now Russia’s Grip on UK Politics Is Obvious. But It’s Always Been There

Originally published by Heat Street
On Tuesday, Boris Johnson raised more than a few eyebrows when he called for “demonstrations” to take place outside Russia’s embassy in response to the Kremlin’s war crimes in Syria.
But the Foreign Secretary’s comments were soon overshadowed …

Posted in Defence, Democracy & Development, Opinion Editorial, RSC Editorial, Russia, Syria, Terrorism & Security, United Kingdom, United States
October 13, 2016

Kyle Orton speaks about Syria to BBC Radio Oxford

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Democracy & Development, Extremism, Human Rights, ISIS, Islamism, Syria, Terrorism & Security
October 12, 2016

If Stop The War wants peace, why does it indulge Russia’s wars?

Originally published by New Statesman
Wednesday’s House of Commons debate on Aleppo achieved little with regards to the establishment of no-fly zone over the besieged Syrian city, but it was notable for the foreign secretary’s call for “demonstrations” to take place outside Russia’s …

Posted in Defence, Democracy & Development, Human Rights, Opinion Editorial, RSC Editorial, Russia, Syria, United Kingdom
October 11, 2016

Event: ‘Report Launch – Governing the Caliphate: Profiles of Islamic State Leaders’

17:00-18:00, Tuesday 11th October 2016
VENUE: Committee Room 6, House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, SW1A 0AA
SPEAKER: Kyle Orton, Research Fellow, The Henry Jackson Society;
Author, ‘Governing the Caliphate: Profiles of Islamic State Leaders’
To attend please visit:
The Islamic State has been controlling …

Posted in CRT Event, Event, Iraq, ISIS, Islamism, Syria
October 3, 2016

Isil prepares for ‘apocalyptic showdown of Muslim and Christian armies’ in Syrian town of Dabiq

Originally published in The Telegraph
US-backed Syrian rebels say they are within 48 hours of reaching the Isil-held town of Dabiq, which is regarded by the jihadists as the preordained site of the final apocalyptic battle between Muslims and Christians.

But analysts believe a …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, ISIS, Middle East, News Coverage, Syria, Terrorism & Security, Turkey, United States
September 28, 2016

Regime troops begin massive Aleppo ground offensive as children are operated on without anaesthetic

Originally posted in New Zealand Herald
Syrian government forces have begun an all-out ground assault on besieged rebel-held east Aleppo, as they attempt to retake the whole of the city.

“The regime plan for Aleppo looks to be: besiege, starve, bombard, terrify, and …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, Middle East, Russia, Syria, Terrorism & Security, United States

Regime troops begin massive Aleppo ground offensive as children are operated on without anaesthetic

Orginally published in New Zealand Herald
Syrian government forces have begun an all-out ground assault on besieged rebel-held east Aleppo, as they attempt to retake the whole of the city.

“The regime plan for Aleppo looks to be: besiege, starve, bombard, terrify, and shrink …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, Middle East, News Coverage, Russia, Syria, Terrorism & Security, United States
September 27, 2016

Syrian troops begin ground offensive to retake Aleppo

Originally published in The Telegraph
Syrian government forces have begun an all-out ground assault on besieged rebel-held east Aleppo, as they attempt to retake the whole of the city.

“The regime plan for Aleppo looks to be: besiege, starve, bombard, terrify, and shrink the pocket down,” …

Posted in CRT News Coverage, Extremism, Middle East, News Coverage, Russia, Syria, Terrorism & Security, United States
September 22, 2016

Western voters have made foreign intervention almost impossible. That is a dangerous mistake

Originally published by The Telegraph
Last week, as David Cameron’s decision to intervene and protect the citizens of Benghazi from Colonel Gaddafi’s murderous attentions was heavily criticised, future British intervention in overseas conflicts suffered another setback as a policy tool. Unfortunately, …

Posted in Opinion Editorial, Syria
September 21, 2016

Dr Andrew Foxall speaks to Monocle about Russia’s activity in Syria and aid convoy bombing

Posted in Broadcast Appearances, Russia, Syria
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