- published: 27 Sep 2014
- views: 234565
Sabbath (/ˈsæbəθ/) is a day set aside for rest and worship. According to Exodus 20:8 the Sabbath is commanded by God to be kept as a holy day of rest, as God rested from creation. It is observed differently among the Abrahamic religions and informs a similar occasion in several other practices. Although many viewpoints and definitions have arisen over the millennia, most originate in the same textual tradition of: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy".
In Judaism, Sabbath is the seventh day of the Hebrew calendar week, which in English is known as Saturday. The term has been used to describe a similar weekly observance in any of several other traditions; the first crescent or new moon; any of seven annual festivals in Judaism and some Christian traditions; any of eight annual pagan festivals (usually "sabbat"); an annual secular holiday; and a year of rest in religious or secular usage, the sabbath year, originally every seventh year.
Sabbath (as the verb Shavath) is first mentioned in the Genesis creation narrative, where the seventh day is set aside as a day of rest and made holy by God (Genesis 2:2–3). Observation and remembrance of Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments (the fourth in the original Jewish, the Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestant traditions, the third in Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions). Most people who observe the Sabbath regard it as having been instituted as a perpetual covenant for the Israelites (Exodus 31:13–17), as a sign respecting two events: the day during which God rested after having completed Creation in six days (Exodus 20:8–11), and the Israelites' deliverance from Egypt (Deuteronomy 5:12–15). Originally, Sabbath-breakers were officially to be cut off from the assembly or potentially killed (Exodus 31:15). Observance in the Hebrew Bible was universally from sixth-day sundown to seventh-day sundown (Nehemiah 13:19, cf. Leviticus 23:32) on a seven-day week.
Sabbath Day - The AsidorS
The Sabbath Day TRUTH - Great Documentary!
Sabbath Day - Forgiven
7 GUIDELINES for Keeping the SABBATH Holy
The Sabbath Day - 119 Ministries
What Day is the Sabbath Day? Sunday or Saturday? Does it Matter?
The Truth About the Sabbath?
Oprah Winfrey accepts the true Sabbath day Saturday
20 FACTS About the SABBATH Every Christian MUST KNOW !!!
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (1)
The Sabbath Day
The Sabbath Day - Intro
The Sabbath Day Promo
WMS-TV The Sabbath and God The Creator (Ep 28)
Happy 85th Anniversary Davao City SDA Central Church. :) Instrumental or Minus One Available: Piano version just contact us: theasidorshome@yahoo.com / 0922-394-5545 We really appreciate your donation. God bless! Sabbath Day Lyrics Covered by: The AsidorS Written by: Jonathan Castillo Lyrics Link: https://theasidorshome.blogspot.com/2017/01/blog-post_27.html
This documentary deals with the Lord's Day. The seventh day sabbath of the 4th commandment. The TRUE Biblical sabbath (our Saturday) that the antichrist little horn power of Daniel 7 (the Papacy) thought to change ("thinks to change times and laws"). From www.anchorpointfilms.com and shown on http://www.amazingfacts.tv
"I worship in the day that You have given me"
After making my "20 Facts About the Sabbath Every Christian Must Know!" video, I got some questions asking me just how Christians are supposed to keep the Sabbath holy, so I made this video as a response. Watch it to learn more! ➤My Livestream: http://tinyurl.com/bibleflockbox-livestream Follow Me on: ➤YouTube: http://tinyurl.com/channel-BibleFlockBox ➤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BibleFlockBox ➤Twitter: https://twitter.com/BibleFlockBox ➤Snapchat: BibleFlockBox ➤Instagram: BibleFlockBox ➤Google Plus: http://tinyurl.com/google-plus-bible-flock-box ➤Tumblr: http://bibleflockbox.tumblr.com ➤Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/gregsposts/christian-religious Learn more about Jesus and the Bible @ http://tinyurl.com/BibleStudyGuides Support Bible Flock Box @ http://tinyurl.com/donat...
We've all been told that the Sabbath is now on Sunday. But how many of us have truly tested that? Have we truly examined the basis of this belief? Or have we just blindly accepted what we have been taught over the years based on the interpretations of man's views of the scriptures that have been passed down through the generations? We at 119 Ministries present this examination of the scriptures regarding the one day that was given as a sign and covenant for those who choose to follow our Heavenly Father.
What day is the Sabbath Day? Is it Sunday or Saturday? Why is it important to keep the Sabbath Day. The 7th Day of the Week is the Sabbath Day. This documentary will present information from the bible regarding the importance and instructions on keeping the Sabbath Day of Yahweh the Elohim (God) of Israel. www.israelitesgathering.com
http://video.wvbs.org What about the Sabbath day? Should Christians set aside the Sabbath as a day of rest and worship? Join Don Blackwell as he examines what the Old Testament and New Testament says about the keeping of the Sabbath.
Watch a short clip of DeVon Franklin, the senior VP of production at Columbia Pictures, sharing his faith with Oprah Winfrey on her TV show, Super Soul Sunday. Oprah stands corrected of the fact that the true sabbath is Saturday. Contrary to her long time belief that the Sabbath is Sunday. This video clarifies the truth regarding Sabbath and presents the sabbath based on non-biblical and biblical facts which Oprah considers on her acceptance of Saturday as the true Sabbath. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adventist-Youth-J%C3%B3venes-Adventistas/433628230006022 https://twitter.com/JAdventistYouth
There's a lot of confusion about the Sabbath in Christianity. Is it on Saturday or Sunday? Some question whether it's even necessary to keep the Sabbath at all. Many Sabbath keeping churches claim it is, since the Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments. Some go so far as to say that Sabbath keeping will help you avoid the mark of the beast! Others claim the Sabbath is not part of the New Covenant; and keeping the Sabbath is legalism. Who's right? Find out by watching this video! ➤My Livestream: http://tinyurl.com/bibleflockbox-livestream Follow Me on: ➤YouTube: http://tinyurl.com/channel-BibleFlockBox ➤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BibleFlockBox ➤Twitter: https://twitter.com/BibleFlockBox ➤Snapchat: BibleFlockBox ➤Instagram: BibleFlockBox ➤Google Plus: http://tinyurl.com/google-pl...
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Full credits to brother Nicholas (YouTube channel: NicholasPoGM). My dear brother's website is remnantofgod.org. The Sabbath commandment like all other nine commandments must be kept. Christ kept the Sabbath (Matthew 5:17; Luke 4:16), so did Paul and the apostles (Acts 13:14; 16:13: 17:2 and 18:4), so must we (Revelation 14:12; Romans 2:13). Hebrews 4:9 - There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. According to Strong's Concordance #4520, rest in Greek, the language in which the New Testament was written in, is Sabba...
We've all been told that the Sabbath is now on Sunday. But how many of us have truly tested that? Have we truly examined the basis of this belief? Or have we just blindly accepted what we have been taught over the years based on the interpretations of man's views of the scriptures that have been passed down through the generations? We at 119 Ministries present this examination of the scriptures regarding the one day that was given as a sign and covenant for those who choose to follow our Heavenly Father.
We've all been told that the Sabbath is now on Sunday. But how many of us have truly tested that? Have we truly examined the basis of this belief? Or have we just blindly accepted what we have been taught over the years based on the interpretations of man's views of the scriptures that have been passed down through the generations? We at 119 Ministries present this examination of the scriptures regarding the one day that was given as a sign and covenant for those who choose to follow our Heavenly Father. http://www.testeverything.net
Sermon by Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim: "The Sabbath Day and God the Creator" Short Video: "Worldwide Church of God Associations" Mother's Teachings New Song Commercial New Song Video: "Mighty God the Creator's Great Glory"
Rabbi Greg Hershberg - Explore the beauty of this feast. An in-depth teaching on the biblical and historical issue of the Sabbath day. How did it get changed to Sunday? Should believers still keep the Sabbath and why?
I made this video about the Sabbath day for Bible class. It shows how the Sabbath should be a day of rest and a day to honor God for what he has created. There are some interesting things that the boy tries to entertain himself with on the Sabbath that you may find funny. Basically a short video blog of a young Christian's Sabbath. Enjoy!
2013-10-05 DR ELIEZER GONZALEZ The Sabbath: Day of Freedom, Day of Work
A10: Fourth, that on the Sabbath day we spend time in public and private worship of God, rest from routine employment, serve the Lord and others, and so anticipate the eternal Sabbath. Fifth, that we love and honor our father and our mother, submitting to their godly discipline and direction.
Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda
Screaming and laughing dancing in your head
The angels arrive scorched by death
Today with the idea of destroying the world,
you can't escape, cause they are the witches of... (Death)
On Sabbath day you have to pray
From ashes come the murderers,
the Kings of the Death
(Hail to the Kings of the Death)
Sabbath day, you fear this day
cause they are the witches of... (Death)
[Solo: Alex Niall]
[Solo: Ragman]
Thunder and lightning obscured the sun
The fog is rising from Hell into your mind
Their satanic dancing has attacked your brain,
you can't escape, cause they are the witches of... (Death)
On Sabbath day you have to pray
From ashes come the murderers,
the Kings of the Death
[Hail to the Kings of the Death]
Sabbath day, you fear this day
cause they are the witches of... (Death)