- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 2866597
Contractor may refer to:
The Death Star Architect Speaks Out
Best Practices - Estimating for GC/CMs: Workshop 1
Superintendent Training - Become a Field Commander
Instagram Founders On Success Of Their App: ‘Beyond Our Wildest Dreams’ | TODAY
OSHA Nightmares Compilation
Google Buys Scary Military Robot Maker
Stewart Candy expansion - R.H. Tyson Construction contractor
Building Information Modeling 101 – Intro to BIM
How to Create an Invoice Template in Excel!
LEGO Great Ball Contraption (GBC) Layout 2012.9
Contractor with 45 years experience - WalabotDIY impressions
Best Builder and Contractor in Mukerian, Dasuya, Hoshiarpur. Punjab
Intro to Blue Beam
Budgetary Cost Estimating - Estimating for GC/CMs: Workshop 1
Next Steps - Estimating for GC/CMs: Workshop 1
Suspected Bitcoin Creator Found in Southern California
2013 Premier's Award Winner - Jim Caruk
CoolGames Inc Presents: Super Mario Bros. Maker — Polygon @ E3 2017
Chief Estimator for Hoffman Construction Chris Bjork details best practices for contractors and subcontractors preparing estimates in the General Contractor/Construction Manager environment. This 90-minute video includes questions from real contractors and expert answers from Bjork.
Hoffman Structures' President Tim Creamer lays out the role and responsibilities of an effective construction superintendent on complex projects. He also describes the strategies that helped him advance to President of Hoffman Structures from a modest start as a non-union carpenter. Hoffman VP and Senior Project Manager Dave Johnson and Hoffman Project Manager Trevor Theis also present.
In this week’s Sunday Sitdown, Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger chat with Willie Geist, sharing the story behind their popular app and the celebrity that helped put it on the map. » Subscribe to TODAY: http://on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY » Watch the latest from TODAY: http://bit.ly/LatestTODAY About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series. Connect with TODAY Online! Visit TODAY's Website: http://on.today.com/ReadTODAY Find TODAY on Facebook: http://on.today.com/LikeTODAY Follow TO...
OSHA NIGHTMARES COMPILATION ►► The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is there to keep our workers safe on the job. Their sagely advice makes construction sites and jobs safe. And when they see these workers making risky, dangerous, and just dumb decisions, OSHA is gonna pull it's own hair out. ►Visit the Clip'wreck Channel to see more awesome, funny, and amazing Compilation Videos! (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTep0GOBv8YPhCCbXVtDBLQ) ►Follow Clip'wreck on Twitter! (https://twitter.com/ClipwreckVideos) Music ►Silent Partner https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzCxunOM5WFKdhkL2L__Kjafqa-qzQGeY *********************************************************** I am not the creator of this content. I am just a compiler of online content I find enjoyable. For any concerns abou...
Support My Channel By Shopping on Amazon! http://amzn.to/2atadUZ SUBSCRIBE https://goo.gl/OXghgH https://www.facebook.com/deejay.gabriel.7 Google has purchased the cutting-edge robotics firm which supplies mobile research robots for the Pentagon. The tech giant is keeping secret what it will produce with the acquired technology. Boston Dynamics, an engineering company that designs robots like BigDog, Cheetah, WildCat, and Atlas, is now the eighth robotic company to join Google's ranks in the last six months, the company confirmed Friday, according to The New York Times. The robotics company - based in Waltham, Massachusetts - is known for its fascinating robots that have a sense of balance and can walk and run on almost any kind of terrain. Boston Dynamics was established in 1992 and i...
Hoffman Construction Operations Manager Dale Stenning delivers his "Building Information Modeling 101" training. This training was captured in early 2016 and it references active, current projects with Hoffman. It also includes extensive demonstrations of how to use the BIM software used by Hoffman for complex public projects.
In this session, we’ve explained in easy STEP by STEP details about how to create an Invoice Template by just using some basic sum function and lookup feature without VBA in just few minutes. After this video, not only it will be easier for you to create such basic templates, but also you can get the print outs of this template at a single click. This template is very useful for beginners, startups businesses and individuals as it helps in managing and organizing all your finances into one place. We’ve used the following features to create this tutorial. 1. Border Alignments & Formatting 2. SUM function 3. VLOOKUP with IFERROR function 4. Cross Across Selection 5. Page Setup & Print Preview 6. Excel to PDF 7. CONCATENATE function to combine normal text and text from cell reference ...
Lego Great Ball Contraption (GBC) in my house. my own 17 modules tracking the blue and red balls. running at 1.0 balls/sec 500 balls size : 1.5m×6.5m path length : 31m construction time : 600 hours my blog http://legokarakuri.blog91.fc2.com/ 1. ball factory (inspired by superbird28) 2. zigzag stair 3. zigzag lift 4. pneumatic (sometimes spilling balls) 5. cup 6. screw T1 7. basket shooter 8. mechanical train (lack of reliability) 9. screw T2 10. screw T3 11. spiral lift T2 12. elevator & coaster (coaster inspired by Hidaka's ball rolling) 13. fork 14. spiral lift T1 & step 15. catch & release 16. belt conveyor & pinball 17. 5-axis robot S750
► Today we take a look at my BATTLEFIELD Loadouts! ► Leave a LIKE and COMMENT below! ► INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/mattthemusketeer/ KIT : DIVISION SIX MASK: http://divisionsix.co.uk/shop/tfarge-multicam-black/ COMTAC II HEADSET : http://battlestore.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product;_id=105 FMA GOGGLES : http://www.fma.hk/profile-eyewear-gray-tb797-p-658.html ATAC FG CAMO http://www.military1st.co.uk/colours-a-tacs-fg/ KOMBAT UK BOOTS : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Desert-Combat-Military-Lightweight-Leather/dp/B00B1FHDS0 NUPROL FAST HELMET: https://jdairsoft.net/nuprol-fast-railed-helmet-tan3 RICAS PLATE CARRIER : http://www.uktactical.com/p-6216-warrior-ricas-compact-base-coyote-tan.aspx DCS PLATE CARIER http://www.uktactical.com/p-6360-warrior-dcs-plate-carrier-base-...
Project Manager Ryan Gardner describes how Hoffman Construction uses Blue Beam to share and manage huge document sets for complex construction projects. This workshop was recorded early in 2016 and it includes project highlights on active projects in Hoffman's portfolio.
Expert Estimator Rory Woolsey shares strategies to improve estimates by clarifying scope, analyzing context, and anticipating logistical challenges on construction projects. Multiple approaches to budgetary cost estimating are presented in this 70-minute video, along with questions from real contractors and expert answers from Woolsey.
Facilitator/Creator Dan Seydel recaps Workshop 1 content, recommends next steps, and lists upcoming FREE workshops in the Active* Professional Development Series. All workshops are designed to help contractors compete more effectively for work, especially on major, taxpayer-funded construction projects.
http://alexansary.tv/suspected-bitcoin-creator-found-southern-california/ The world of Bitcoin is a world full of mystery--not only is it's future in question, but so are it's origins. According to the official creation myth of the widely popular digital currency (that can also be called an unofficial world currency), the creator of Bitcoin is a Japanese software developer that goes by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, a true international man of mystery as his existence, true name, or location have yet to be proven. Newsweek claimed recently to have found a real life Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto living a humble life with his son in Temple City, California. They visited him and quoted him as saying the following to police: "I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it. It's been turne...
Master contractor Jim Caruk has taken his training as a sheet metal worker to extraordinary heights. With two successful HGTV series, Real Renos and Builder Boss, he is the principal of The Caruk Group construction firm; founder and editor of Renovation Contractor magazine for Canadian contractors; and creator of Build it Yourself Learning Centres, providing professional instruction to home improvement enthusiasts. In 2009, Jim launched the Renos for Heroes Foundation, a not-for-profit focused on providing essentials home renovations for Canadian soldiers who lost limbs in battle.
Nick, Griffin and a team of anonymous external contractors have collaborated to create the most exciting piece of software to come out of E3 2017: Super Mario Bros. Maker. Based on a suggestion from Episode 40 of CoolGames Inc., this revolutionary executable allows the player to make the Mario franchise character of their dreams. Featuring contributions from freelance consultant Justin McElroy. Watch ALL of our E3 2017 content: http://bit.ly/2r9eqQA SUBSCRIBE for more videos! https://goo.gl/D8prdf Music by Lakey Inspired: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/polygon Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/polygon Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/polygondotcom And for more great news and coverage, check out: http://www.polygon.com Polygon is an entertai...
Hoffman Structures' President Tim Creamer lays out the role and responsibilities of an effective construction superintendent on complex projects. He also describes the strategies that helped him advance to President of Hoffman Structures from a modest start as a non-union carpenter. Hoffman VP and Senior Project Manager Dave Johnson and Hoffman Project Manager Trevor Theis also present.
Chief Estimator for Hoffman Construction Chris Bjork details best practices for contractors and subcontractors preparing estimates in the General Contractor/Construction Manager environment. This 90-minute video includes questions from real contractors and expert answers from Bjork.
50 Illuminati Cards that Eerily Predicted the Future & Current Events - Live Analysis 1994 NWO Cards http://www.sjgames.com https://www.amazon.com/Illuminati-Unlimited-Steve-Jackson-1994-1995/dp/1556343035
LUDUM Science Center FB Post in Reference to Lucifers Letter https://www.facebook.com/LudumMuseodellaScienzaCatania/photos/a.328078010645762.76170.327925180661045/1372303662889853/?type=3 Translation of FB Post on the Devils Letter, LUDUM Science Center https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls;=en&q;=translate+italian+to+english&ie;=UTF-8&oe;=UTF-8 17th Century Nuns Letter from the Devil Finally Decoded https://www.timesofisrael.com/17th-century-nuns-letter-from-the-devil-finally-decoded/ Lucifers Letter http://rominamalizia.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/letteradiavolocopiarid.jpg Magical Alphabet http://cfile22.uf.tistory.com/image/1340EE494F45CA6C0C8AFB Exclusive Content @ http://www.leakproject.com YouTube Channel @ http://www.youtube.com/clandestinetimelord Best ...
Top performers in construction contracting show you how to grow your business to $1 million or more in annual revenue.
After days and weeks of research and making evaluations I have made the decision and came to a conclusion that the next big alert is Etherparty (FUEL). Website: https://etherparty.com/ Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/etherparty/ Goonalerts: https://www.goonalerts.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The coin was alerted at $0.20 currently at $0.35 (video upload) with a market cap of $169,801,189 as of 01/10/2018. BTC is currently at $14,558.11 The coin is at (0.00002 BTC/Satoshi) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Etherparty | Smart Contract Creator FUEL is smart contract creation tool that allows users to create ...
http://www.Cppcon.org — Presentation Slides, PDFs, Source Code and other presenter materials are available at: https://github.com/cppcon/cppcon2015 — We will discuss the currently available free static analysis software available for C++. What kinds of errors can these tools catch? What kind do they miss? Why static analysis should be a part of your normal build process. — I'm an independent contractor with 15 years of development experience. For the past 5 years I've been specializing in cross platform development, scripting of C++ libraries, and automated testing and code quality analysis. I'm the co-creator and maintainer of the embedded scripting language for C++, ChaiScript http://chaiscript.com, and author and curator of the forkable coding standards document http://cppbestpractices...
Hoffman Construction Operations Manager Dale Stenning delivers his "Building Information Modeling 101" training. This training was captured in early 2016 and it references active, current projects with Hoffman. It also includes extensive demonstrations of how to use the BIM software used by Hoffman for complex public projects.
In this session, we’ve explained in easy STEP by STEP details about how to create an Invoice Template by just using some basic sum function and lookup feature without VBA in just few minutes. After this video, not only it will be easier for you to create such basic templates, but also you can get the print outs of this template at a single click. This template is very useful for beginners, startups businesses and individuals as it helps in managing and organizing all your finances into one place. We’ve used the following features to create this tutorial. 1. Border Alignments & Formatting 2. SUM function 3. VLOOKUP with IFERROR function 4. Cross Across Selection 5. Page Setup & Print Preview 6. Excel to PDF 7. CONCATENATE function to combine normal text and text from cell reference ...
Visit my website for more Tips, Videos, DIY projects and more: http://www.mjlorton.com/ ------------------------------ Click "Show more" ------------------------------------------- A review of the Walabot RF radar "imager". http://walabot.com/ The Walabot is an RF 3D radar development kit that can be used for sensing objects. Technical specs here: http://walabot.com/walabot-tech-brief-416.pdf Support me through Patreon or by using my Amazon Store: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mjlorton Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20 Or anything on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/?_encoding=UTF8&camp;=212353&creative;=380557&linkCode;=sb1&tag;=m0711-20 ------------------------------ Click "Show more" ------------------------------------------- My new Website is now live, see it here: http:/...
Designed for Electrical contractors to be easy to use, the Ensign Electrical Estimating software saves hours of estimating time, whilst the PDF takeoff system halves takeoff time whilst also cutting your printing time and costs to zero. Developed since 1980 the systems are fully supported by experienced staff and benefit from very regular software updates as well as weekly price updates. Each system is tailored to clients’ needs as Ensign will setup each system and provide one-2-one training to ensure benefits are delivered from day 1. Please go to ensignonline.co.uk for more info. Thank you for watching Get in touch: SaveTime@EnsignOnline.co.uk
Ambassador Akbar Ahmed presents the 20th Anniversary Edition re-release of the historical documentary film, "Mr. Jinnah: The Making of Pakistan." The documentary was part of Ambassador Ahmed's 1990s Jinnah Quartet of projects about the founder of Pakistan, which also included "Jinnah," a feature film starring Christopher Lee, an academic book, and a graphic novel. The documentary features unique material and interviews with Jinnah's contemporaries and people close to him, including an unprecedented and rare interview with his daughter, Dina Wadia. This edition of the documentary is accompanied by two specially commissioned introductions by Nafees Akbar Ahmed, the daughter of the creator of the Jinnah Quartet who played young Dina in the feature film "Jinnah," and Frankie Martin, Ibn Khaldu...
Learn how to become a prequalified vendor with Hoffman Construction, one of the Northwest's top general contracting firms, currently engaged in $1 billion in projects in Washington State alone. This video features Hoffman Purchasing Manager Christyn Halliday, Hoffman Senior VP Dave Johnson, and Platinum Group President Dan Seydel. This online course also includes briefings on Active* Hoffman projects going to bid in Fall/Winter 2016.
Standard Construction Specifications. Presenters are members of the Metropolitan Builders Association of Greater Milwaukee. This information is intended for general education. This video should not be used for guidance on a specific construction project. The MBA is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders and the Wisconsin Builders Association. Search for professional contractors of the Metropolitan Builders Association at www.MBAonline.org.
Project Manager Ryan Gardner describes how Hoffman Construction uses Blue Beam to share and manage huge document sets for complex construction projects. This workshop was recorded early in 2016 and it includes project highlights on active projects in Hoffman's portfolio.
http://CppCon.org — Presentation Slides, PDFs, Source Code and other presenter materials are available at: https://github.com/CppCon/CppCon2017 — C++17 adds many new features: structured bindings, deduction guides, if-init expressions, fold expressions, if constexpr, and enhanced constexpr support in the standard library. Each of these features are interesting, but what will be their cumulative effect on real code? We'll explore how each feature may (or may not) help in real code for enhanced readability, compile time performance and runtime performance. — Jason Turner: Developer, Trainer, Speaker Host of C++Weekly https://www.youtube.com/c/JasonTurner-lefticus, Co-host of CppCast http://cppcast.com, Co-creator and maintainer of the embedded scripting language for C++, ChaiScript http://...
Expert Estimator Rory Woolsey shares strategies to improve estimates by clarifying scope, analyzing context, and anticipating logistical challenges on construction projects. Multiple approaches to budgetary cost estimating are presented in this 70-minute video, along with questions from real contractors and expert answers from Woolsey.
Nick, Griffin and a team of anonymous external contractors have collaborated to create the most exciting piece of software to come out of E3 2017: Super Mario Bros. Maker. Based on a suggestion from Episode 40 of CoolGames Inc., this revolutionary executable allows the player to make the Mario franchise character of their dreams. Featuring contributions from freelance consultant Justin McElroy. Watch ALL of our E3 2017 content: http://bit.ly/2r9eqQA SUBSCRIBE for more videos! https://goo.gl/D8prdf Music by Lakey Inspired: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/polygon Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/polygon Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/polygondotcom And for more great news and coverage, check out: http://www.polygon.com Polygon is an entertai...