I went along on a ride along with an officer of the Catoosa County Sheriff's Department on a night in April. The first call we went on was a case of stolen keys. Someone broke out a window of a truck. The second instance we had was a belligerent person call. The officer did a very good job b…
Letters to the Editor
I am a student at Dalton State College in the Social Work Program. I am writing to ask that your readers help make school campuses safer for students in Georgia by opposing House Bill 280. According to a study reported by Defilippis and Hughes (2015), there have been numerous fatal accidents…
I am writing to express appreciation for the public service of Ms. Bebe Heiskell, Walker County commissioner. After serving 16 years as commissioner, Ms. Heiskell completes 40 years of service to the people of Walker County. I first met her when she was an administrative assistant to then Co…
I am writing in response to the article in the Dec. 14 edition of the Catoosa County News titled: "Was it cronyism? The hiring of Randy Camp to be Catoosa County's new fire chief turned into a debate on 'good old boy' politics when commissioners decided they needed to approve all department heads."
On the night of February 2, 1922, Walker County, Georgia, Deputy Sheriff John "J.C." Parrish was shot and killed while investigating a "whiskey running" operation or "moonshine" operation near Kendrick Switch in the High Point community of Walker County.
I am one of three Catoosa County-appointed representatives to the Hospital Authority of Walker, Dade, and Catoosa Counties.
It was at first with interest, that turned to disgust, that I read your Aug. 31 Messenger feature story about Senate Bill 248 and the proposed enabling Georgia DHR rule change that is to rescue 48 of the remaining troubled Georgia public hospitals, mostly in rural and underserved areas. Almo…
The “Opportunity School District” or OSD championed by Governor Nathan Deal will be on the ballot this November. The ballot question's wording reads, “Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow the state to intervene in chronically failing public schools in order to improve studen…
To the Citizens of Walker County:
I KNEW that the three Walker County reps in the state legislature (Deffenbaugh, Tarvin, and Mullis) would pull that string that even though it passed by a 3-to-1 margin, it would not be enough to convince them to press for a vote that would count in creating a board of commissioners for Walk…
We would like to thank all of you who helped with the Memorial Day flags on Monday, May 23. It is a breathtaking sight when the wind is blowing and the flag are flying straight out.
Dear editor,
My southern credentials are unimpeachable. Every male ancestor of fighting age served the Confederacy during the Civil War and my father was a former Klansman. My great grandfather, Capt. Isham B. Small, 48th Alabama Infantry, whose family owned 15 slaves, gave his life for the Confederacy i…
A couple of Thursdays ago (Nov. 5), my mama was on her way to me from Florida and she got a flat tire. She was able to make it to a Shell gas station to the left of the off ramp. She asked if there was anyone that could help her.
Please convey my sincere thanks and gratitude to the people that put up the flags to honor the servicemen and women. It has to take a lot of time and effort, and it is certainly appreciated.
We Americans have immortalized Emma Lazarus’s poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses . . .” But we have rarely meant a word of it.
Dear editor,
Dear editor,
Dear editor:
Dear editor,
Dear editor,
I’m a modest man; born in Kitchen’s Clinic (Lafayette, GA),educated in public schools- Spending time with my Grandparents as a boy, my Grandmother Jessie, was a Cooper, Granddad was Cecil Thompson, they worked hard all their days, raised nine- All taught do right by your neighbors & spea…
Dear editor,
Dear editor,
Editor's note: Mike Lovelady has filed a lawsuit against the City of LaFayette; LaFayette tavern owner continues battle against city officials
Dear editor,