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St Vincent de Paul Society releases fifth NSW Tariff-Tracking report

Sydney households on the best electricity market offers are paying almost $840 less every year than those on the worst, while in rural and regional NSW the difference is as much as $1230.

Usually when such discounted plans expire, consumers are automatically shifted to "standing offers," which are on average $325 to $450 more expensive than July last year.

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PM's power price push

Electricity retailers have met with PM Malcolm Turnbull and Energy minister Josh Frydenberg, discussing ways to lower power prices and it seems they've come to an agreement.

But after an agreement reached between government and retailers on Wednesday, electricity retailers will write to customers in "plain English" with alternative offers when the discount ends, before a more costly standing offer takes hold.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the move would help "cut a better deal for Australian families", with the potential to save households more than $1000 a year.

While rising energy costs command the attention of Australian consumers, on Thursday energy retailer AGL reported a statutory net profit of $539 million for the year to June 30.

The healthy results come as St Vincent de Paul Society released its fifth annual NSW Tariff-Tracking Project report, highlighting the complexities facing consumers in the state's energy pricing market.


The report reveals for the first time that an average annual bill for a typical-usage solar customer is about $1000 cheaper than that of a non-solar customer.

 There are about 357,500 small-scale solar systems in NSW.

"While non-solar households are experiencing increases of up to $450, for solar households we are only talking around $70," said Gavin Dufty, manager of the St Vincent de Paul Social Policy Unit.

"Through solar, people can buy their way out of price increases. But that probably leaves non-solar homes carrying the load … the more people jump across to solar, the more non-solar households will end up paying."

While all retailers' standing offers have risen across the state in the past 12 months, increases have fluctuated according to network geography.

For example, in the Essential network covering rural and regional Australia, the average market offer produces an annual bill of $2570.

In the Ausgrid network of Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter regions, the average annual bill is $2295, while in the Endeavour network of Sydney's greater west, the Blue Mountains, Illawarra and South Coast, it is $2230.

"One of the significant issues for NSW is the cost differences between the city and the country, raising the issue of how we support poorer, regional communities with higher costs," Mr Dufty said.

Consumers signed on to the worst market offer in the Ausgrid network – $2769 a year with Click Energy – are paying almost $840 more than those on the best offer in the network – $1931 a year with Simply Energy.

Though Australians have long been encouraged to shop around for savings, a survey by Energy Consumers Australia in February found nearly half of all NSW households had never switched supplier.

Those findings were further backed up last week by Newgate Research, in a paper prepared for the Australian Energy Market Commission.

It revealed NSW consumers were leaving $1400 on the table each year by failing to switch suppliers. In Victoria, consumers were denying themselves savings of up to $830.

According to St Vincent de Paul Society's analysis, a typical home can potentially save between $600 to $730 a year by simply putting pressure on their existing retailer for their best market offer.

For gas, the difference between best and worst market offers is comparatively small – just $15 between the best offer, from AGL, and the worst, from Origin.

In Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and the Blue Mountains, annual gas bills have increased by $80 since last year.

"There is a significant spread in gas price changes, suggesting that the underlying cost of the pipes has changed," Mr Dufty said, adding that a fall in network pipe costs on July 1 saved households from further increases.