3 Zone (LeGé) - Sharingan
3 Zone (LeGé) - Sharigan
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne : http://k6.re/p7Q0q
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes digitales
Prod by : Sm Beats
Mixer par : CobillardGang
Instagram : http://k6.re/6hGZ7
Réalisation : Kespey
Instagram : http://k6.re/3s4C5
Retrouve 3 Zone sur :
Facebook : http://k6.re/fh9-t
Instagram : http://k6.re/iO6Rh
Twitter : http://k6.re/O0gLA
Retrouve LeGé sur :
Instagram : http://k6.re/wsz1P
Facebook : http://k6.re/3DgaH
Snapchat : Rynoxx_93
Booking : 3zonebooking@gmail.com
published: 20 Aug 2018
Lege-Cy - Betadeen | ليجي-سي - بيتادين (Official Audio)
NOW " Agzakhana" EP AVAILABLE ON ALL PLATFORMS: https://Takwene.lnk.to/Agzakhana.
Follow @Lege_Cy : https://takwene.lnk.to/Lege-Cy.
Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/3twI0iL
Lege-Cy - Betadeen
1st Track from "Agzakhana" Ep
Performed/Produced/Written/Engineered by: Lege-Cy
Artwork by : Moe Elbeleehy / Mo'men Zalat
Powered by:@Takwene
For Booking/Business/Contact: legecyprod@gmail.com
#Lege_cy #Agzakhana_EP #MadeinTanta
published: 23 Apr 2020
LeGé Feat Paydé - OhMyGod ( Clip Officiel )
Legé feat Paydé - OhMyGod
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes de streaming 🎼
Pour s’abonner a la chaîne :
Réalisation : Dark Prod
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/darkprod.officiel/?hl=fr
Mixer par : 10 50
Prod By : Isko On The Track
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/isko_la_m/?hl=fr
Retrouve LeGé sur :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lege_makila/
Snapchat : rynoxx_93
Retrouve Payde sur :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/payde_krtel/?hl=fr
Snapchat : padawane_pa2dy
Booking :dutti.pro@gmail.com
Booking :paydekrtel93@gmail.com
published: 15 Sep 2019
Lege-Cy - Placebo | ليجي-سي - بلاسيبو (Official Audio)
Lege-Cy - Placebo (Official Audio)
8th Track of Placebo Album (Chapter Two)
Listen to Placebo (Chapter Two) on all digital platforms:
Performed/Written/Produced by Lege-Cy
Mixed by @ElNasser_
Co-Mixed by @Soulphonicmusic
Recorded / Mastered by @Soulphonicmusic
Recorded at Vinyl Studios
Artwork by: Moe Elbeleehy - Mohamed Diaa - Muhammed Kzamane
Follow Lege-Cy:
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3jREjFp
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2Zxyb8P
Instagram: https://goo.gl/X2TgA8
Powered by: @Takwene
Explore @Lege_Cy EP's NOW
• 191-181 EP NOW ON
• Agzakhana EP NOW ON
published: 28 Dec 2023
Jan Biggel - Lege Pullen
Jan Biggel - Lege Pullen
Abonneer hier: http://bit.ly/AboneerBERKMUSIC
Download of stream: https://berkmusic.lnk.to/LegePullen
Auteurs: J. van den Biggelaar / W. van der Heijden
Publ. BME Songs
C&P; 2023 Berk Music Productions
Dank aan: Brouwerij Bavaria, Lieshout & Bavaria Brouwerijcafe, Lieshout
Speciale dank aan: dhr Noud Swinkels
published: 10 Jan 2024
La Ville de Legé...the place to be !
Il s'agit d'une vidéo promotionnelle de la ville de Legé qui m'a été commandée par la Mairie. C'est dans cette ville que j'habite maintenant, et l'équipe municipale m'a fait confiance !
Legé est la commune la plus au sud de la Loire Atlantique (44). Elle fait partie , avec 7 autres villes, de la Communauté de Commune Sud Retz Atlantique.
Les prises de vue aériennes par drone permettent de mettre en valeur entre autres, l'histoire et le patrimoine de cette petite ville de 4800 habitants où il fait bon vivre.
On y découvre les commerces du centre bourg historique, ses services, ses équipements et son monde rural !
J'avais été étonné en arrivant, d'y trouver un cinéma, une piscine et une magnifique bibliothèque.
Les plans d'eau du Paradis constituent également un cadre magnifique où j'aime m...
published: 07 Jan 2024
Sefora Nelson – Lege deine Sorgen nieder (Live)
"Das Debüt-Album einer ausgezeichneten Newcomerin" - So wurde ihr Album "Wenn der Tag kommt", auf dem auch dieser Song zu finden ist, beschrieben. Inzwischen ist Sefora Nelson aus der christlichen Musikszene nicht mehr wegzudenken!
Ihr erstes Solo-Album kommt wie eine Reise durch das Leben daher: von der Freude über ein Baby bis zum Tod eines geliebten Menschen, vom Hinterfragen der eigenen Motivation bis zum Frieden, den sie bei Gott gefunden hat.
Die elf zumeist ruhigen Popsongs reflektieren viele Facetten des Lebens, spenden Kraft und sind einfach wunderschön.
Die Playlist für Lobpreis & Anbetung
@seforanelson3905singt im Gerth Medien Studio „...
published: 10 Nov 2010
Kisoan - Lege sammen (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Instagram: Kisoan
Video og redigering: TKS Visuals
Link til min Instagram: https://instagram.com/kisoan?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Link til TKS Visuals: https://instagram.com/tks_visuals?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
published: 14 Jul 2022
Proiect de lege în Guvern: Se schimbă modul de calcul pentru salariul minim pe economie!
Proiect de lege în Guvern: Se schimbă modul de calcul pentru salariul minim pe economie!
💲 Poți sprijini canalul donând direct pe Revolut: https://revolut.me/costicamanea
Doneaza o cafea:https://ko-fi.com/stirimondene
Doneaza aici:https://www.tipeeestream.com/manea-costica/donation
Încearcă noua aplicație NN Direct https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.mying
Stiri Mondene - 💯🇹🇩
published: 22 Oct 2024
Gabri Ella - Fa Doamne o lege noua (Videoclip Oficial)
Fa Doamne o lege noua cea mai noua manea 2024 interpretata de Gabri Ella
Aboneaza-te la canalul nostru : https://www.youtube.com/TanuMusicRO?sub_confirmation=1
Cele mai noi manele 2024 #TanuMusic #manele #maneletop #manelenoi2024 #bytanumusic
👉Follow Tanu Music:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanumusicro
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanumusicrupetot
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tanupezona
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6BvdQomsdGBtmbDNAfbkq4?si=Q3TgqTpAQDi_2BZdl7dAiA
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/tanu-music/1587615654
Gabri Ella - Fa Doamne o lege noua (Videoclip Oficial)
Muzica: Tanu Music
Text: Tanu Music
Mix/Master & Voice Design: Tanu Music
Orchestratie: Ovidiu Lupu
Video/Edit: Vicky Tanu Media Studio
🤳🏻 Social Media Colaboratori...
published: 07 Jan 2024
3 Zone (LeGé) - Sharingan
3 Zone (LeGé) - Sharigan
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne : http://k6.re/p7Q0q
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes digitales
Prod by : Sm Beats
Mixer par...
3 Zone (LeGé) - Sharigan
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne : http://k6.re/p7Q0q
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes digitales
Prod by : Sm Beats
Mixer par : CobillardGang
Instagram : http://k6.re/6hGZ7
Réalisation : Kespey
Instagram : http://k6.re/3s4C5
Retrouve 3 Zone sur :
Facebook : http://k6.re/fh9-t
Instagram : http://k6.re/iO6Rh
Twitter : http://k6.re/O0gLA
Retrouve LeGé sur :
Instagram : http://k6.re/wsz1P
Facebook : http://k6.re/3DgaH
Snapchat : Rynoxx_93
Booking : 3zonebooking@gmail.com
3 Zone (LeGé) - Sharigan
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne : http://k6.re/p7Q0q
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes digitales
Prod by : Sm Beats
Mixer par : CobillardGang
Instagram : http://k6.re/6hGZ7
Réalisation : Kespey
Instagram : http://k6.re/3s4C5
Retrouve 3 Zone sur :
Facebook : http://k6.re/fh9-t
Instagram : http://k6.re/iO6Rh
Twitter : http://k6.re/O0gLA
Retrouve LeGé sur :
Instagram : http://k6.re/wsz1P
Facebook : http://k6.re/3DgaH
Snapchat : Rynoxx_93
Booking : 3zonebooking@gmail.com
- published: 20 Aug 2018
- views: 276516
Lege-Cy - Betadeen | ليجي-سي - بيتادين (Official Audio)
NOW " Agzakhana" EP AVAILABLE ON ALL PLATFORMS: https://Takwene.lnk.to/Agzakhana.
Follow @Lege_Cy : https://takwene.lnk.to/Lege-Cy.
Subscribe to the of...
NOW " Agzakhana" EP AVAILABLE ON ALL PLATFORMS: https://Takwene.lnk.to/Agzakhana.
Follow @Lege_Cy : https://takwene.lnk.to/Lege-Cy.
Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/3twI0iL
Lege-Cy - Betadeen
1st Track from "Agzakhana" Ep
Performed/Produced/Written/Engineered by: Lege-Cy
Artwork by : Moe Elbeleehy / Mo'men Zalat
Powered by:@Takwene
For Booking/Business/Contact: legecyprod@gmail.com
#Lege_cy #Agzakhana_EP #MadeinTanta
NOW " Agzakhana" EP AVAILABLE ON ALL PLATFORMS: https://Takwene.lnk.to/Agzakhana.
Follow @Lege_Cy : https://takwene.lnk.to/Lege-Cy.
Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/3twI0iL
Lege-Cy - Betadeen
1st Track from "Agzakhana" Ep
Performed/Produced/Written/Engineered by: Lege-Cy
Artwork by : Moe Elbeleehy / Mo'men Zalat
Powered by:@Takwene
For Booking/Business/Contact: legecyprod@gmail.com
#Lege_cy #Agzakhana_EP #MadeinTanta
- published: 23 Apr 2020
- views: 7767681
LeGé Feat Paydé - OhMyGod ( Clip Officiel )
Legé feat Paydé - OhMyGod
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes de streaming 🎼
Pour s’abonner a la chaîne :
Réalisation : Dar...
Legé feat Paydé - OhMyGod
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes de streaming 🎼
Pour s’abonner a la chaîne :
Réalisation : Dark Prod
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/darkprod.officiel/?hl=fr
Mixer par : 10 50
Prod By : Isko On The Track
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/isko_la_m/?hl=fr
Retrouve LeGé sur :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lege_makila/
Snapchat : rynoxx_93
Retrouve Payde sur :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/payde_krtel/?hl=fr
Snapchat : padawane_pa2dy
Booking :dutti.pro@gmail.com
Booking :paydekrtel93@gmail.com
Legé feat Paydé - OhMyGod
Bientôt disponible sur toutes les plateformes de streaming 🎼
Pour s’abonner a la chaîne :
Réalisation : Dark Prod
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/darkprod.officiel/?hl=fr
Mixer par : 10 50
Prod By : Isko On The Track
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/isko_la_m/?hl=fr
Retrouve LeGé sur :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lege_makila/
Snapchat : rynoxx_93
Retrouve Payde sur :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/payde_krtel/?hl=fr
Snapchat : padawane_pa2dy
Booking :dutti.pro@gmail.com
Booking :paydekrtel93@gmail.com
- published: 15 Sep 2019
- views: 76786
Lege-Cy - Placebo | ليجي-سي - بلاسيبو (Official Audio)
Lege-Cy - Placebo (Official Audio)
8th Track of Placebo Album (Chapter Two)
Listen to Placebo (Chapter Two) on all digital platforms:
Lege-Cy - Placebo (Official Audio)
8th Track of Placebo Album (Chapter Two)
Listen to Placebo (Chapter Two) on all digital platforms:
Performed/Written/Produced by Lege-Cy
Mixed by @ElNasser_
Co-Mixed by @Soulphonicmusic
Recorded / Mastered by @Soulphonicmusic
Recorded at Vinyl Studios
Artwork by: Moe Elbeleehy - Mohamed Diaa - Muhammed Kzamane
Follow Lege-Cy:
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3jREjFp
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2Zxyb8P
Instagram: https://goo.gl/X2TgA8
Powered by: @Takwene
Explore @Lege_Cy EP's NOW
• 191-181 EP NOW ON
• Agzakhana EP NOW ON
• Plan-B EP NOW ON
© 2023 @Takwene
#Lege_cy #placebo
Lege-Cy - Placebo (Official Audio)
8th Track of Placebo Album (Chapter Two)
Listen to Placebo (Chapter Two) on all digital platforms:
Performed/Written/Produced by Lege-Cy
Mixed by @ElNasser_
Co-Mixed by @Soulphonicmusic
Recorded / Mastered by @Soulphonicmusic
Recorded at Vinyl Studios
Artwork by: Moe Elbeleehy - Mohamed Diaa - Muhammed Kzamane
Follow Lege-Cy:
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3jREjFp
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2Zxyb8P
Instagram: https://goo.gl/X2TgA8
Powered by: @Takwene
Explore @Lege_Cy EP's NOW
• 191-181 EP NOW ON
• Agzakhana EP NOW ON
• Plan-B EP NOW ON
© 2023 @Takwene
#Lege_cy #placebo
- published: 28 Dec 2023
- views: 278198
Jan Biggel - Lege Pullen
Jan Biggel - Lege Pullen
Abonneer hier: http://bit.ly/AboneerBERKMUSIC
Download of stream: https://berkmusic.lnk.to/LegePullen
Auteurs: J. van den Biggelaar /...
Jan Biggel - Lege Pullen
Abonneer hier: http://bit.ly/AboneerBERKMUSIC
Download of stream: https://berkmusic.lnk.to/LegePullen
Auteurs: J. van den Biggelaar / W. van der Heijden
Publ. BME Songs
C&P; 2023 Berk Music Productions
Dank aan: Brouwerij Bavaria, Lieshout & Bavaria Brouwerijcafe, Lieshout
Speciale dank aan: dhr Noud Swinkels
Berk Music Productions
Tel: 040 - 237 1335
E-mail: boek@berkmusic.nl
Nu boeken: http://boekingen.berkmusic.nl/
Jan Biggel - Lege Pullen
Abonneer hier: http://bit.ly/AboneerBERKMUSIC
Download of stream: https://berkmusic.lnk.to/LegePullen
Auteurs: J. van den Biggelaar / W. van der Heijden
Publ. BME Songs
C&P; 2023 Berk Music Productions
Dank aan: Brouwerij Bavaria, Lieshout & Bavaria Brouwerijcafe, Lieshout
Speciale dank aan: dhr Noud Swinkels
Berk Music Productions
Tel: 040 - 237 1335
E-mail: boek@berkmusic.nl
Nu boeken: http://boekingen.berkmusic.nl/
- published: 10 Jan 2024
- views: 439103
La Ville de Legé...the place to be !
Il s'agit d'une vidéo promotionnelle de la ville de Legé qui m'a été commandée par la Mairie. C'est dans cette ville que j'habite maintenant, et l'équipe munici...
Il s'agit d'une vidéo promotionnelle de la ville de Legé qui m'a été commandée par la Mairie. C'est dans cette ville que j'habite maintenant, et l'équipe municipale m'a fait confiance !
Legé est la commune la plus au sud de la Loire Atlantique (44). Elle fait partie , avec 7 autres villes, de la Communauté de Commune Sud Retz Atlantique.
Les prises de vue aériennes par drone permettent de mettre en valeur entre autres, l'histoire et le patrimoine de cette petite ville de 4800 habitants où il fait bon vivre.
On y découvre les commerces du centre bourg historique, ses services, ses équipements et son monde rural !
J'avais été étonné en arrivant, d'y trouver un cinéma, une piscine et une magnifique bibliothèque.
Les plans d'eau du Paradis constituent également un cadre magnifique où j'aime me balader !
Alors, venez découvrir Legé au travers de cette petite vidéo !
Il s'agit d'une vidéo promotionnelle de la ville de Legé qui m'a été commandée par la Mairie. C'est dans cette ville que j'habite maintenant, et l'équipe municipale m'a fait confiance !
Legé est la commune la plus au sud de la Loire Atlantique (44). Elle fait partie , avec 7 autres villes, de la Communauté de Commune Sud Retz Atlantique.
Les prises de vue aériennes par drone permettent de mettre en valeur entre autres, l'histoire et le patrimoine de cette petite ville de 4800 habitants où il fait bon vivre.
On y découvre les commerces du centre bourg historique, ses services, ses équipements et son monde rural !
J'avais été étonné en arrivant, d'y trouver un cinéma, une piscine et une magnifique bibliothèque.
Les plans d'eau du Paradis constituent également un cadre magnifique où j'aime me balader !
Alors, venez découvrir Legé au travers de cette petite vidéo !
- published: 07 Jan 2024
- views: 1084
Sefora Nelson – Lege deine Sorgen nieder (Live)
"Das Debüt-Album einer ausgezeichneten Newcomerin" - So wurde ihr Album "Wenn der Tag kommt", auf dem auch dieser Song zu finden ist, beschrieben. Inzwischen is...
"Das Debüt-Album einer ausgezeichneten Newcomerin" - So wurde ihr Album "Wenn der Tag kommt", auf dem auch dieser Song zu finden ist, beschrieben. Inzwischen ist Sefora Nelson aus der christlichen Musikszene nicht mehr wegzudenken!
Ihr erstes Solo-Album kommt wie eine Reise durch das Leben daher: von der Freude über ein Baby bis zum Tod eines geliebten Menschen, vom Hinterfragen der eigenen Motivation bis zum Frieden, den sie bei Gott gefunden hat.
Die elf zumeist ruhigen Popsongs reflektieren viele Facetten des Lebens, spenden Kraft und sind einfach wunderschön.
Die Playlist für Lobpreis & Anbetung
@seforanelson3905singt im Gerth Medien Studio „Lege deine Sorgen nieder“ aus ihrem Album „Wenn der Tag kommt“.
Album kaufen: https://www.gerth.de/Y/939668
Track kaufen: https://www.gerth.de/Y/AF40900447
Noten kaufen: https://www.gerth.de/Y/L110410
Zum Playback-Track: https://www.gerth.de/Y/AF40900607
Abonniere unseren Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/GerthMedien
Folge uns auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gerth.medien.musik/
Besuche Sefora Nelson auch auf unserer Homepage: https://www.gerth.de
Finde weitere Informationen: https://seforanelson.com/
Lege deine Sorgen nieder
Text und Musik: Sefora Nelson
© 2009 Gerth Medien Musikverlag, Asslar
℗ Gerth Medien LC 13743
aus dem Album „Wenn der Tag kommt“
CD 939668 – DL939668
#lobpreis #hallelujah #worship #worshipsongs
"Das Debüt-Album einer ausgezeichneten Newcomerin" - So wurde ihr Album "Wenn der Tag kommt", auf dem auch dieser Song zu finden ist, beschrieben. Inzwischen ist Sefora Nelson aus der christlichen Musikszene nicht mehr wegzudenken!
Ihr erstes Solo-Album kommt wie eine Reise durch das Leben daher: von der Freude über ein Baby bis zum Tod eines geliebten Menschen, vom Hinterfragen der eigenen Motivation bis zum Frieden, den sie bei Gott gefunden hat.
Die elf zumeist ruhigen Popsongs reflektieren viele Facetten des Lebens, spenden Kraft und sind einfach wunderschön.
Die Playlist für Lobpreis & Anbetung
@seforanelson3905singt im Gerth Medien Studio „Lege deine Sorgen nieder“ aus ihrem Album „Wenn der Tag kommt“.
Album kaufen: https://www.gerth.de/Y/939668
Track kaufen: https://www.gerth.de/Y/AF40900447
Noten kaufen: https://www.gerth.de/Y/L110410
Zum Playback-Track: https://www.gerth.de/Y/AF40900607
Abonniere unseren Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/GerthMedien
Folge uns auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gerth.medien.musik/
Besuche Sefora Nelson auch auf unserer Homepage: https://www.gerth.de
Finde weitere Informationen: https://seforanelson.com/
Lege deine Sorgen nieder
Text und Musik: Sefora Nelson
© 2009 Gerth Medien Musikverlag, Asslar
℗ Gerth Medien LC 13743
aus dem Album „Wenn der Tag kommt“
CD 939668 – DL939668
#lobpreis #hallelujah #worship #worshipsongs
- published: 10 Nov 2010
- views: 2316252
Kisoan - Lege sammen (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Instagram: Kisoan
Video og redigering: TKS Visuals
Link til min Instagram: https://instagram.com/kisoan?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Link til TKS Visuals: https:...
Instagram: Kisoan
Video og redigering: TKS Visuals
Link til min Instagram: https://instagram.com/kisoan?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Link til TKS Visuals: https://instagram.com/tks_visuals?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Instagram: Kisoan
Video og redigering: TKS Visuals
Link til min Instagram: https://instagram.com/kisoan?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Link til TKS Visuals: https://instagram.com/tks_visuals?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- published: 14 Jul 2022
- views: 244688
Proiect de lege în Guvern: Se schimbă modul de calcul pentru salariul minim pe economie!
Proiect de lege în Guvern: Se schimbă modul de calcul pentru salariul minim pe economie!
💲 Poți sprijini canalul donând direct pe Revolut: https://revolut.me/co...
Proiect de lege în Guvern: Se schimbă modul de calcul pentru salariul minim pe economie!
💲 Poți sprijini canalul donând direct pe Revolut: https://revolut.me/costicamanea
Doneaza o cafea:https://ko-fi.com/stirimondene
Doneaza aici:https://www.tipeeestream.com/manea-costica/donation
Încearcă noua aplicație NN Direct https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.mying
Stiri Mondene - 💯🇹🇩
Proiect de lege în Guvern: Se schimbă modul de calcul pentru salariul minim pe economie!
💲 Poți sprijini canalul donând direct pe Revolut: https://revolut.me/costicamanea
Doneaza o cafea:https://ko-fi.com/stirimondene
Doneaza aici:https://www.tipeeestream.com/manea-costica/donation
Încearcă noua aplicație NN Direct https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.mying
Stiri Mondene - 💯🇹🇩
- published: 22 Oct 2024
- views: 377
Gabri Ella - Fa Doamne o lege noua (Videoclip Oficial)
Fa Doamne o lege noua cea mai noua manea 2024 interpretata de Gabri Ella
Aboneaza-te la canalul nostru : https://www.youtube.com/TanuMusicRO?sub_confirmation=1...
Fa Doamne o lege noua cea mai noua manea 2024 interpretata de Gabri Ella
Aboneaza-te la canalul nostru : https://www.youtube.com/TanuMusicRO?sub_confirmation=1
Cele mai noi manele 2024 #TanuMusic #manele #maneletop #manelenoi2024 #bytanumusic
👉Follow Tanu Music:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanumusicro
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanumusicrupetot
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tanupezona
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6BvdQomsdGBtmbDNAfbkq4?si=Q3TgqTpAQDi_2BZdl7dAiA
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/tanu-music/1587615654
Gabri Ella - Fa Doamne o lege noua (Videoclip Oficial)
Muzica: Tanu Music
Text: Tanu Music
Mix/Master & Voice Design: Tanu Music
Orchestratie: Ovidiu Lupu
Video/Edit: Vicky Tanu Media Studio
🤳🏻 Social Media Colaboratori:
Gabri Ella
🟢 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gabriella0002?lang=en
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leopardika2/
Ovidiu Lupu
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christian.sousaromania
🟢 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ovidiulupu97
Vicky Tanu Media Studio
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vicky.tanumediastudio/
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Vicky-Tanu-Media-Studio/100085553941943/
Strofa I:
Fa Doamne o lege noua
Ca-n viata mea, sa nu ploua
Ca-n viata mea, sa nu ploua
Da-mi soare, lasa furtuna
Si intinde-mi, Doamne, mana
Si intinde-mi, Doamne, mana
Prelungeste-mi, Doamne, fila vietii
Nu-mi lua anii tineretii
Si te rog, iarta-ma, Doamne
Ca am vrut sa fiu om mare
Strofa II:
Scapa-ma de falsitate
Si de vorbe pe la spate
Si de vorbe pe la spate
Doamne, n-as mai vrea, sa cresc
Ca vad cum imbatranesc
Ca vad, Doamne, cum imbatranesc
Prelungeste-mi, Doamne, fila vietii
Nu-mi lua anii tineretii
Si te rog, iarta-ma, Doamne
Ca am vrut sa fiu om mare
O apreciere, un like si un Subscribe, ne ajuta sa ducem aceasta piesa cat mai departe.
Nu uitati sa activati clopotelul pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi piese ale noastre.
Toate drepturile rezervate de © Tanu Music Production
Orice upload neautorizat, va fi raportat si eliminat de pe YouTube.
Fa Doamne o lege noua cea mai noua manea 2024 interpretata de Gabri Ella
Aboneaza-te la canalul nostru : https://www.youtube.com/TanuMusicRO?sub_confirmation=1
Cele mai noi manele 2024 #TanuMusic #manele #maneletop #manelenoi2024 #bytanumusic
👉Follow Tanu Music:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanumusicro
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanumusicrupetot
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tanupezona
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Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/tanu-music/1587615654
Gabri Ella - Fa Doamne o lege noua (Videoclip Oficial)
Muzica: Tanu Music
Text: Tanu Music
Mix/Master & Voice Design: Tanu Music
Orchestratie: Ovidiu Lupu
Video/Edit: Vicky Tanu Media Studio
🤳🏻 Social Media Colaboratori:
Gabri Ella
🟢 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gabriella0002?lang=en
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leopardika2/
Ovidiu Lupu
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christian.sousaromania
🟢 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ovidiulupu97
Vicky Tanu Media Studio
🟢 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vicky.tanumediastudio/
🟢 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Vicky-Tanu-Media-Studio/100085553941943/
Strofa I:
Fa Doamne o lege noua
Ca-n viata mea, sa nu ploua
Ca-n viata mea, sa nu ploua
Da-mi soare, lasa furtuna
Si intinde-mi, Doamne, mana
Si intinde-mi, Doamne, mana
Prelungeste-mi, Doamne, fila vietii
Nu-mi lua anii tineretii
Si te rog, iarta-ma, Doamne
Ca am vrut sa fiu om mare
Strofa II:
Scapa-ma de falsitate
Si de vorbe pe la spate
Si de vorbe pe la spate
Doamne, n-as mai vrea, sa cresc
Ca vad cum imbatranesc
Ca vad, Doamne, cum imbatranesc
Prelungeste-mi, Doamne, fila vietii
Nu-mi lua anii tineretii
Si te rog, iarta-ma, Doamne
Ca am vrut sa fiu om mare
O apreciere, un like si un Subscribe, ne ajuta sa ducem aceasta piesa cat mai departe.
Nu uitati sa activati clopotelul pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi piese ale noastre.
Toate drepturile rezervate de © Tanu Music Production
Orice upload neautorizat, va fi raportat si eliminat de pe YouTube.
- published: 07 Jan 2024
- views: 114465
Jana Kramer - I Got The Boy (Official Music Video)
Get "I've Done Love" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Watch Jana Kramer's official "I Got The Boy" music video!
Get "I Got The Boy" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/igottheboy
Stream "I Got The Boy" on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/igtbspotify
published: 09 Apr 2015
Jana Kramer - "Why Ya Wanna" (Official Music Video)
© 2012 WMG
Brand new self-titled album in stores NOW: http://smarturl.it/JanaKramer
Official music video for Jana Kramer's "Why Ya Wanna" featured on the new self-titled album.
published: 06 Feb 2012
Jana Kramer - Whiskey (Official Video)
Get "Whiskey" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramerwhiskey
© 2013 WMG
published: 15 Jan 2013
Jana Kramer - I Hope It Rains (Official Music Video)
Jana Kramer - I Hope It Rains (Official Music Video)
Get Jana Kramer on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramer
published: 15 Jul 2013
Jana Kramer's FANTASTIC Fast Money! | Celebrity Family Feud
Actress and country music star Jana Kramer and her husband Michael are playing for a fabulous $25,000 for Safe Horizon! See how they did! Thanks for watching Celebrity Family Feud on ABC and see you next season!
Subscribe to our channel:
Get the Family Feud board game:
Play Family Feud online:
Audition to be on the show:
published: 24 Sep 2018
Jana Kramer - Warrior (Official Music Video)
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "Warrior".
Listen to Warrior at https://lnk.to/JanaKramer_Warrior
Where I saw broken, you saw beautiful
When I felt weak, you believed I was strong
I wasn’t used to this kinda love
You gave me a steady ground to trust
You gave me the Freedom to let go
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ain’t a mountain I wouldn’t move
And Lord knows I’m gonna fight for you
You got a dream, well baby let’s chase it
Give me your heart, yea I can take it
You’re what love’s worth fighting for
For you Ill be your Warrior
You’ve got your past, and I know it hurts too
You’ve got my heart, and it loves all of you
You weren’t used to this kinda love
I promise I’m never givin’ up
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ...
published: 08 Nov 2024
Jana Kramer - The Story (Official Music Video)
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "The Story".
Listen to Voices at: https://smarturl.it/TheStoryJK
Climb on up
To mommas bed
It’s just us tonight
Don’t need a book and snuggle in
I’m gonna share a story which I didn’t have to say
About a girl who fought with all her heart but still had to walk away.
Once upon a time
He loved me
Once upon
I loved him too
It all fell apart in a moment
Lord I wish it wasn’t true
Cause You deserved the perfect family
the fairytales you know so well
Instead of sittin here listening to the story
I wish I didn’t have to tell
I know it’s hard
To see mommy cry
But I promise you were
We’re all gonna be alright
And I need you know
That you will always be loved
You’re the very best chapters
In the story of us
Once upon a time...
published: 26 Feb 2022
Jana Kramer Dishes on Her Last Straw With Ex-husband Mike Caussin | WWHL
The Next Chapter author Jana Kramer says her ex-husband Mike Caussin cheating again is what ended their marriage. She also says she found out about his extramarital activities by checking his iPad, reveals that she had his passwords without his knowledge and divulges that she had synched up his iCloud account to another iPad that he had no idea about. She tells Andy she would look every so often because her instincts told her to.
►► Subscribe To WWHL: http://bravo.ly/WWHLSub
Watch WWHL Sunday-Thursday:
WWHL Website: http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live
Follow WWHL: https://twitter.com/BravoWWHL
Like WWHL: https://www.facebook.com/WatchWhatHappensLive
WWHL Tumblr: http://bravowwhl.tumblr.com/
'Watch What Happens: Live' is Bravo's late-night, interactive talk show that features ...
published: 27 Oct 2023
'Golden Bachelor' star Susan Noles: Donna Kelce is ‘uninterested’ in dating again after divorce
Donna Kelce isn’t interested in dating after her divorce from ex-husband Ed Kelce, according to “Golden Bachelor” star Susan Noles.
During Noles’ appearance on the “I Do, Part 2 with Jennie Garth, Jana Kramer, Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes” podcast this week, the 67-year-old reality star was asked what she and the mother of NFL stars Jason and Travis Kelce talked about while they recently watched a Kansas City Chiefs game together.
Noles revealed the topic of dating was discussed. However, when Noles was asked whether Donna’s “ready to mingle,” she responded, “Honestly, no. She’s like ‘Really? I am good.'”
“She’s doing just fine, she’s enjoying her life, as she should. I don’t think she’s where I am.”
Read more at https://pagesix.com/2025/01/23/celebrity-news/donna-kelce-is-uninterested-i...
published: 25 Jan 2025
Jana Kramer - Beautiful Lies (Official Video)
"I just remember sitting in the studio and being like, ‘I want to try to explain the best way that I can how I felt in this moment when I found out about everything,'
This song is exactly what happened with the break, and for my husband and I. In that moment where I found out about everything, I felt like the whole world was just spinning — like everything was just flipped upside down and it was this awful nightmare. In that moment, I didn’t want to believe that it was true and so instead I wished I would’ve been told some beautiful lies to cover up what was going on."
Surrounded by pieces
Of vows that were broken
Leaving me speechless
It’s like I don’t know you
Everything we built is falling down
Tell me I’m making this up
That this ain’t for real
Take me back to the night I c...
published: 04 May 2019
Jana Kramer Says Mike Caussin Cheated With More Than 13 Women | E! News
Jana Kramer tears up in a promo clip for Facebook Watch's "Red Table Talk," alleging her ex-Mike Caussin's infidelity was prolific. See her emotional moment.
Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1350966/tearful-jana-kramer-says-ex-husband-mike-caussin-cheated-on-her-with-more-than-13-women
#JanaKramer #MikeCaussin #ENews
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published: 18 Oct 2022
Inside Jana Kramer and Allan Russell's Scotland Wedding | PEOPLE
Actress and singer Jana Kramer and former soccer player Allan Russell — who first met in 2022 when he slide into her DMs! — share all the exclusive details from the "intimate" event at Carnell Estate in Scotland, which featured only 35 guests and plenty of Scottish traditions, including kilt-wearing, tartan ribbon on the cake and ceilidh (Scottish music and dancing).
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*PEOPLE* remains the trusted authority at the center of pop culture. The PEOPLE brand features a unique mix of breaking entertainment news, exclusive photos, video, unparall...
published: 22 Jul 2024
Jana Kramer Dishes on Her "Oral" Sex History With Ex-Mike Caussin | E! News
Jana Kramer gets real on her podcast, "Whine Down," and reveals intimate details about her relationship with ex-husband Mike Caussin & going down. Listen!
Full story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1353938/jana-kramer-shares-intimate-details-about-sex-life-with-ex-mike-caussin?source=youtube&medium;=enews
#JanaKramer #MikeCaussin #ENews
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/enewssub
About E! News:
The E! News team brings you the latest breaking entertainment, fashion and Pop Culture news. Featuring exclusive segments, celebrity highlights, trend reports and more, the E! News channel is the only destination Pop Culture fans need to stay in the know.
Download The E! News App For The Latest Celebrity News and Trending Videos: https://eonline.onelink.me/yMtl/4ead5017
Your favorite shows, movies and more...
published: 09 Nov 2022
Jana Kramer - "I've Done Love" (Official Audio)
“I've Done Love” Available now: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2PaRhxWFaqCUZybJDDoNrf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janakramermusic/#
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kramergirl/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kramergirl
published: 18 Aug 2017
Jana Kramer - I Got The Boy (Official Music Video)
Get "I've Done Love" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Watch Jana Kramer's official "I Got The Boy" music video!
Get "I Got The Boy" on iTunes: http://...
Get "I've Done Love" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Watch Jana Kramer's official "I Got The Boy" music video!
Get "I Got The Boy" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/igottheboy
Stream "I Got The Boy" on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/igtbspotify
Get "I've Done Love" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Watch Jana Kramer's official "I Got The Boy" music video!
Get "I Got The Boy" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/igottheboy
Stream "I Got The Boy" on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/igtbspotify
- published: 09 Apr 2015
- views: 48173418
Jana Kramer - "Why Ya Wanna" (Official Music Video)
© 2012 WMG
Brand new self-titled album in stores NOW: http://smarturl.it/JanaKramer
Official music video for Jana Kramer's "Why Ya W...
© 2012 WMG
Brand new self-titled album in stores NOW: http://smarturl.it/JanaKramer
Official music video for Jana Kramer's "Why Ya Wanna" featured on the new self-titled album.
© 2012 WMG
Brand new self-titled album in stores NOW: http://smarturl.it/JanaKramer
Official music video for Jana Kramer's "Why Ya Wanna" featured on the new self-titled album.
- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 37350611
Jana Kramer - Whiskey (Official Video)
Get "Whiskey" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramerwhiskey
© 2013 WMG
Get "Whiskey" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramerwhiskey
© 2013 WMG
Get "Whiskey" on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramerwhiskey
© 2013 WMG
- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 15986461
Jana Kramer - I Hope It Rains (Official Music Video)
Jana Kramer - I Hope It Rains (Official Music Video)
Get Jana Kramer on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramer
Jana Kramer - I Hope It Rains (Official Music Video)
Get Jana Kramer on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramer
Jana Kramer - I Hope It Rains (Official Music Video)
Get Jana Kramer on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/janakramer
- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 8064137
Jana Kramer's FANTASTIC Fast Money! | Celebrity Family Feud
Actress and country music star Jana Kramer and her husband Michael are playing for a fabulous $25,000 for Safe Horizon! See how they did! Thanks for watching Ce...
Actress and country music star Jana Kramer and her husband Michael are playing for a fabulous $25,000 for Safe Horizon! See how they did! Thanks for watching Celebrity Family Feud on ABC and see you next season!
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Actress and country music star Jana Kramer and her husband Michael are playing for a fabulous $25,000 for Safe Horizon! See how they did! Thanks for watching Celebrity Family Feud on ABC and see you next season!
Subscribe to our channel:
Get the Family Feud board game:
Play Family Feud online:
Audition to be on the show:
- published: 24 Sep 2018
- views: 212563
Jana Kramer - Warrior (Official Music Video)
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "Warrior".
Listen to Warrior at https://lnk.to/JanaKramer_Warrior
Where I saw broken, you saw beauti...
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "Warrior".
Listen to Warrior at https://lnk.to/JanaKramer_Warrior
Where I saw broken, you saw beautiful
When I felt weak, you believed I was strong
I wasn’t used to this kinda love
You gave me a steady ground to trust
You gave me the Freedom to let go
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ain’t a mountain I wouldn’t move
And Lord knows I’m gonna fight for you
You got a dream, well baby let’s chase it
Give me your heart, yea I can take it
You’re what love’s worth fighting for
For you Ill be your Warrior
You’ve got your past, and I know it hurts too
You’ve got my heart, and it loves all of you
You weren’t used to this kinda love
I promise I’m never givin’ up
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ain’t a mountain I wouldn’t move
And Lord knows I’m gonna fight for you
You got a dream, well baby let’s chase it
Give me your heart, yea I can take it
You’re what love’s worth fighting for
For you I’ll be a Warrior
Ain’t no Battle we can’t get through
Cuz i’ll be in the fight right with you
With you I can let my armor fall
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ain’t a mountain I wouldn’t move
And Lord knows I’m gonna fight for you
You got a dream, well baby let’s chase it
Give me your heart, yea I can take it
You’re what love’s worth fighting for
For you I’ll be a Warrior
Your little warrior
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "Warrior".
Listen to Warrior at https://lnk.to/JanaKramer_Warrior
Where I saw broken, you saw beautiful
When I felt weak, you believed I was strong
I wasn’t used to this kinda love
You gave me a steady ground to trust
You gave me the Freedom to let go
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ain’t a mountain I wouldn’t move
And Lord knows I’m gonna fight for you
You got a dream, well baby let’s chase it
Give me your heart, yea I can take it
You’re what love’s worth fighting for
For you Ill be your Warrior
You’ve got your past, and I know it hurts too
You’ve got my heart, and it loves all of you
You weren’t used to this kinda love
I promise I’m never givin’ up
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ain’t a mountain I wouldn’t move
And Lord knows I’m gonna fight for you
You got a dream, well baby let’s chase it
Give me your heart, yea I can take it
You’re what love’s worth fighting for
For you I’ll be a Warrior
Ain’t no Battle we can’t get through
Cuz i’ll be in the fight right with you
With you I can let my armor fall
You give your best to me
I want your worst
There ain’t a mountain I wouldn’t move
And Lord knows I’m gonna fight for you
You got a dream, well baby let’s chase it
Give me your heart, yea I can take it
You’re what love’s worth fighting for
For you I’ll be a Warrior
Your little warrior
- published: 08 Nov 2024
- views: 56229
Jana Kramer - The Story (Official Music Video)
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "The Story".
Listen to Voices at: https://smarturl.it/TheStoryJK
Climb on up
To mommas bed
It’s just...
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "The Story".
Listen to Voices at: https://smarturl.it/TheStoryJK
Climb on up
To mommas bed
It’s just us tonight
Don’t need a book and snuggle in
I’m gonna share a story which I didn’t have to say
About a girl who fought with all her heart but still had to walk away.
Once upon a time
He loved me
Once upon
I loved him too
It all fell apart in a moment
Lord I wish it wasn’t true
Cause You deserved the perfect family
the fairytales you know so well
Instead of sittin here listening to the story
I wish I didn’t have to tell
I know it’s hard
To see mommy cry
But I promise you were
We’re all gonna be alright
And I need you know
That you will always be loved
You’re the very best chapters
In the story of us
Once upon a time
He loved me
Once upon
I loved him too
It all fell apart in a moment
Lord I wish it wasn’t true
Cause You deserved the perfect family
the fairytales you know so well
Instead of sittin here listening to the story
I wish I didn’t have to tell
Now it’s time to pick up all the broken pieces
So that we can be the story you believe in
Once upon it was us 3
Starting over all brand new
Dreaming of a new happy ending
The one I always wanted for you
Cause you deserve the perfect family
the fairytales you know so well
Instead of sittin here listening to the story
I wish I didn’t have to tell
Jana Kramer's New Music Video for her new single, "The Story".
Listen to Voices at: https://smarturl.it/TheStoryJK
Climb on up
To mommas bed
It’s just us tonight
Don’t need a book and snuggle in
I’m gonna share a story which I didn’t have to say
About a girl who fought with all her heart but still had to walk away.
Once upon a time
He loved me
Once upon
I loved him too
It all fell apart in a moment
Lord I wish it wasn’t true
Cause You deserved the perfect family
the fairytales you know so well
Instead of sittin here listening to the story
I wish I didn’t have to tell
I know it’s hard
To see mommy cry
But I promise you were
We’re all gonna be alright
And I need you know
That you will always be loved
You’re the very best chapters
In the story of us
Once upon a time
He loved me
Once upon
I loved him too
It all fell apart in a moment
Lord I wish it wasn’t true
Cause You deserved the perfect family
the fairytales you know so well
Instead of sittin here listening to the story
I wish I didn’t have to tell
Now it’s time to pick up all the broken pieces
So that we can be the story you believe in
Once upon it was us 3
Starting over all brand new
Dreaming of a new happy ending
The one I always wanted for you
Cause you deserve the perfect family
the fairytales you know so well
Instead of sittin here listening to the story
I wish I didn’t have to tell
- published: 26 Feb 2022
- views: 1402028
Jana Kramer Dishes on Her Last Straw With Ex-husband Mike Caussin | WWHL
The Next Chapter author Jana Kramer says her ex-husband Mike Caussin cheating again is what ended their marriage. She also says she found out about his extramar...
The Next Chapter author Jana Kramer says her ex-husband Mike Caussin cheating again is what ended their marriage. She also says she found out about his extramarital activities by checking his iPad, reveals that she had his passwords without his knowledge and divulges that she had synched up his iCloud account to another iPad that he had no idea about. She tells Andy she would look every so often because her instincts told her to.
►► Subscribe To WWHL: http://bravo.ly/WWHLSub
Watch WWHL Sunday-Thursday:
WWHL Website: http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live
Follow WWHL: https://twitter.com/BravoWWHL
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'Watch What Happens: Live' is Bravo's late-night, interactive talk show that features guests from the world of entertainment, politics, and pop culture. Hosted by Andy Cohen, the series includes lively debates on everything from fashion, the latest on everyone's favorite Bravolebrities, and what celebrity is making headlines that week. Past guests who have joined Cohen in the Bravo Clubhouse include Sarah Jessica Parker, Tina Fey, Khloe Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Liam Neeson, Kelly Ripa, Jimmy Fallon, Anderson Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, and Lance Bass.
Watch More Bravo:
Bravo Website: http://www.bravotv.com/
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The Next Chapter author Jana Kramer says her ex-husband Mike Caussin cheating again is what ended their marriage. She also says she found out about his extramarital activities by checking his iPad, reveals that she had his passwords without his knowledge and divulges that she had synched up his iCloud account to another iPad that he had no idea about. She tells Andy she would look every so often because her instincts told her to.
►► Subscribe To WWHL: http://bravo.ly/WWHLSub
Watch WWHL Sunday-Thursday:
WWHL Website: http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live
Follow WWHL: https://twitter.com/BravoWWHL
Like WWHL: https://www.facebook.com/WatchWhatHappensLive
WWHL Tumblr: http://bravowwhl.tumblr.com/
'Watch What Happens: Live' is Bravo's late-night, interactive talk show that features guests from the world of entertainment, politics, and pop culture. Hosted by Andy Cohen, the series includes lively debates on everything from fashion, the latest on everyone's favorite Bravolebrities, and what celebrity is making headlines that week. Past guests who have joined Cohen in the Bravo Clubhouse include Sarah Jessica Parker, Tina Fey, Khloe Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Liam Neeson, Kelly Ripa, Jimmy Fallon, Anderson Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, and Lance Bass.
Watch More Bravo:
Bravo Website: http://www.bravotv.com/
Bravo Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/videobybravo
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- published: 27 Oct 2023
- views: 37443
'Golden Bachelor' star Susan Noles: Donna Kelce is ‘uninterested’ in dating again after divorce
Donna Kelce isn’t interested in dating after her divorce from ex-husband Ed Kelce, according to “Golden Bachelor” star Susan Noles.
During Noles’ appearance on...
Donna Kelce isn’t interested in dating after her divorce from ex-husband Ed Kelce, according to “Golden Bachelor” star Susan Noles.
During Noles’ appearance on the “I Do, Part 2 with Jennie Garth, Jana Kramer, Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes” podcast this week, the 67-year-old reality star was asked what she and the mother of NFL stars Jason and Travis Kelce talked about while they recently watched a Kansas City Chiefs game together.
Noles revealed the topic of dating was discussed. However, when Noles was asked whether Donna’s “ready to mingle,” she responded, “Honestly, no. She’s like ‘Really? I am good.'”
“She’s doing just fine, she’s enjoying her life, as she should. I don’t think she’s where I am.”
Read more at https://pagesix.com/2025/01/23/celebrity-news/donna-kelce-is-uninterested-in-dating-again-after-ed-kelce-divorce/
#donnakelce #divorce #susanoles
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Donna Kelce isn’t interested in dating after her divorce from ex-husband Ed Kelce, according to “Golden Bachelor” star Susan Noles.
During Noles’ appearance on the “I Do, Part 2 with Jennie Garth, Jana Kramer, Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes” podcast this week, the 67-year-old reality star was asked what she and the mother of NFL stars Jason and Travis Kelce talked about while they recently watched a Kansas City Chiefs game together.
Noles revealed the topic of dating was discussed. However, when Noles was asked whether Donna’s “ready to mingle,” she responded, “Honestly, no. She’s like ‘Really? I am good.'”
“She’s doing just fine, she’s enjoying her life, as she should. I don’t think she’s where I am.”
Read more at https://pagesix.com/2025/01/23/celebrity-news/donna-kelce-is-uninterested-in-dating-again-after-ed-kelce-divorce/
#donnakelce #divorce #susanoles
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- published: 25 Jan 2025
- views: 418
Jana Kramer - Beautiful Lies (Official Video)
"I just remember sitting in the studio and being like, ‘I want to try to explain the best way that I can how I felt in this moment when I found out about everyt...
"I just remember sitting in the studio and being like, ‘I want to try to explain the best way that I can how I felt in this moment when I found out about everything,'
This song is exactly what happened with the break, and for my husband and I. In that moment where I found out about everything, I felt like the whole world was just spinning — like everything was just flipped upside down and it was this awful nightmare. In that moment, I didn’t want to believe that it was true and so instead I wished I would’ve been told some beautiful lies to cover up what was going on."
Surrounded by pieces
Of vows that were broken
Leaving me speechless
It’s like I don’t know you
Everything we built is falling down
Tell me I’m making this up
That this ain’t for real
Take me back to the night I could feel
Like I was enough
And love was just blind
I’m not ready for the truth to see the light
Make it up, make it pretty, I don’t mind
Tell me beautiful lies
Oh yeah
How did this happen?
I thought we were perfect
Never imagined
Feeling so worthless
I know I need to face it but I can’t right now
Tell me I’m making this up
That this ain’t for real
Take me back to the night I could feel
Like I was enough
When love was just blind
I’m not ready for the truth to see the light
Make it up, make it pretty, I don’t mind
Tell me beautiful lies
Oh yeah
Go on and tell me those beautiful lies
Tell me I’m making this up
That this ain’t for real
Take me back to the night I could feel
Like I was enough
When love was just blind
I’m not ready for the truth to see the light
Make it up, make it pretty, I don’t mind
Dream it up, make it real, one more time
Tell me beautiful lies
Oh yeah
Please tell me those beautiful lies
Listen or download here: http://smarturl.it/JKBeautifulLies
Jana is taking her hit podcast on the road. Get more details and see if Whine Down with Jana Kramer and Mike Caussin is coming to a city near you at: http://www.JanaKramer.com/tour.
#BeautifulLies #JanaKramer #MusicVideo
Powered by http://www.vydia.com
"I just remember sitting in the studio and being like, ‘I want to try to explain the best way that I can how I felt in this moment when I found out about everything,'
This song is exactly what happened with the break, and for my husband and I. In that moment where I found out about everything, I felt like the whole world was just spinning — like everything was just flipped upside down and it was this awful nightmare. In that moment, I didn’t want to believe that it was true and so instead I wished I would’ve been told some beautiful lies to cover up what was going on."
Surrounded by pieces
Of vows that were broken
Leaving me speechless
It’s like I don’t know you
Everything we built is falling down
Tell me I’m making this up
That this ain’t for real
Take me back to the night I could feel
Like I was enough
And love was just blind
I’m not ready for the truth to see the light
Make it up, make it pretty, I don’t mind
Tell me beautiful lies
Oh yeah
How did this happen?
I thought we were perfect
Never imagined
Feeling so worthless
I know I need to face it but I can’t right now
Tell me I’m making this up
That this ain’t for real
Take me back to the night I could feel
Like I was enough
When love was just blind
I’m not ready for the truth to see the light
Make it up, make it pretty, I don’t mind
Tell me beautiful lies
Oh yeah
Go on and tell me those beautiful lies
Tell me I’m making this up
That this ain’t for real
Take me back to the night I could feel
Like I was enough
When love was just blind
I’m not ready for the truth to see the light
Make it up, make it pretty, I don’t mind
Dream it up, make it real, one more time
Tell me beautiful lies
Oh yeah
Please tell me those beautiful lies
Listen or download here: http://smarturl.it/JKBeautifulLies
Jana is taking her hit podcast on the road. Get more details and see if Whine Down with Jana Kramer and Mike Caussin is coming to a city near you at: http://www.JanaKramer.com/tour.
#BeautifulLies #JanaKramer #MusicVideo
Powered by http://www.vydia.com
- published: 04 May 2019
- views: 1785195
Jana Kramer Says Mike Caussin Cheated With More Than 13 Women | E! News
Jana Kramer tears up in a promo clip for Facebook Watch's "Red Table Talk," alleging her ex-Mike Caussin's infidelity was prolific. See her emotional moment.
Jana Kramer tears up in a promo clip for Facebook Watch's "Red Table Talk," alleging her ex-Mike Caussin's infidelity was prolific. See her emotional moment.
Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1350966/tearful-jana-kramer-says-ex-husband-mike-caussin-cheated-on-her-with-more-than-13-women
#JanaKramer #MikeCaussin #ENews
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Jana Kramer Says Mike Caussin Cheated With More Than 13 Women | E! News
Jana Kramer tears up in a promo clip for Facebook Watch's "Red Table Talk," alleging her ex-Mike Caussin's infidelity was prolific. See her emotional moment.
Full Story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1350966/tearful-jana-kramer-says-ex-husband-mike-caussin-cheated-on-her-with-more-than-13-women
#JanaKramer #MikeCaussin #ENews
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Jana Kramer Says Mike Caussin Cheated With More Than 13 Women | E! News
- published: 18 Oct 2022
- views: 103904
Inside Jana Kramer and Allan Russell's Scotland Wedding | PEOPLE
Actress and singer Jana Kramer and former soccer player Allan Russell — who first met in 2022 when he slide into her DMs! — share all the exclusive details from...
Actress and singer Jana Kramer and former soccer player Allan Russell — who first met in 2022 when he slide into her DMs! — share all the exclusive details from the "intimate" event at Carnell Estate in Scotland, which featured only 35 guests and plenty of Scottish traditions, including kilt-wearing, tartan ribbon on the cake and ceilidh (Scottish music and dancing).
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Inside Jana Kramer and Allan Russell's Scotland Wedding | PEOPLE
Actress and singer Jana Kramer and former soccer player Allan Russell — who first met in 2022 when he slide into her DMs! — share all the exclusive details from the "intimate" event at Carnell Estate in Scotland, which featured only 35 guests and plenty of Scottish traditions, including kilt-wearing, tartan ribbon on the cake and ceilidh (Scottish music and dancing).
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*PEOPLE* remains the trusted authority at the center of pop culture. The PEOPLE brand features a unique mix of breaking entertainment news, exclusive photos, video, unparalleled access to the red carpet, celebrities, and in-depth reporting on the most compelling newsmakers of our time.
Inside Jana Kramer and Allan Russell's Scotland Wedding | PEOPLE
- published: 22 Jul 2024
- views: 77720
Jana Kramer Dishes on Her "Oral" Sex History With Ex-Mike Caussin | E! News
Jana Kramer gets real on her podcast, "Whine Down," and reveals intimate details about her relationship with ex-husband Mike Caussin & going down. Listen!
Jana Kramer gets real on her podcast, "Whine Down," and reveals intimate details about her relationship with ex-husband Mike Caussin & going down. Listen!
Full story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1353938/jana-kramer-shares-intimate-details-about-sex-life-with-ex-mike-caussin?source=youtube&medium;=enews
#JanaKramer #MikeCaussin #ENews
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Jana Kramer Dishes on Her "Oral" Sex History With Ex-Mike Caussin | E! News
Jana Kramer gets real on her podcast, "Whine Down," and reveals intimate details about her relationship with ex-husband Mike Caussin & going down. Listen!
Full story: https://www.eonline.com/news/1353938/jana-kramer-shares-intimate-details-about-sex-life-with-ex-mike-caussin?source=youtube&medium;=enews
#JanaKramer #MikeCaussin #ENews
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Jana Kramer Dishes on Her "Oral" Sex History With Ex-Mike Caussin | E! News
- published: 09 Nov 2022
- views: 33138
Jana Kramer - "I've Done Love" (Official Audio)
“I've Done Love” Available now: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2PaRhxWFaqCUZybJDDoNrf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com...
“I've Done Love” Available now: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2PaRhxWFaqCUZybJDDoNrf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janakramermusic/#
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kramergirl/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kramergirl
“I've Done Love” Available now: http://smarturl.it/JKDoneLove
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2PaRhxWFaqCUZybJDDoNrf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janakramermusic/#
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kramergirl/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kramergirl
- published: 18 Aug 2017
- views: 1375368