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NBN installation bungle left man without broadband for 96 days

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A Queensland man is seeking compensation after spending almost 100 days stuck in broadband-less limbo thanks to a series of bungles connecting him to the National Broadband Network.

NBN Co has dismissed concerns raised by the state's Education Department that schools could run into similar problems.

Finance industry worker Andrew Mann was initially told he would be connected to the National Broadband Network when he moved to Kenmore, in south-west Brisbane, on May 4.

Instead, he was left waiting for months without either the new NBN connection or an older ADSL line, wrangling with both Telstra and NBN Co to have what turned out to be a relatively simple problem fixed.

In the interim, Telstra provided him with a Wi-Fi hotspot but Mr Mann said for weeks there wasn't enough data and his kids were regularly cut off when trying to do schoolwork.

On August 8, after Mr Mann told both companies he had gone to the media, he was connected to the NBN at its highest speed tier, 96 days later than expected.


It was fast, but not worth the wait, he said.

"Telstra's follow-up systems and service are disgraceful," he said.

"For us to have to go through four case managers over a period of three-and-a-half months to get what was a very simple matter resolved just shouldn't happen.

"Telstra and NBN Co need to stop playing political games and actually someone has to stand up and say 'alright, yes we are responsible'."

Both NBN Co and Telstra expressed regret for the delays, which have increasingly affected customers as the rollout continues, but neither could explain what took so long.

"Mr Mann was required to connect via NBN when moving his services to his new premises. Unfortunately further work by NBN Co was required before his services could be activated," a Telstra spokesman said.

"We provided constant data top-ups on his mobile broadband service to ensure he stayed connected and we have also applied a credit to his bill."

Complex Cease Sale provisions have, in certain circumstances, prevented or delayed homes in NBN "ready-for-service" areas from being reconnected to the old ADSL network even when problems with their NBN connections became apparent.

Mr Mann's issues appeared solved but he was still furious with the delays and bureaucracy, demanding compensation for the two days of work he missed as engineers failed to show up for appointments.

Several thousand NBN connections failed across the network as the multi-technology mix rollout ramped up but it was unclear how many of those have been left cut off.

"Cease Sale is a contractual condition that exists between NBN and Telstra and prevents the sale of legacy copper services to an NBN-serviceable home in a ready-for-service area," NBN Co senior corporate affairs manager Kylie Lindsay said.

"This should not interrupt any existing user who is using Telstra legacy services."

The Queensland government has raised concerns schools could fall victim to similar circumstances and complained of delays in fixing copper phone lines in NBN areas due to issues between NBN Co and the department's service provider.

In a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Broadband Network in March, the Department of Education and Training identified "a number" of difficult NBN installations in schools that were still waiting for NBN infrastructure.

"DET are concerned that a number of these locations have passed the copper disconnection date, requiring additional effort to obtain guarantees from NBN that these services will not be disconnected," the submission said.

Approached for comment this week, the department refused to say whether any schools had been disconnected from their existing service before the NBN was successfully activated.

"As at July 2017, NBN and Telstra have formally identified 532 schools to be disconnected from the copper network over the period to 2019," a department spokesman said, in a statement.

"The Department of Education and Training are managing the migration of services with the support of Telstra and NBN Co and have established the Copper Disconnect Project Team to support schools with the transition."

NBN Co's Ms Graham said she wasn't aware of any schools being left in limbo and promised it would not happen.

"In areas where there are already existing ADSL services the cease sale issue doesn't apply and they will remain on their ADSL service until the NBN technology in the area is ready," she said.

"So they definitely won't be disconnected."

Things were not as clear for home users as the Australian Communications and Media Authority last week announced research into consumer problems with the NBN but could not guarantee the Cease Sale problems would be addressed.