- published: 05 Jun 2017
- views: 9369
Garut is a town in the West Java province of Indonesia and is the capital of the Garut Regency. It is located about 75 km to the southeast of the major city of Bandung.
The modern history of Garut started on March 2, 1811 when Balubur Limbangan Regency was dissolved by Governor General Herman Willem Daendels, because the area's production of coffee had decreased and the Regent, Tumenggung Wangsakusumah II had refused a command to plant indigo. Balubur Limbangan Regency then comprised 6 districts: Balubur, Malangbong, Wanaraja, Wanakerta, Cibeureum and Papandak.
The Limbangan Regency, which has now become the Garut Regency, was founded by Lieutenant-Governor Stamford Raffles on 16 February 1813. RAA. Adiwijaya, who governed from the 1813 until 1821, was the first Regent of the Garut Regency. He was well known as Dalem Cipeujueh. The town of Suci was originally the capital of the new Limbangan Regency. However it was thought that Suci did not meet the requirements of a capital because the area was crowded and quite narrow.
ON THE SPOT - Misteri Tanjakan Pengantin Garut
[INDONESIA TRAVEL SERIES] Jalan2Men 2014 - Garut - Episode 9 (Part 1)
NGENALIN GARUT MALAM | wanita rok pendek
Paling Keren!!! 10 Tempat Wisata Garut Terbaru yang Layak Anda Kunjungi
Garut Tempo Dulu
Malam Takbir, Warga Garut Mulai Memenuhi Alun-Alun Kota Garut
24 JAM - Jajan Kuliner Unik di Garut Bikin Nagih (16/02/2017) Part 2
Sejarah Singkat Garut 1813-2013
Razia Tempat Hiburan di Garut
TRIBUNJABAR.CO.ID, GARUT - Hujan deras yang terjadi sejak Senin (5/6/2017) pukul 20.00 mengakibatkan banjir di sejumlah titik di Kabupaten Garut. Info dari Polres Garut, petugas langsung mendatangi TKP banjir dan melaksanakan evakuasi, di pesona intan cijati asri, Tarogong sekitar pukul 22.45 WIB. Hujan deras yang mengguyur kawasan Garut sejak sore, Senin 5 Juni 2017 sekitar pukul 17.00wib mengakibatkan banjir di beberapa titik diantaranya Komplek Cijati Asri II dan Perum Pamoyanan. Hingga pukul 22.30 wib ketinggian air mencapai 1 meter.
ON THE SPOT Program ini tayang setiap hari di tkw studio. Misteri tanjakan pengantin garut yang angker. Rombongan pengantin tidak boleh melewati tanjakan ini. Menurut warga sekitar, ada syarat tertentu agar tidak di ganggu dan di jahili oelh penunggu tanjakan pengantin di kabupaten garut ini. Playlist TKW Studio Syahrini dan Deddy Corbuzier saling menghina http://bit.ly/2hidX9Y Rumah Uya ►► http://bit.ly/RUMAH_UYA Opera Van Java ►► http://bit.ly/OVJ_Terlucu Hitam Putih ►► http://bit.ly/HitamPutihTerbaru Katakan Putus ►► http://bit.ly/KatakanPutusTerbaru Janji Suci ►► http://bit.ly/JanjiSuciTerbaru Ujian Cinta ►► http://bit.ly/UjianCinta
Karena ingin mengenal Naya lebih jauh lagi, Jebraw dan Tim JJM pun singgah ke Kota Garut, yang punya hubungan sangat erat sama Naya. Apakah Jebraw berhasil bikin Naya terpukau? Tonton aja yuk Link Jalan2Men 2014 Gunung Padang - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1qfEvHqSZU Link Jalan2Men 2014 Gunung Padang - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePN03lpBYxw Link Jalan2Men 2014 Tanakita - Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iam31yGGJKg Link Jalan2Men 2014 Tanakita - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f52T1aVNbOI Link Jalan2Men 2014 Pelabuhan Ratu - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBkdMtb4vcQ Link Jalan2Men 2014 Pelabuhan Ratu - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xzSGP36Jhk Link Jalan2Men 2014 Kampung Naga - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
video ini hanya 30% dari yang aslinya bro
[Paling Keren!!!] 10 Tempat Wisata Garut Terbaru yang Layak Anda Kunjungi Inilah daftar 10 Tempat Wisata Garut Terbaru yang Layak Anda Kunjungi. Jika anda bosan dengan wisata daerah Bandung, maka wisata garut bisa menjadi solusinya. Dengan alam dan kultur yang tidak jauh berbeda, wisata garut kini menjadi primadona baru bagi para wisatawan yang mencari tempat wisata terindah. Apa saja tempat wisata garut yang saat ini sedang banyak dikunjungi, berikut video ulasannya! Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TJZ5BGV-_iP1-xiVr5F7w Image dan Data Sumber : http://anekatempatwisata.com/ Backsound Credit By : 5 Cents Back by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Bagaimana kondisi terkini dari Garut, Jawa Barat, apakah suasana malam takbir sudah mulai terasa? Ikuti berita terbaru di tahun 2017 dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia, dan jangan ketinggalan breaking news 2017 dengan berita terakhir dan live report CNN Indonesia di www.cnnindonesia.com dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.
Part 1 : https://youtu.be/FuI5dGWKfHM Part 2 : https://youtu.be/m7XnZqgFLuw Part 3 : https://youtu.be/mu4eSJYtJ48
Karena ingin mengenal Naya lebih jauh lagi, Jebraw dan Tim JJM pun singgah ke Kota Garut, yang punya hubungan sangat erat sama Naya. Apakah Jebraw berhasil bikin Naya terpukau? Tonton aja yuk Link Jalan2Men 2014 Gunung Padang - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1qfEvHqSZU Link Jalan2Men 2014 Gunung Padang - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePN03lpBYxw Link Jalan2Men 2014 Tanakita - Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iam31yGGJKg Link Jalan2Men 2014 Tanakita - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f52T1aVNbOI Link Jalan2Men 2014 Pelabuhan Ratu - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBkdMtb4vcQ Link Jalan2Men 2014 Pelabuhan Ratu - Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xzSGP36Jhk Link Jalan2Men 2014 Kampung Naga - Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
Subscribes Us On http://www.youtube.com/c/HdGNewsV24 website: (http://www.tempatwisatagarut.com/) Streaming Online TV berisi informasi tempat wisata dan berita kota Garut by Trip Planner & Event Organizer HDG Team : Master Outbound, Fun Games Trainer, Tour Leader, Tour Guide dan Pemandu Wisata di Garut
Hot Spring Pool at Tirta Gangga swiming pool I'm still learning English, please give me feedback :) Veron Ina. Connect with me https://www.instagram.com/ve_travel/ https://twitter.com/veron_ina https://plus.google.com/u/0/+veronriw... https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... http://veron-ina.blogspot.co.id
Tour Guide Garut Best and Most Experienced as can be seen from a variety of photo and video documentation already published several years ago, HDG Team Trip Planner is a pioneer and the pioneer of the publication and dissemination of the tourism sector so that the positive side can be felt by the various parties at this time, CV success as a hotel in Garut Garut Travel Agents trusted by national and multinational companies began marketing techniques followed by the follower, but HDG Team Trendsetter not a follower;) , (http://www.hdgteam.com) or (http://www.garuttourguide.com/).
Hey guys! This video is about my trip to Garut which is near Bandung and as you can see I had SO MUCH FUN with my friends! Hope you enjoy watching this vlog! Love you saranghaeee mwah mwah [MUSIC] Blue Satellite | Rainbow Dip: http://bit.ly/1QMRq4yUlzzang Pistol | Porter Robinson | Sad Machine: https://soundcloud.com/bluesatellite/porter-robinson-sad-machine-blue-satellite-remix First Kiss: http://bit.ly/1H0WUA2
Tour Guide Garut Best and Most Experienced as can be seen from a variety of photo and video documentation already published several years ago, HDG Team Trip Planner is a pioneer and the pioneer of the publication and dissemination of the tourism sector so that the positive side can be felt by the various parties at this time, CV success as a hotel in Garut Garut Travel Agents trusted by national and multinational companies began marketing techniques followed by the follower, but HDG Team Trendsetter not a follower;) , (http://www.hdgteam.com) or (http://www.garuttourguide.com/).
Tour Guide Garut Best and Most Experienced as can be seen from a variety of photo and video documentation already published several years ago, HDG Team Trip Planner is a pioneer and the pioneer of the publication and dissemination of the tourism sector so that the positive side can be felt by the various parties at this time, CV success as a hotel in Garut Garut Travel Agents trusted by national and multinational companies began marketing techniques followed by the follower, but HDG Team Trendsetter not a follower;) , (http://www.hdgteam.com) or (http://www.garuttourguide.com/).
iLook Program yang membahas berbagai pernak-pernik yang berhubungan dengan penampilan/style/fashion, dari ujung kaki hingga ujung kepala. Program ini juga akan memberikan tips fashion yang bermanfaat dan dapat menjadi acuan fashion bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1HM3luO NetMediatama NET. Televisi Masa Kini merupakan salah satu alternatif tontonan hiburan layar kaca. NET. hadir dengan format dan konten program yang berbeda dengan stasiun TV lain. Sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi, NET. didirikan dengan semangat bahwa konten hiburan dan informasi di masa mendatang akan semakin terhubung, lebih memasyarakat, lebih mendalam, lebih pribadi, dan lebih mudah diakses. Karena itulah, sejak awal, NET. muncul dengan konsep multiplatform, sehingga pemirsanya bisa mengakse...
Maap ini gak ada kaitannya dengan om telolet om kok Habis turun Ciremai, gue dan Faiz secara random langsung belok ke Papandayan. Dengan rute Ciremai - Bandung - Garut (Papandayan), kita sempat nginep dulu di rumah traveler cantik Nisa Azis, yg rumahnyaaaaaaaa aduhduhhhhhh onde mande tusde ranca bana! Nisa udah punya pacar, jd jangan salah sangka ya haha. Ini video hanya scene drama aja. Buat pacaranya Nisa maaf yaa pinjem tangannya Nisa bentar buat di pegang. Btw, Papandayan ternyata bagus banget! Sumpah gue suka banget. Cocok buat para traveler yg hobi jepret foto dan video. Untuk pendaki pemula juga, Papandayan pas banget karena aksesnya sangat mudah, ada tempat parkir di pintu pendakian, ada guide kalo mau di anter, banyak toilet dan pondok istirahat di setiap berapa kilometer, dan...
An artificial season
Covered by summer rain
Losing all my reason
Cause there's nothing left to blame
Shadows paint the sidewalk
A living picture in a frame
See the sea of people
All their faces look the same
So I sat down for awhile
Forcing a smile
In a state of self-denial
Is it worthwhile
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Plain talk can be the easy way
Signs of losing my faith
Losing my faith
Plain talk can be the easy way
Signs of losing my faith
Losing my faith
So I sat down for awhile
Yeah, Forcing a smile
In a state of self-denial
Yeah, Is it worthwhile
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
So I sat down for awhile
Yeah, Forcing a smile
In a state of self-denial
Yeah, Is it worthwhile
Sell my pity for a dime
Yeah, Just one dime
Sell my pity for a dime