CBA scandal reminds us that banks are now law enforcement agencies

Whether banks like it or not they no longer manage just credit risk, but also risks around cyber criminality, terrorism ...
Whether banks like it or not they no longer manage just credit risk, but also risks around cyber criminality, terrorism and money laundering. Peter Braig
by Roger Wilkins

As president of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the international body that sets global standards to combat money laundering and terrorism financing, I closely observed and dealt with the consequential issues of high-profile cases where the US Department of Justice levied billion-dollar fines against some of the world's biggest banks.

In all of these cases we were not just looking at negligence or sloppy practice, but at egregious cases of money laundering or failure to implement sanctions against financing of terrorism.

As a result I can make eight key observations from looking closely at these cases and discussing them with global leaders in finance and regulation:

  1. A good thing about these cases was, it got boards and CEOs engaged in the issue of compliance.
  2. A bad thing was it tended to engender an attitude of risk aversion. So, we saw banks "debanking" sectors of the economy – remitters, digital currencies – or entire regions or countries (e.g. Somalia).
  3. It highlighted how central to the world financial system the US dollar is. Being excluded from the US dollar trading is virtually a "death sentence" for a bank. And that is how the US regulation operates. US banks would not trade with a bank that did not meet standards expected by US regulators. A positive aspect of that was US regulators enforced the FATF standards, thus forcing other countries and foreign banks to comply with those standards.
  4. A negative aspect is that this system tends to drive some "risky" sectors into a system of "shadow banking" – i.e. out of conventional banking and into informal systems of exchange across borders. These might include traditional forms of exchange such as Hawala, or new technology such as Bitcoin. These will typically be unregulated.
  5. It brought home to the banks that their role was changing. As the chairman of a large British bank said: "We are now law enforcement agencies. We are the front-line against crooks and terrorists." Banks had been used to dealing with credit risk, now they had to deal with other risks – criminality and terrorism for example. The other side of that coin is the changing nature of law enforcement. It is no longer primarily about investigation, prosecution and penalty after the fact. It is now about preventing and disrupting crime. It is all about good and timely intelligence – we can see the importance of that in the fight against terrorism – and it is about having systems and policies and products that are well designed and tested and have had proper due diligence. In other words, if you want to prevent crime, you need to integrate crime prevention into your business model. Whether you are a bank, a telco, a utility or a government department.
  6. For governments and regulators it meant they should take seriously the idea of a "risk-based" approach to regulation; something they had always glibly talked about but never really understood. There needed to be a more calibrated approach to non-compliance. A more intelligent assessment of whether a failure to comply was significant or not. Did it go to systems or culture? Was it going to change behaviour or practice in a positive or negative way?
  7. It highlighted the importance of new technology. The speed and volume of transactions means the requirement to carry out due diligence on customers and transactions is a significant challenge. Good intelligence is critical. International companies provide banks and finance companies with access to vast amounts of data. Algorithms and profiles are used to flag "problem cases". This also highlights the tensions between the requirements of privacy laws and restrictions on collecting, using and sharing data, and the requirements of due diligence and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. We need to radically rethink our approach to privacy protection and focus on the misuse of information rather than the regulation of the collection and sharing of information. It is impossible to overstate the importance of the sharing of intelligence as a critical tool in combating crime and terrorism.
  8. Unsurprisingly, cyber sits at the frontier of modern finance. It creates a truly global system of finance. Conventional banking is struggling to come to terms with migrating to a new world of truly global and seamless transactions from a world of traditional banking, bricks and mortar and various legacy systems.

Interestingly, developing countries in Africa and Asia seem to be "leapfrogging" over these legacy issues. The use of "mobile banking" and "agent banking" is more widespread and the use of biometrics does not appear to raise the same hackles. This is having a significant impact in countries such as India and Malaysia.

Cyber is also creating new challenges for not only crime prevention, but for governments and regulators. It creates the perfect condition for "regulatory arbitrage" – criminals or terrorists taking advantage of weak or permissive jurisdictions. However, it is not just a financial sector issue. It is arguably a key issue for governments facing new global technological, telecommunications, and trading environments.

Roger Wilkins AO was the secretary of the Australian Attorney-General's Department and President of the Financial Action Task Force. He is chairman of the Fintel Alliance Board, a fellow of ASPI and a senior advisor to Norton Rose Fulbright.

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