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Instead of Spending $1 in 5 on Health Care, Why Not Imitate Country Spending $1 in 20?


One in every five dollars spent in the United States goes toward health-care expenses. Singaporeans spend less than one in 20. They live longer lives and report more satisfaction with their health care system. What do they do right that the United States might imitate? Singapore requires that its citizens pay into a health-care fund. This, […]

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‘Get Out,’ Horror Films, and Social Commentary


Jordan Peele, director, and writer of the acclaimed horror-satire Get Out (released on DVD on May 23, 2017), is a black man. And Peele has been quite open about his views on race relations, once telling the Los Angeles Times, “Little Haley Joel Osment in ‘The Sixth Sense’ can see dead people. Well, I can see […]

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Venezuela: The Coup Was an Afterthought


Those of us raised  during the Cold War tend to think of democracy and communism as opposites. They’re not. Democracy tends toward communism until the egalitarian dream proves unworkable, then it collapses into tyranny. In the United States, we’re blind to this. We think that history, which began in 1776, has a direction, or sides, […]

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Needed: Civilian Control of the Military


In an August 7th Breaking Defense article entitled “Too Many Generals in the Trump Administration?” Naval War College Professor Joan Johnson-Freese questioned whether general officers with little or no experience outside the U.S. military bring the right job skills and cultural dispositions to their positions in the nation’s civilian government. Such a question seems particularly […]

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Liberalism, Transgenderism, and Gay Conversion Bans


“At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” So spoke Justice Anthony Kennedy in his famous, or infamous, 1992 opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey largely reaffirming the right to abortion established twenty years earlier in […]

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Warding Off Job-Killing Local Licensing


Momentum for occupational licensing reform continues to grow on the state level and in Washington, D.C. Though there have been many meaningful reforms in states like Mississippi and Arizona, Tennessee is the clear leader in the nationwide push to reform out-of-control licensing laws. Forward-thinking Tennessee state policymakers not only reformed state licensing — they also […]

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Various & Sundry Things This Side of John Podesta and Other Crawfish


I offer the following bloviations and utterances in lieu of a coherent column, seeing as though very little of our national affairs is transpiring in any coherent fashion… There is a concerted effort on the part of the cultural Marxist crowd to insure everybody’s morale is degraded to the point where we’re all at each […]

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Sherlock Holmes Investigates Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Her Rogue Computer Technicians


In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel, The Sign of the Four, the greatest detective of all time, Sherlock Holmes, asked Dr. Watson: “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?” An intricate mystery haunts Washington, one so complicated it boggles the […]

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Fifty Years of Resistance


Washington I have experienced defeat in presidential politics many times. Actually, I expect most Americans have. You win some and you lose some. I first experienced defeat in 1964 when Barry Goldwater went down, though in that year I was not even old enough to vote. I experienced it in 1968 and again in 1976 […]

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Fascist Media Matters Moves to Silence Hannity


Will Sean Hannity’s sponsors allow themselves to be bullied by fascists? The question arises as the fascist Media Matters — there is no other way to describe the George Soros funded group — moves forward — yet again — with its latest plan to end free speech in America. Doing this, mind you, under the […]

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