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12 August 2017 | Headlines

Ga Mashie to celebrate Homowo festival today

Ga Mashie to celebrate Homowo festival today

The people of Ga Mashie will today celebrate the annual Homowo festival in Accra.

Homowo which means “hooting at hunger” is usually preceded by a month long ban on noise making and drumming in the capital city, Accra.

It begins with the sowing of millet by the traditional priests in May every year.

The festival is organized at varying times by different quarters of the Ga tribe and celebrated with the sprinkling of 'Kpokpoe' [a mixture of palm soup and ground corn] by the traditional authorities.

The Ga-Mashie group celebrates the festival first followed by other towns including the La and Teshie groups.

Homowo recounts the migration of the Gas and reveals their agricultural success in their new settlement.

According to Ga oral tradition, a severe famine broke out among the people during their migration to present day Accra.

They were inspired by the famine to embark on massive food production exercises which eventually yielded them bumper harvests.

Their hunger ended and with great joy, they “hooted at hunger.”


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By: oluwafemi Daniel Dos quot-img-1